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________________, PRINCIPAL JUDGE FAMILY

COURT, ______________

Case No.____




Application for adjournment for

preparation of Cross Examination of

Evidence of Applicant.

Respectfully Showeth:

1. That the above-mentioned case is pending before this Hon’ble Court

and is fixed for today.

2. That I have been appointed in this case by Respondent on 7th March

and my vakalatnama was placed on record on the same date. Due to

Holiday there is no time for getting the copy of complete file and

preparation of cross examination.

3. This Case was listed for Evidence on _______ and applicant submitted

her evidence on ____________ which means applicant took ample time

to submit her evidence.

4. Applicant has already mentioned in her last reply that she doesn’t

press for interim maintenance as she is getting a regular maintenance

u/s 12 DV so there is no hurry to applicant for any maintenance.

It is, therefore, respectfully prayed that the respondent be given

sufficient time for proper preparation of cross examination of the

applicant in the interest of justice. Or any other relief, which this

court may consider necessary in the interest of justice, may also be

granted in favor of Respondent.


Date: ______________ Applicant/Respondent

Through Counsel


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