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Serangan tidur
Overview Symptoms Treatments Sp

Gangguan tidur kronis yang menyebabkan kantuk luar

biasa di siang hari.

Penyebab narkolepsi tidak dipahami dengan baik,

tetapi mungkin melibatkan faktor genetik dan sinyal
abnormal dalam otak.

Fewer than 150 thousand cases per year (Indonesia)

Treatment can help, but this condition can't be


Chronic: can last for years or be lifelong

Requires a medical diagnosis

Lab tests or imaging often required

For informational purposes only. Consult your local medical

authority for advice.
Sources: Mitra Keluarga and others. Learn more



Requires a medical diagnosis

Narkolepsi menyebabkan serangan tidur tiba-tiba.
Kehilangan tonus otot tiba-tiba dan halusinasi dapat

For informational purposes only. Consult your local medical

authority for advice.
Sources: Mitra Keluarga and others. Learn more

More symptoms


Pengobatan terdiri dari stimulan

Stimulan, antidepresan, dan obat lainnya dapat

Terapi Medications
Kelompok dukungan Stimulan, Pengobata
meningkatkan kognis
and SSRI

Consult a doctor for medical advice

Sources: Mitra Keluarga and others. Learn more

More about treatments

Wikipedia › wiki › N...

Narkolepsi - Wikipedia bahasa

Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Narkolepsi (bahasa Inggris: narcolepsy) adalah
gangguan serangan tidur, di mana penderitanya
mengalami kesulitan mempertahankan keadaan sad…
dan hampir ...

People also ask

Narkolepsi disebabkan oleh apa?

Apa narkolepsi bisa sembuh?

Sepe!i apa rasanya katapleksi?

Berapa jam tidur yang dibutuhkan

penderita narkolepsi?

Mayo Clinic › syc-...

Narcolepsy - Symptoms and causes

14 Jan 2023 — Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder that
makes people very drowsy during the day. People with
narcolepsy find it hard to stay awake for long period…

Pengobatan terkait tidur
Mengobati kesulitan dan gangguan tidur.

Ahli Syaraf
Mengobati gangguan sistem saraf.

Mengobati gangguan mental, terutama dengan

For informational purposes only. Consult your local medical

authority for advice.
Sources: Mitra Keluarga and others. Learn more

More specialists

Terveyskirjasto › dlk...

25 Apr 2024 — Narkolepsiassa tämä reaktio kohdistuu
aivojen hypotalamukseen, joka on noin mantelin
kokoinen tumake (hermosolukertymä) aivojen…

Wikipedia › wiki › N...

Narcolepsy is a chronic
neurological disorder that impairs
the ability to regulate sleep–wake
cycles, and specifically impacts
REM (rapid eye movement) ...

Cataplexy Excessive daytime sleepiness List of p

Cleveland Clinic › 12...

Narcolepsy: What It Is, Causes,

Symptoms & Treatment
Narcolepsy is a disorder that affects your brain's
control over sleeping and waking up, making you fall
asleep during the daytime. This condition is usually ...

Merck Manuals › n...

Narcolepsy - Neurologic Disorders -

Merck Manual Professional Edition
Narcolepsy may be caused by autoimmune
destruction of hypocretin-containing neurons in the
lateral hypothalamus. · The main symptoms are…
excessive daytime ...

Diagnóstica Longwood › pro...

Protrans HLA Narkolepsia

Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological disorder caused
by autoimmune destruction of hypocretin-producing
neurons inhibiting the brain's ability to regulate ...

RxList › narcolepsy

Medical De#nition of Narcolepsy

Narcolepsy is a neurological condition marked by the
chronic, uncontrollable compulsion to sleep. Doctors
don't understand the causes of narcolepsy.

Nature › articles

Narcolepsy — clinical spectrum,

aetiopathophysiology, diagnosis ...
by CLA Bassetti · 2019 · Cited by
447 — Narcolepsy is a rare brain
disorder that reflects a selective
loss or dysfunction of orexin (also
known as hypocretin) neurons of
the ...

Terveyskylä › aivotalo

Muistaminen edellyttää monia
aivotoimintoja · Muistivaikeudet
ovat yleisiä ja niiden syyt
moninaisia · Stressi ja työuupumus
muistivaikeuksien syynä ...

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