Graduation Speech

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Adam Truong

Mrs. Wold
ERWC Period 2
20 February 2024

Graduation Speech

Hello, seniors of Great Oak,

Today is a monumental day in our lives. Standing here in front of you today makes
me feel nostalgic about what we went through in our 4 years together.

First, I like to thank all the teachers and staff who made this school a wonderful
place to stay even when times became tough.

The school faced many challenges such as the epidemic that I don't need to go
further about but when the students were trapped in school for emergency service
to investigate a tanker truck that flipped near our school spilling chemicals. Which
is the strangest thing to happen at our school but otherwise made the event unique
enough to stay in the minds of all of us.

Looking back to our past we had many fun events that happened such as the many
sports rallies and performances that entertained the masses. Through these events,
we learned through the acronym SPIRIT that I is for Involvement which the school
holds in high regard through crazy events like the homecoming games which
everybody shows their spirit repping our school’s color.

The future is upon us all and it's a time when we all need to achieve our dreams to
make those who supported us feel proud of our accomplishments. Let's make our
mark on the world and enter the world with courage and optimism. Lets make
changes to the world and accomplish montimental feats.
Always remember where you came from fellow graduates, and may our life's
journey begin now after this day.

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