U8 Test PP GR A

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Unit 8 Poziom podstawowy Test A

Imię i nazwisko: ____________________________________ Klasa: ____

1 Track 08 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie informacje na temat szkolnej wycieczki. Na podstawie informacji

zawartych w nagraniu uzupełnij luki w tabeli tak, aby jak najbardziej precyzyjnie oddać sens
wysłuchanego tekstu. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim.


Brian  travel arrangements  Oak Tree Station  8am
for class trip, e.g.  train departure time:
booking (2) _______________
(1) _______________

Martin Greene  tour of University  entrance gate on  start tour: 9.30

College – the oldest (3) _______________  lunch break:
college at Oxford (4) _______________

Professor Helen White  tour of All Souls  Radcliffe Square  tour starts 1.30
College and ends at 3.30
 architecture and  some
art works (5) _______________
until train leaves
 departure time: 5.10

___ / 5

2 Przeczytaj cztery teksty (A–D) związane z programem zajęć wakacyjnych. Wykonaj zadania 1–5 zgodnie
z poleceniami.
Tekst A


Offering education, adventure and community projects for three age groups: Teens (11–13),
Pro-Teens (14–16), and Warriors (17–19).
Each section has its own group leaders and facilities, with special trips and projects for each level.
Dates are from 15 July to 29 August. Early registration fee is £150 to reserve a place. Full fees and application
forms can be found on our website, along with answers to your questions on our FAQs page!

Tekst B
From: BellaCompton@RelantusSP.co
To: Participants
Subject: Summer Programme Preparations

This year’s Summer Programme is about to start! Thanks to everyone who’s registered for the four-week
Relantus Challenge Programme! As you know, it starts in just two weeks, so we want you to be fully prepared.
Arrivals commence at 9.00 on 15 July, so remember to be on time! Teens will be welcomed at the Forest
Building, just south of the car park. Pro-Teens should go to the Sky Dome, which is a five-minute walk north of
the car park. Warriors will meet on the west side of the car park at 9.30 and take a coach to the Adventure
Bridge site. Please review our rules and regulations before arrival.

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Tekst C
Our study included both new and established summer programmes for young people. One of the longest-
running programmes, Relantus, which was started in 2010, has consistently proved itself to be among the most
balanced in terms of both gender and race. The table below shows an average of yearly participation by gender
in each of the three levels of the programme, including the ages of participants. As can be seen, after the initial
level, participation by males and females is nearly equal, and the organisers have stated that equality is
encouraged in all activities.

TEENS (11–13) PRO-TEENS (14–16) WARRIORS (17–19)


Tekst D
Sally: All packed and ready to go! I’m really looking forward to it. From the article I read, there are pretty
equal numbers of boys and girls, so we won’t feel like ‘extras.’
David: Yeah, that’s great. I’m not packed, though. I simply don’t know what to take.
Karen: Have another look at the list. You don’t need much. And don’t forget to sign up for some of the special
projects. I forgot last year, so all the interesting ones were already full.
David: I thought all of them were worthwhile.
Karen: Yeah, but they’re not equally enjoyable. I ended up cleaning the forest trails last year. Ugh!
David: OK, I’ll have a look. BTW, can I take a digital camera?
Karen: Cameras are fine, but that’s all. No mobile phones is the rule, but you’ll be so busy you won’t even
notice that you haven’t got one!

Przeczytaj zdania (1–2). Dopasuj do każdego zdania właściwy tekst (A–D).

1 We can find out about some rules and regulations from this text. ____
2 This text gives some specific instructions for participants joining the programme. ____

Uzupełnij luki (3–5) zgodnie z treścią tekstów (A–D) tak, aby jak najbardziej precyzyjnie oddać ich sens.
Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie dwa wyrazy.
Hi Lauren!
Have you heard about the Relantus Summer Challenge programme? It takes place from July 15 th to
(3) _______________, and I think it’s going to be amazing! My sister and I are both going, but we’ll be in
different sections because of our age difference. She’s only 12, so she’ll be in the Teens section. I’m turning 17
just before it starts, so I’ll be in the Warriors. It would be great if you could sign up too. You have to pay a 150
pound registration fee, and the programme fees are quite high, but I think it will be worth it. The programme
aims at gender equality as it has almost the (4) _______________ of boys and girls, especially in the older
groups; it also tries to give everyone the same opportunities. The one negative is that participants can’t have
their (5) _______________ with them, but I suppose we’ll get used to it. I thought your brother might like to
come too. I know he’s 19, which means he’ll be among the oldest people there, but I think he’d love it!
Let me know what you think.
___ / 5

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3 Complete the sentences with the correct words. Some letters have been given.
1 I got awfully _ u _ b _ _ _ ed last summer when I fell asleep on the beach.
2 The hotel offers some sports f _ c _ _ _ t _ es, such as a swimming pool and tennis courts.
3 You should read the safety _ n _ _ _ u _ _ _ _ n _ carefully before hiring a canoe.
4 Our flight was delayed, so we spent about four hours in the d _ _ _ r _ _ _ e lounge at the airport.
5 Our tour _ u _ d _ told us lots of interesting facts about the historic buildings in the city.

___ / 5

4 Read the definitions and write the correct words.

1 a piece of equipment that reduces the risk of drowning when you fall into deep water: _______________
2 a kind of holiday which is all about doing exciting things, such as bungee jumping or climbing:
_______________ _______________
3 a type of vehicle used for carrying large amounts of goods: _______________
4 an object that is placed alongside roads or motorways and gives information to drivers, e.g. what the speed
limit is: _______________ _______________
5 a place where you go to catch a train: _______________ _______________

___ / 5

5 Complete the sentences with the correct verbs in the box. There are two extra words.
go miss leave change print out delayed late
1 You don’t need to ___________ your boarding pass – you can just download an electronic one on your
2 Don’t worry. If you ___________ the ten o’clock bus, there’s another one at 10.25.
3 I’m afraid our flight is going to be ___________ by the bad weather, so let’s check the new departure time
before we start for the airport.
4 If you have a special pass, you can ___________ through the airport security much faster.
5 You don’t have to ___________ trains at the Cambridge station – it’s faster to catch a bus to our village

___ / 5

6 Wykorzystując podane wyrazy, uzupełnij zdania tak, aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego.
Nie zmieniaj podanych fragmentów i formy podanych wyrazów. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność
gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
cztery wyrazy.
1 I don’t really want to go on another guided tour. FANCY
I ____________________________________ on another guided tour.
2 She wasn’t allowed to go on the school trip to Paris. LET
Her parents didn’t ____________________________________ on the school trip to Paris.
3 Visiting the Neon Museum is a must when you go to Warsaw. TO
You really ____________________________________ the Neon Museum when you go to Warsaw.
4 I really want to learn everything I can about the city. ON
I’m really ____________________________________ everything I can about the city.
5 We had to stay longer at school. MADE
The teacher ____________________________________ longer at school.

___ / 5

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7 W zadaniach (1–5) wpisz obok numeru zadania wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia obydwa zdania.
Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.
1 __________
We bought a map at a nearby tourist information _____.
My sister works in a large _____ in the centre of Warsaw.
2 __________
We went on a sightseeing _____ of London on an open-top bus.
The band are planning to go on _____ next year.
3 __________
My car’s broken down, so I’ll need to _____ the late night train to Berlin.
You’d better put on a jacket or you’ll _____ a cold.
4 __________
I’d like to go sightseeing, so let’s check _____ at the hotel and then we can go out.
Accommodation on the island is not always available, so you should book one _____ advance.
5 __________
Hurry up! If we don’t leave now, we’ll _____ the last bus home.
I don’t think I could live abroad. I’m sure I’d _____ my friends and family.

___ / 5

8 Uzupełnij zdania 1–5. Wykorzystaj w odpowiedniej formie wyrazy podane w nawiasach. Nie należy
zmieniać kolejności podanych wyrazów, trzeba natomiast – jeżeli jest to konieczne – dodać inne wyrazy,
tak aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność
ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań. Uwaga: w każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie cztery
wyrazy, wliczając w to wyrazy już podane.
1 You should apologise (Kate / damage) _______________________________ her suitcase.
2 If you (plan / travel) _______________________________ to China, make sure you read up on the most
interesting sights beforehand.
3 I thought I recognised the woman (sit / front) _______________________________ me in the cinema,
but actually she was just a stranger.
4 Actually, I didn’t (choose / go) _______________________________ with you on this tour. You insisted
I accompany you!
5 Would you mind (drop / me) _______________________________ at the station on your way to work?

___ / 5

TOTAL: ___ / 40

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