Simple Present 7 Série

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Simple Present 1 - Complete o texto da rotina da Sally com a forma correta do

1.1. Afirmativa simple present:

O simple present tem uma forma bem simples de ser conjugar. Perceberam o trocadilho? Sally ___ (have) a very strict routine. She _____ (wake up) at 6 am every day and
Basicamente você precisa repetir o verbo no infinitivo (sem o “to”) e, na terceira pessoa do ___ (go) to the bathroom first. She ____ (wash) her face and ____ (brush) her
teeth. After that, she _____ (have) breakfast. She usually ____ (have) bread and
singular ( HE, SHE IT ) acrescentar o “s” no final da palavra quando usados na afirmativa.
. butter with coffee for breakfast. Then she ____ (get) ready and ____ (go) to
Determinados verbos quando usados na terceira pessoa do singular (he, she, it) possuem
as seguintes regrinhas:
She ____ (work) at the hospital, she ___ (be) a nurse. She ____ (start) at work
 Verbos terminados em -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -z e -o
at 8 o’clock. At 1 o’clock, she ___ (have) lunch, she ___ (like) to eat a steak and
Vamos acrescentar -es no final do verbo. Exemplos: smashed potatoes for lunch.

 to kiss: He kisses her. Every night when she ____ (arrive) home, she ____ (prepare) the dinner for her
and her family. Once dinner time is over, Sally ____ (relax) and ____ (read) a
 to go: The bus (it) goes to São Paulo
 to watch: She watches tv every night.

 Quando o verbo terminar em -y logo depois de uma consoante, vamos trocar EXERCISES 2:
1) They alone. (to live)
o “y” pela letrinha “i” e acrescentar -es no final da palavra. Por exemplo: Try.
2) She Portuguese. (to speak)
O -y desse verbo vêm logo após a letra “r”, que é uma consoante, certo? Dessa forma
3) They every day. (to study)
quando conjugamos o verbo na terceira pessoa, o “try” vira “tries”. 4) We everything. (to know)
Na frase, temos: She tries to do a good work. 5) He a car. (to have)
 O verbo “to have”, quando conjugado na terceira pessoa ( HE, SHE IT ) , vira 6) My mother every year. (to
has por ser irregular.
7) They TV in the morning. (to
Exemplo She has an exam tomorrow. 8) We well. (to dance)
9) He in the park at night. (to
 Pronomes indefinidos (nobody, everybody, anybody e afins) recebem a mesma play)
conjugação que a terceira pessoa do singular, beleza? 10) I the newspaper every
morning. (to read)

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