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Mechanical Engineering

B.Tech. – 3rd Semester Engineering Thermodynamics

QB-Unit 2 – Entropy:

Problems related to Entropy:

1) In order to check the validity of 2nd law , m1 kg of water at temperature T1 is isobarically and adiabatically mixed
with m2 kg of water at temperature T2 (T2>T1). Determine the change in entropy of the universe. Find an
expression for the same for equal mass of water. Also prove that the change is necessarily positive.
2) One kg of ice at -10°C is allowed to melt at 30°C. The ice melts and the water so formed rises in temperature to
that of atmosphere. Determine: (i) Entropy change of system considering ice as a system, (ii) Entropy change of
surrounding considering atmosphere as surrounding, (iii) entropy change of universe.
3) Explain Carnot cycle and deduce expression for its efficiency. Also draw the P-V and T-S diagram for a Carnot cycle.
4) One kg of air occupies 0.084m3 at 12.5 bar and 537°C. It is expanded at a constant temperature to a final volume
0.336m3. Calculate: (i) the pressure at the end of expansion (ii) work done during expansion. (iii) Heat absorbed
by air (iv) change of entropy.
5) 0.5 kg of a perfect gas is heated from 100°C to 300°C at a constant pressure of 2.8 bar. It is then cooled to 100°C
at constant volume. Find the overall change in entropy. Take Cp = 1kJ/kg K and Cv = 0.72 kJ/kg K.
6) One kg of air initially at 7 bar and 360°K temperature expands polytropically ( pv1.2=const) until the pressure is
reduced to 1.4 bar. Determine: (i) final specific volume and temperature (ii) change of internal energy, work done
and heat interaction (ii) change in entropy. Take R=287J/kgK and γ=1.4.
7) A closed system contains air at pressure 1 bar, temperature 290°K and volume 0.02m3. This system undergoes a
thermodynamic cycle consisting of the following three processes in series:
Process 1-2: constant volume heat addition till pressure becomes 4 bar.
Process 2-3: constant pressure cooling
Process 3-1: isothermal heating to initial state.
Represent the cycle on T-S diagram and evaluate the change of entropy for each process.
Take cv= 0.718 kJ/kg K and R =287 J/kg K.

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