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Use Case name Booking

The user makes a booking for an

Use Case Discription
accommodation on the Airbnb platform.

Actor Free users, guests, Airbnb online system, Hosts

Priority High

The user has found an accommodation they

want to book
 The user has searched and found an
accommodation they want to book
 The user has provide their personal
information ( name, email, phone
number,…) and payment details (credit
 The user’s booking is confirmed and
stored in the system
 The host is notified of the new booking
 The user receive a booking and can
communicate with the host through the
Airbnb online system
Basic Flow 1. The user selects the accomofation they
want to book and click “Book”
2. The system prompts the user to enter
their personal information and payment
3. The user enter their personal
information and payment details and
click “Confirm”
4. The system checks the availability of
the accommodation for their specified
5. If the accommodation is available, the
system creates a new booking for the
6. The system can generates a booking
confirmation that includes the booking
details ( accommodation name, check-
in check-out date)
7. The system sends the booking
confirmation to the user and the host
8. The user receives the booking
confirmation and the host
9. The user receives the booking
confirmation and completes the booking
If the accommodation is not available for the
specified dates the system inform the user and
Alternative Flow
suggest alternative options

If there is an issue with the payment, the

Exception Flow system displays an error message and prompts
the user to correct their payment details
The system should prioritize bookings from
Business Rule
user with positive review and ratings
 Security
 The system must be able to containable
None_funtional Requirement a large number of request
 The system should be sharing the
booking confirmation with the hosts

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