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Organizational Behaviour

(Test Bank)

MCQ’s Questions:

1. ……………. is the study of how people behave both individually and within
informal and formal groups.

A Organizational behaviour C Job satisfaction

B Perception D Justice

2. ………….. is the study of human behaviour in organizational settings, the interface

between human behaviour and the organization, and the organization itself.

A Organizational behaviour C Job satisfaction

B Perception D Justice

3. Interrelated dimensions influencing behavior are …………….

A Individual and Group C Organisation and Environment

B A&C D Not of all

4. …………. is a collection of people working together in a division of labour to

achieve a common purpose.

A Organization C Management

B Subordinates D Supervisors

5. ……………… are social inventions for accomplishing goals through group efforts.

A Organizations C Management

B Subordinates D Supervisors

6. ………….. is an organizational function responsible for staffing issues.

A Organization C Organizational behaviors

B Pssychology D Human resource management

7. ………….. is the science that seeks to measure, explain, and sometimes change the
behavior of humans and other animals.

A Organization C Organizational behaviors

B Pssychology D Human resource management

8. ………….. is the study of societies to learn about human beings and their activities.

A Anthropology C Organizational behaviors

B Pssychology D Human resource management

9. …………… as consisting of the values, beliefs and norms which influence the
behavior of people.

A ‎Organization’s‎culture‎‎ C Organizational behaviors

B Pssychology D Human resource management

10. people in …………… perceive themselves to be more independent and self-reliant.

A Organization‟s culture C group-oriented cultures

B self-oriented cultures D aggression cultures

11. In …………….., ties between people are tight, relationships are firmly structured
and individual needs are subservient to the collective needs.

A Organization‟s culture C group-oriented cultures

B self-oriented cultures D aggression cultures

12. In ……………. , achievement is stressed, competition dominates and conflicts are

resolved through the exercise of power and assertiveness.

A Organization‟s culture C group-oriented cultures

B self-oriented cultures D aggression cultures

13. „we can change things around here‟ , this attitude reflects the ………….. dimension
in culture.

A fatalism C Proactivism

B self-oriented cultures D aggression cultures

14. The willingness to accept things as they are in others – this attitude reflects the
………….. dimension in culture.

A fatalism C Pro-activism

B self-oriented cultures D aggression cultures

15. In ………….. cultures, interactions and relationships tend to be determined by

explicit rules which are applied to everyone.

A fatalism C Pro-activism

B limited relationship D holistic cultures

16. In………….., greater attention is given to relationship obligations, for example

kinship, patronage and friendship, than to impartially applied rules.

A fatalism C Proactivism

B limited relationship D holistic cultures

17. ………………is a belief or opinion, often held by many people and based on how
things seem.

A Organizational behaviour C Job satisfaction

B Perception D Justice

18. ………….. is the organization, identification, and interpretation

of sensory information in order to represent and understand the presented information or

A Organizational behaviour C Job satisfaction

B Perception D Justice
19. Factors in the perceiver That Influence Perception are ……………

A Attitude and Motives. C Expectations.

B Interests and Experience D All of the above.

20. Factors in the ………… That Influence Perception are Time, work setting, and
social setting.

A perceiver C target

B situations D A&B

21. Factors in the …………. That Influence Perception are Novelty, motion, sounds,
size, Background, proximity, and similarity.

A perceiver C target

B situations D A&B

22. …………… deals with how individuals perceive the causes of everyday experience,
as being either external or internal.

A stress C Job satisfaction

B Attribution ‎ D Justice

23. The ………….. refers to an individual's tendency to attribute another's actions to

their character or personality.

A fundamental attribution error C self-serving bias

B Selective perception D Halo effect

24. The ………….. describes when we attribute positive events and successes to our
own character or actions.

A fundamental attribution error C self-serving bias

B Selective perception D Halo effect

25. …………….. is the process by which humans select, categorize, and analyze
stimuli from the environment.
A fundamental attribution error C self-serving bias

B Selective perception D Halo effect

26. …………….. is Drawing a general impression about an individual on the basis of a

single characteristic.

A fundamental attribution error C self-serving bias

B Selective perception D Halo effect

27. …………is an unconscious bias that happens when two things are judged in
comparison to one another, instead of being assessed individually.

A Contrast effect ‎ C projection bias

B Selective perception D Stereotyping

28. The ………….. , This bias arises because people assume that others think, feel,
believe, and behave similarly to themselves.

A Contrast effect C projection bias

B Selective perception D Stereotyping

29. ………….. is Judging someone on the basis of one's perception of the group to
which the person belongs.

A Contrast effect C projection bias

B Selective perception D Stereotyping

30. …………. means being aware of our own behaviors, preferences, styles, biases and

A Self-esteem C Individual differences

B Self-concept D ‎Self-awareness ‎

31. …………… is the view individuals have of themselves as physical, social, spiritual,
or moral beings.

A Self-esteem C Individual differences

B Self-concept D Self-awareness

32. ………….. is a belief about one‟s own worth based on an overall self- evaluation.

A Self-esteem C Individual differences

B Self-concept D Self-awareness

33. ……………is an individual‟s belief about the likelihood of successfully completing

a specific task.

A Self-esteem C Individual differences

B Self-concept D ‎Self-efficacy

34. …………… is the extent a person feels able to control his or her own life and is
concerned with a person‟s internal–external orientation.

A proactive personality C Authoritarianism

B Self-monitoring D ‎‎Locus of control ‎

35. ……………. is a tendency to adhere rigidly to conventional values and to obey

recognized authority.

A proactive personality C Authoritarianism

B Self-monitoring D Locus of control

36. ………….causes someone to view and manipulate others purely for personal gain.

A proactive personality C Authoritarianism

B Self-monitoring D ‎‎Machiavellianism‎‎

37. …………… is a person‟s ability to adjust his or her behavior to external situational
(environmental) factors.

A proactive personality C Authoritarianism

B Self-monitoring D Machiavellianism
38. ………… is the degree to which an individual feels positive or negative about a job.

A Organizational behaviour C Job satisfaction

B Perception D Justice

39. ……….. is an attitude reflecting a person‟s evaluation of his or her job or job
experiences at a particular point in time.

A Organizational behaviour C Job satisfaction

B Perception D Justice

40. Components of Job Satisfaction are, …………..

A Relationships with co-workers C Quality of supervision

B promotion opportunities, and Pay D All of the above.

41. …………… represent a willingness to “go beyond the call of duty” or “go the extra
mile” in one‟s work.

A Organizational citizenship C counterproductive work behaviors

behaviors “OCBs,”

B Job satisfaction D All of the above.

42. ……………. include work avoidance to physical and verbal aggression of others to
bad mouthing to outright work sabotage to theft.

A Organizational citizenship C counterproductive work behaviors

behaviors “OCBs,”

B Job satisfaction D All of the above.

43. Right rewards allocated in the right ways will ……… influence both performance
and satisfaction.

A positively C Negatively

B A&C D All of the above.

True and False questions:

1. Research has demonstrated that culture is one of the key factors that contribute to
organizational success over the long-term. (TRUE)

2. One of the objectives of OB is To encourage the people to work enthusiastically in

the organization. (TRUE)

3. One of the objectives of OB is To develop effective group behaviour among the

employees. (TRUE)

4. One of the objectives of OB is To identify the reasons for conflict and to resolve the
conflict. (TRUE)

5. One of the objectives of OB is To establish a social system in the organization.


6. Political science, the study of the behaviour of individuals and groups within a
political environment. (TRUE)

7. A contingency approach to organizational behaviour implies that different situations

require different behavioural practices for effectiveness instead of following a
traditional approach for all situations. (TRUE)

8. Productivity is considered to be improved, if more outputs can be produced from

the same amount of inputs. (TRUE)

9. Culture provides a sense of identity to members and increases their commitment to

the organization (TRUE)

10.Culture is a sense-making device for organization members (TRUE)

11.Culture reinforces the values of the organization (TRUE)

12.Culture serves as a control mechanism for shaping Behaviour

13.Persons with an internal locus of control, believe that they control their own fate or
destiny. (TRUE)

14.Heredity and Environment affect in self. (TRUE)

15.Heredity consists of those factors that are determined at conception, including

physical characteristics, gender, and personality factors. (TRUE)

16.Perceptual biases affect the accuracy of interviewers‟ judgments of applicants


17.Individual differences are the ways in which people are similar and how they vary
in their thinking, feeling, and Behavior (TRUE)

18.To judge the cause of action is external or internal, we use three concepts are
Distinctiveness: situations, Consensus situation, and Consistency. (TRUE)

19.personality is the overall combination of characteristics that capture the unique

nature of a person as that person reacts to and interacts with others. (TRUE)

20.Big Five Personality Traits are Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness,

Emotional stability, and Openness to experience. (TRUE)

21.Persons with an external locus of control, believe that much of what happens to
them is beyond their control and is determined by environmental forces (such as
fate). (TRUE)

22.A person who is a good organizational citizen does things that although not required
of them (TRUE)

23.There is a strong relationship between job satisfaction and physical withdrawal

behaviors like absenteeism and turnover. (TRUE)

24.Individuals with a Type A orientation are characterized by impatience, desire for

achievement, and perfectionism. (TRUE)

25.Machiavellian capable of lying to achieve personal goals. (TRUE)

26.Individuals with a Type B orientation are characterized as more easygoing and less
competitive in relation to daily events (TRUE)

27.Workers who are more satisfied with their jobs are absent less often than those who

are dissatisfied. (TRUE)

28.dissatisfied workers are more likely to quit or at least be on the lookout for other
jobs. (TRUE)

29.Job satisfaction is also linked with organizational citizenship behaviors. (TRUE)

30.Examples of organizational OCBs are evident as co-workers who are always willing
volunteers for special committee or task force assignments. (TRUE)

31.counterproductive work behaviors Often associated with some form of job

dissatisfaction. (TRUE)

32.Research finds that people with higher daily job satisfaction show more positive
after-work home affect. (TRUE)

33.Job satisfaction alone is not a consistent predictor of individual work performance.


34.It is the duty of every leader to respect individual values, job satisfaction, and
ensure collective involvement. (TRUE)


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