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Here's the revised chart incorporating the valuable feedback and suggestions:

Comprehensive Chart of SSC JE Reasoning Topics


Importance Topics Description (Optional)

Most Important Analogies & Classification Identifying relationships

and similarities between

Most Important Coding-Decoding Deciphering codes and

patterns to understand
hidden messages or

Most Important Puzzle & Seating Applying logic and

Arrangement reasoning to solve spatial
puzzles and seating

Most Important Number Series Identifying patterns and

(Arithmetical & rules in sequences of
Alphanumeric) numbers and numbers
with letters.

Medium Importance Blood Relations Understanding familial

connections and solving
problems based on family
Importance Topics Description (Optional)


Medium Importance Spatial Visualization Analyzing objects and their

spatial relationships in 2D
or 3D.

Medium Importance Problem-Solving Applying logical thinking

and analytical skills to
solve various reasoning

Medium Importance Statement & Conclusion Evaluating the relationship

between statements and
drawing valid conclusions.

Medium Importance Syllogism Deducing logical

conclusions based on
given statements in a
syllogistic form.

Medium Importance Alphanumeric Series Identifying patterns in

sequences containing
numbers and letters.

Medium Importance Mathematical Operations Performing basic

arithmetic calculations to
solve reasoning problems.

Medium Importance Data Sufficiency Assessing whether

provided information is
Importance Topics Description (Optional)

sufficient to answer a

Medium Importance Critical Reasoning Evaluating arguments,

(Emerging Importance) identifying
and drawing inferences.

Least Important Distance & Directions Solving problems related

to distances, directions,
and sense of orientation.

Least Important Visual Memory Recalling and recognizing

previously presented
visual information.

Least Important Calendar and Clock Performing basic

calculations involving
dates, days, and time.

Least Important Inequalities Understanding

relationships between
numbers using symbols
like <, >, ≤, and ≥.

Least Important Alligation (Rarely Tested) Mixing substances in

specific ratios to achieve a
desired mixture.

Additional Topics for Well-Rounded Preparation (Optional Focus):

● Ordering and Ranking: Sequencing items based on a particular criterion or assigning ranks.
● Symbols and Notations: Deciphering the meaning of symbols or notations used in a given
● Direction Sense Test: Problems involving directions and sense of orientation.
● Logical Venn Diagrams: Analyzing relationships between sets using Venn diagrams.
● Alphabet Test: Identifying patterns or sequences in a series of alphabets.
● Input-Output: Analyzing patterns in input-output sequences and predicting the output.
● Statement and Assumptions (Least Important): Determining which assumptions are implicit in
a given statement.
● Statement and Arguments (Least Important): Evaluating the validity of arguments based on
given statements.
● Assertion and Reasoning (Least Important): Assessing the validity of an assertion based on a
given reason.
● Word Formation: Forming new words based on certain rules or conditions.
● Series (Verbal and Non-Verbal): Identifying patterns and completing series of words,
numbers, or figures.
● Mirror Images and Water Images: Identifying the reflection of an object in a mirror or water
● Figure Series: Tests the ability to identify patterns and sequences in a series of figures.

Important Notes:

● Focus on mastering the "Most Important" and "Medium Importance" topics first.
● Consider exploring the "Additional Topics" if time permits.
● Refer to the latest SSC syllabus and exam analysis for the most up-to-date information.
● Critical Reasoning is increasingly being tested and may be of emerging importance.

This revised chart incorporates the following adjustments:

● Syllogism and Alphanumeric Series: Moved to "Medium Importance" based on their

common occurrence in exams.
● Critical Reasoning: Upgraded to "Medium Importance (Emerging Importance)" due to its
growing relevance.
● Mathematical Operations and Data Sufficiency: Added to "Medium Importance" for a
well-rounded preparation.
● Descriptions (Optional): Added brief explanations for some core topics to enhance
● Clarification on Least Important Topics: Emphasized that they can still contribute to the

This enhanced chart offers a more comprehensive and accessible resource for SSC JE
Reasoning preparation. It effectively prioritizes core topics while recognizing the potential of less
frequent areas. By following this guide and strategically allocating study time, aspirants can
significantly increase their chances of success in the SSC JE Reasoning section.

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