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Part 1: repetir la pregunta en forma de respuesta.

Part 2 & 3:
I can see… (1) two different pictures… (2) only a picture…

En caso de dos fotos:

In the first picture there is / are… on the other hand in the second picture I
can see…
Looking at the first / second picture I can see…
Both pictures show…
Similarly in the first / second picture, the first / second picture has…

En caso de una foto:

This is a picture of…

Pensar sobre la imagen y dar tú opinión:

It must be…
I suppose…
It might be + vb ing…
It seems to be…
I get the impression…
I think that…
In my opinion I can say that…
The main difference between the pictures is…
Reaccionar ante las fotos:
It reminds me of…
It makes me think of…
I’d love to …
I really like this picture…
Comparar tu propia situación o experiencia:
For me the most important thing is to…
Personally, I’d prefer…
Sincerelly, I wouldn’t mind + vb ing… however / on the other hand…
I’d choose the first / second situation
In my opinion it would be better… because…

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