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How technology has

evaporated Boredom
Ellis Paul Torrance was an American
Psychologist in the 1950’s and noticed that
teachers preferred book smart kids and didn’t
Boredom creates like the highly energetic, big idea, mad scientist
kids. The school system deemed these types
creativity of kids bad, but Torrance saw something else.
In a real world problem booksmart kids would
try to find the answer in a book while the other
Being in a state of Boredom isn’t kids would use creativity to solve it. He then
exactly fun, however it is important. made a study and asked kids how they would
Being in a state of boredom creates make improvements to a toy. He then followed
important development for the brain. those kids up until he died and found that the
When we are bored the brain tells us kids with the most creative ideas were the most
to do something which is where we successful. It has also been determined that
creativity is much better for predicting success
find creative things to make our brains
than IQ tests. A lot of these “Disruptive
come into focus mode. With our students ended up being business owners or in
phones we have evaporated boredom very high paying jobs.
because when we are bored we run
back to our phones and social media
and mindlessly scroll on tik tok or
The brain
Our brains work just like muscles. When
we work out our muscles we eventually
tire them out after doing a set of
repetitions. The brain works the same
exact way. On average, we spend around
11 hours and 6 minutes looking at our
smartphones, computers or TV’s per day.
This all comes at a cost for our brains. All
this time we spend, our brain is in focus
mode. When our brains are engaged in
focus mode we exert an extraordinary
amount of effort. We live most of our life
stressing our brains out and overworking
it. This has led to more depression in kids,
and has attributed to social anxiety or
With our collective lack of boredom we are reaching extreme mental
fatigue. Screen based media is causing us to become increasingly picky,
impatient, distracted and demanding. With our heads buried in our phones,
computers and other media devices, we are missing the beauty in life by
not being present in nature.

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