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Chapter 3

1. The past relations that exist between the two negotiating parties has
limited role in effecting the negotiation process false
2. a serious disagreement or argument about something important refers to
conflict true
3. When personal relationships are at stake, we may not wish to win the
argument in the negotiations true
4. Win- lose approach is better used when there are fixed resources to be
divided so that the more one gets, the less the other gets. True
5. Formulating an effective agenda is not considered a prerequisite for a
good negotiation false
6. a unilateral approach should consider letting the other party know ahead
of time that the agenda is open to discussion or change true


1. Characteristics of the Negotiation Process include all the following

except :

A) a minimum of two parties

B) There is a clash of pre-determined goals
C) expectation of outcome by both the parties.
D) One party is willing to compromise

2. Which of the following factors affect the process of negotiation ?

A) goals and interests of the parties

B) The nature, temperament and personalities of the parties.
C) The persuasive ability of each party
D) All of the above

3. …. Refers to Fear of losing good future chances during negotiation

A) Fear
B) Mutual obligation
C) Future considerations
D) Practical wisdom

4. strategies in this mode include manipulation, forcing, and

withholding information.

A) Win lose
B) Win- win
C) Lose- lose
D) Compromise

5. This type of situation arises when the negotiating partners ignore one
another's need and the need to hurt each other outweighs the need to
find some kind of an acceptable solution.

A) Win- lose
B) Win - win
C) Lose - lose
D) Compromise

6. …. is the most undesirable type of outcome during negotiations

A) Win lose
B) Win - win
C) Lose - lose
D) Compromise

7. …… entails some improvement over the 'lose- lose' strategy outcome.

A) Win lose
B) Win - win
C) Lose- lose
D) Compromise

8. …….. also means collaborative or creating value approach

A) Win lose
B) Win - win
C) Lose - lose
D) Compromise

9. ……… approach maximise joint outcomes

A) Win lose
B) integrative
C) Lose - lose
D) Compromise

10. Contents of a negotiation agenda include ….

A) Tentative time devoted to each of the issues thus, minimising wastage of

B) Location of the negotiation session.
C) Names and designation of the negotiators from the parties along with the
other members attending the negotiation session.
D) All of the above

11. the second step in the negotiation process is ….

A) Preparation
B) Bargaining Phase
C) Opening Phase
D) Closure Phase

12. ….. coming closer to the objective that you intended to achieve when
you started the negotiation

a. Bargaining Phase
b. Preparation phase
c. Opening phase
d. Closure phase

13. …… involves sealing the agreement in which both parties formalise

the agreement in a written contract or letter of intent

A) Bargaining Phase
B) Opening Phase
C) Closure Phase
D) Preparation phase

14. Barriers to Successful Negotiation include all the following except :

A) 'Try to win at all costs' attitude

B) Over exhibition of emotions
C) Showing more aspects of empathy
D) Wrong focus

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