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Lesson 2.5 Describing a home Lesson 2.5 and 2.7 Communication

1 Choose the correct answer: A, B or C. activity
3 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions and
explain your answers.
Would you choose to live without electricity or
without running water for a week?

Without running water! I can buy big bottles

of water and use it to brush my teeth or wash
the dishes. When there’s no electricity, I can’t
even use my phone! How about you?

Alex reviewed yesterday

Would you choose … ?
Beautiful place!
to live without running
We went there in winter and loved it. You can’t to live without electricity or water for a week
expect any 1 in a little house in the middle
of a forest but it has all the 2 furniture and
equipment. Well, there’s no TV and no Wi-Fi, but to sleep on animal skins for
that was OK. We all enjoyed cooking on a 3
to sleep on a rug or one night
wood . Maybe it takes more time but it’s fun!
The worked well. When we were there, it was to spend a week alone in to spend a week alone in a
really cold outside and the house was warm. At a scary, old castle
or tent in a forest
first, the biggest problem for me was no 6 water
in the house and a toilet in the 7 . On the second to give away your phone
to give away all your
day, I started to like this basic way of living, without
favourite clothes
or and lose all your contacts
luxuries. The best thing about this house is that and photos
it has a back 8 and when you open this door,
there’s a small river just a few metres away. It’s so to stop getting on with a to stop getting on with your
quiet and peaceful there! close family member best friend

to live for a year with a to have no heating in your

1 A frames B luxuries C entrance toilet in an outhouse
or house for a year
2 A basic B running C fresh
to cook meals on a to have no fresh air in your
3 A traditional B chimney C heating or
wood stove for the rest house because the windows
4 A tent B rug C stove of your life don’t open
5 A skins B heating C wardrobe to have a basic but
to live in luxury for one
6 A run B ran C running
year only
or comfortable house for your
7 A outhouse B stove C luxury whole life
8 A air B entrance C frame to have a wardrobe full
to have a wardrobe full of
of clothes in one colour or
clothes from the 1980s
Lesson 2.7 Neighbourhood apps
to eat only your country’s to eat the same meal every
2 Match the sentence halves. traditional food
or day for the rest of your life
1 They found
2 There are lots of interesting things going
3 The meeting brought
4 They always give
5 They decided to set
6 My older brother and my sister don’t get
A together teachers, students and parents.
B on with each other.
C out about our camping plans for this weekend.
D away clothes that they don’t need any more.
E up a small business making rugs.
F on in our town this weekend.

Life Vision Pre-Intermediate Vocabulary worksheet 2B  PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

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