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CAIE 2020-2021

SUBJECT: Social Studies

Chapter 3: Government

A.Fill in the blanks.

1. Prime Minister

2. government

3. judiciary

4. state

5. union

B. Match the following.





C. Answer the following questions very briefly.

1. India gained Independence on 15 August, 1947.

2. The head of the state government is the Chief Minister.
3. The Judiciary works independently.
4. Dictatorship is the form of government where a single person or a small group of
persons rule the country.
5. The Legislature makes law for the country.
D. Answer the following questions briefly.
1. The basic function of the government are defence and security of the nation, to
plan, organize and execute welfare acts for its people, management and allocation of
natural and man-made resources, and maintaining good international relations.

2. India is a vast country. In order to administer the country efficiently, it has been
divided into twenty nine states and seven union territories. Each state is further
divided into various small districts. As per the division, we have three levels of
government-local,state and central.

3. Universal Adult Franchise means that every person of the age of 18 and above has
the right to vote, irrespective of caste, creed, colour, gender and social status.

4. Monarchy is a form of government in which power is held by monarch or king. The

people have no say in the decision-making process. Democracy is a form of
government in which the citizens elect their representatives who then form the
government. The representatives are answerable to the people.

5. Monarchy is a form of government in which power is held by a monarch or king.

The people have no say in the decision- making process. Monarchies are usually
hereditary. In a dictatorial government, a single person or a small group of persons rule
the country. The dictators are not elected and usually seize power. They work for self-
interest and not concerned about the welfare of the people.

E. Answer the following questions in detail.

1. The judiciary is the third wing of the government. It ensures that the government
functions according to the constitution and protects the rights of the people. While
the legislature and executive work in tandem, the judiciary is an independent wing. It
keeps a check on the functioning of the government. Independence of judiciary is
important to ensure that the judiciary is able to administer justice and to perform its
functions efficiently. It is only when the judiciary works independently without any
interference of the other two organs of the government that it can carry out its high
responsibilities. Judiciary can perform its functions only when it is free to administer
justice according to law. The judges should be able to give their judgments without
any fear or favour. The other organs of the government must not restraint the
functioning of the judiciary in such a way that it is unable to do justice.

2. Representational Government: Before independence, the colonial people did not

represent the people of India. They came from Britain or were appointed by them.
After independence, the government of India is elected by the people of India through
Universal Adult Franchise. It is therefore accountable and answerable to the people.

Welfare Policies: The colonial government worked only for its own interest and well-
being. It did not care for the people of India and their welfare. After independence,
India adopted democratic form of government, which made policies keeping in mind
the welfare and benefit of people. Since it is elected by the people, its policies are
directed towards their welfare.

Rights and Freedom: Before independence, the people of India did not have any right
or freedom. They were arrested and imprisoned according to the whims of the
colonial government. After independence, the constitution of Independent India
grants certain rights and freedom to the citizens of the country.

3. India is a vast country. In order to administer the country efficiently, it has been
divided into 29 states and 7 Union Territories. Each state is further divided into
various small districts. As per the division, we have three levels of governments in
India – local, state and central.
 Local self-government
Districts have a defined number of wards, towns and villages. At the district
level, people choose the local self-government, which takes care of the day to
day needs of the people. Local self-governments handle situations and matters
that concern the people of their districts or village only.
 State Government
India has 29 states and each state has its own government. Each state
government is elected by the people of that state. It is responsible for the
welfare of the people and makes rules and regulations for the people of that
particular state only. The head of the state government is the chief minister.
 Central Government
 Central government or Union government is the government at the highest
level. It works for the welfare of the entire country, takes strategic decisions
regarding its security and defense, decides on the import and export policy of
the country and works towards keeping healthy relations with other countries
in addition to various other things. The leader of the central government is the
Prime Minister.

4. It is not feasible for a single unit or a single wing to look after a country as vast
as India. Therefore, in order to function smoothly and effectively, the government
has been divided into three wings.

 Legislature
The legislature is the law making body of the government. It formulates law
and policies for the welfare of the country and its people. The Parliament of
India is the legislature of the Central Government of India.
 Executive
Once the laws are made, they have to be implemented. This is done by the
executive. The executive is thus the law implementing agency of the
government. The executive in India comprises the President, the Prime
Minister and the Council of Ministers at the center. It makes it mandatory
for all the citizens of India to follow the laws alike. The executive also
ensures that the laws are being enforced properly and that all the citizens
are abiding by the laws. The people who do not abide by the laws are
punished suitably.
 Judiciary
The third wing of the government is the judiciary. It ensures that the
government functions according to the constitution and protects the rights
of the people. While the legislature and executives work in tandem, the
judiciary is an independent wing. It keeps a check on the functioning of the
government. The judiciary functions through a network of ports.
5. In a democratic system, all citizens exercise Universal Adult Franchise. This means that
all adults in the country have the right to vote in elections, irrespective of their race,
gender, religion, ethnicity or socio-economic status. While Universal Adult Franchise is
prevalent in all democracies of the modern world, this was not always so. In certain
countries women were denied the right to vote, in some others, the poor and landless were
not allowed to vote, in yet others, the blacks were deprived of voting rights. Thus, while
adult franchise was there it was not universal in nature.

Thus, Universal Adult Franchise is in modern democracies is a result of long struggles by

the deprived sections. For example, women in USA obtained the right to vote only in 1920
after a long Suffragette movement. The blacks in South Africa secured voting rights in 1994
when the policy of Apartheid or racial segregation was finally abolished in the country.


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