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FAQs section

Muh discord?
We don’t have a discord….because its just a dollar and we don’t need a little geeks social
club to talk about it. Its just a dollar backed by the assets users deposit. Real simple shit.

Muh Whitepaper?
We don’t have a whitepaper…..because despite what the government like to pretend, the
economics of a stable coin doesn’t need a fucking masters of econ to illustrate. It’s a dollar
and its backed by assets. The code is here: <insert github>

Muh Telegram?
We don’t have a telegram because we are decentralized and don’t want to work
unnecessarily harder answering the dumb questions community members are too lazy to go
research themselves.

Muh Instagram?
We don’t do Instagram because we don’t suffer NPD and if you actually saw what we looked
like you would probably run.

Muh Tiktok?
We don’t have a TikTok because we cant dance for shit.

Muh Facebook?
We don’t have a FB because who uses that shit anyway these days.

Muh Twitter?
We have a twitter. Its funny, don’t take it too seriously <insert link>

Muh FUD?
If you have a problem, just sell and go away, if you don’t have any tokens why do you have a

Muh amazing promo services?

No don’t dm us your stupid marketing pitches. Your methods suck and you know it. We
aren’t stupid and we don’t want to advertise or pitch people. If you get it, use it, if you dont
we don’t care. We aren’t going to pay companies to tell other people to use it because muh
utility. Its real simple bro – you can see the collateral and its value here <insert link> You can
mint here <insert link> you can become central banker here <insert link to FED>

Muh CEX is big?

No don’t dm us about a CEX listing. We know most your stats are BS, we know you’ll try
overcharge and under deliver then demand we pay market makers millions per year just to
make it look like your shitty CEX has volume. If we get enough users, you will list us anyway
for the trading fees, if we don’t get enough users well then the market has spoken.

Muh OTC influencer group?

No don’t dm us about muh influencer network or muh big bad VC fund. You want OTC you
can OTC Deez nuts. Go buy off the market like everyone else.

Where buy USM?

You can get USM here <Link to Uniswap market>
Or you can mint USM here <Link to minting>

Where buy FED?

You can buy FED coins here <Insert link to uniswap>

Muh code?
The code for the protocol is here. <insert github repo>

The code audit is here <insert code audit>

Muh FED info?

The token tracker is here for FED <insert token for contract>

Why FED?
FED stands for FINANCIALLY EDUCATED DEGENS. Because you guys are the backers and
mediators of the MBUX stable coin. You can change design, add or remove certain types of
collateral and NFTs you think GMI or NGMI etc. Basically you should know what youre doing
if you own FED coins, otherwise sell them please and go away. We want smart people
managing the network.

Muh USM info?

The token tracker is here for USM <insert token contract>

Muh NFTs?
What NFTs can I use to mint. FED token holders can approve or remove NFT collections from
the pool. Current NFT collections are as follows: <insert link>

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