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by Jacquay Yaxley

Sugar Plum

Actively Stanley

Fun toys worked in

Sally Anne
double knitting
Abbreviations: approx: approximate. beg: beginning. cm: centimetres. cont: continue. dec: decrease. dpn: double pointed needle. folls:
follows. g-st: garter stitch, every row K.. inc: increase. K: knit. lh: left hand. mk1: make 1 st by picking up bar between sts and K tbl.
mm: millimetres. ndls: needles. P: purl. patt: pattern. psso: pass slipped st over. PUK: pick up and K. rem: remaining. rep: repeat.
rh: right hand. rs(f): right side (facing). Seed st: Every row K1, [P1, K1] to end. sl: slip. ssk: slip next 2 sts to rh ndl, insert point of lh
ndl into the front of these 2 sts from the L and Ktog. reverse stocking stitch, rs rows P, ws rows K.. st-st: stocking stitch, rs
rows K, ws rows P. st(s): stitch(es). tlpy: this means turn and loop yarn and is worked as folls: work the number of sts instructed and
then turn work so the other side is facing with yarn at back. Slip 1st st on rh ndl to lh ndl, yarn front between slipped st and sts on rh
ndl, slip st back to rh ndl from lh ndl and work back across sts just worked, leaving sts on rh ndl resting and unworked. The yarn has
been looped round the base of the 1st st on rh ndl to avoid making a hole when turning and working the short row. No sts are increased
or decreased. Unless otherwise instructed K rows are worked as K and P rows are worked as P. tog: together. ws(f): wrong side
(facing). ybk: yarn back. yfwd: yarn forward. yon: yarn over needle. yrn: yarn round ndl. [ ]: rep instructions given within square
brackets to end or as instructed.

Tension/Gauge over st-st: On 3 mm (UK 11, USA 2) ndls 26 sts x 38 rows = 10 cm (4”) square . Please check your tension. If
you have more than the stated number of sts to 10 cm (4”) then your tension is too tight and you should change to a larger ndl. If
you have less sts to 10 cm (4”) your tension is too loose and you should change to a smaller ndl.

BASIC DOLL K2tog. Mark centre of 4
st cast off.
Next Dec at beg of row.
13 sts.
end of next row. 6 sts.
Cast off. Mark centre of
Work on last set of 11 Work 3 rows. cast off edge.
Use 3 mm needles sts. Dec at end of next 2 R Back (make 1)
throughout or the **Dec each end of next rows. 11 sts. Cast on 24 sts and work
needles required to and foll alt row. 7 sts. Work 9 rows. 10 rows. Mark beg of last
achieve the correct st-st Next Dec at end of row. Next Inc at beg of row. row for centre back.
tension. 6 sts. 12 sts. Next**Dec at end of
Next Dec each end of Work 8 rows. row. 23 sts.
Basic Doll row. 4 sts. Next Dec at beg of row. Work 4 rows.
Worked in st-st using S. Dec at beg of next 2 11 sts. Next Dec at end of row.
Sole of foot (make 2) rows. 2 sts. Dec at beg of next and 22 sts.
Cast on 5 sts and work 2 Next K2tog. 1 st. on same edge on next 6 Work 1 row.
rows. Fasten off. Mark this rows. 4 sts. Next Dec at beg of row.
Mark centre of cast on point. Work 2 tog twice. 2 sts. 21 sts.
edge for centre back. Wsf rejoin to rem 11 sts. Work 2 tog. 1 st. Work 3 rows.
Inc each end of next 3 Complete as first side Fasten off. Next Dec each end of
rows. 11 sts. from ** reversing row. 19 sts.
Work 1 row. shaping. Arm 2 (make 2). Work 2 rows.
Inc each end of next and Worked in rev st-st to Next Dec at end of row.
foll 2 alt rows. 17 sts. Leg naturally reverse shaping 18 sts.
Work 11 rows. Rsf, starting at top R as folls: Work 1 row.
Dec each end of next 2 marker, PUK 12 sts to Cast on 5 sts and P 1 Next Dec at beg of row.
rows. 13 sts. marker at centre of cast row. 17 sts.
Work 1 row. off (Point M), 1 from Starting with a K row Work 3 rows.
Dec each end of next centre and 12 sts to top complete as Arm 1 from Dec at end of next 2
row. 11 sts. L marker. 25 sts. **. rows. 15 sts.
Work 1 row. Starting P, work 33 rows. Work 2 rows.
Dec each end of next 2 Cast off. To make up Dec at end of next 2
rows. 7 sts. Rep for 2nd foot and leg. Make arms into pairs. rows. 13 sts.
Work 1 row. Join seam from E round Work 3 rows.
Cast off. To make up to F, leaving diagonal Next Dec at end of row.
Note: Join all pieces cast off edges open. 12 sts.
Upper Foot (make 2) using a firm back stitch. Turn to rs and fill. Join Work 1 row. Cast off.
Cast on 8 sts and work 1 Join back leg seam from rem seam.
row. A - B, then across back L Back (make 1)
Inc each end of next 5 upper foot to C. Sew in Under Body (make 1) Worked in rev st-st to
rows. 18 sts. sole, matching cast on Worked from Front edge. naturally reverse shaping
Work 1 row. marker to back seam and as folls:
Inc each end of next and point D to centre front of Cast on 22 sts and work Cast on 24 sts and
foll alt row. 22 sts. Upper Foot. Turn to rs 1 row. Mark centre of starting with a P row,
Inc each end of next row. and fill. Join top seam cast on edge. work 10 rows. Complete
24 sts. matching back leg seam Inc each end of next 5 as R Back from **.
Work 1 row. to centre front. rows. 32 sts.
*Inc each end of next Work 3 rows. Front (make 1)
and foll alt row. 28 sts. Arm 1 (make 2) Dec each end of next Cast on 16 sts and work
Work 2 rows. Cast on 5 sts and K 1 row. 30 sts. 1 row.
Rep from * twice. 36 sts. row. Work 4 rows. Next Cast on 4 sts at
Mark each end of last **Cast on 2 sts at beg Dec each end of next beg of row and inc in last
row. and inc 1 st at end of row. 28 sts. 2 sts at end of row. 22
Dec each end of next 2 row. 8 sts. Work 3 rows. sts.
rows. 32 sts. Rep last row once. 11 Dec each end of next Rep last row once. 28
Work 1 row. sts. and foll 3 alt rows. 20 sts.
Dec each end of next 2 Next Inc at end of row. sts. Inc each end of next 3
rows. 28 sts. 12 sts. Dec each end of next 3 rows. 34 sts. Mark each
Work 1 row. rows. 14 sts. end of last row.
Shape Front Next Inc each end of Next [K2tog] twice each Work 14 rows.
Next K2tog, K10, cast off row. 14 sts. end of next row. 10 sts. Dec each end of next
next 4 sts, K to last 2 sts, Work 6 rows. Next [P2tog] twice each and foll 6th row. 30 sts.

Work 4 rows. sts. seam on each side. centre of nose. Make 3
Dec each end of next Next Sl.1, K2tog, psso. 1 Stitch legs to body, short stitches in a fan
and foll 5th row. 26 sts. st. Fasten off. matching outside edges shape.
Work 2 rows. Mark centre of cast on of legs to side seams Boys Wig
Next P11, [P2tog] twice, edge on one piece for and attaching across Worked from Front to
P11. 24 sts. centre back. front Under Body seam. Back
Next K2tog, K8, [K2tog] Face
twice, K8, K2tog. 20 sts. Front Head Actively Stanley’s Eyes With Y cast on 29 sts.
Work 2 rows. Work as Sides and Back Thread a long darning 1st row K.
Next P8, [P2tog] twice, Head to *. needle with approx 1 m 2nd row (Loop row) K1,
P8. 18 sts. Work 3 rows. (1 yd) B yarn. Starting at *ndl into next st, wind
Next Dec each end of Next K9, mk1, K9. 19 back of head take needle yarn twice round index,
row. 16 sts. sts. through the Head to the middle and third fingers
Work 1 row. Next Inc each end of front approx 1.5 cm (.50” of L hand, yarn btwn
Cast off. row. 21 sts. ) above the nose and 1.5 ndls, bring through a st,
cm (.50”) to one side of do not drop st on lh ndl.
To make up Make Nose the nose. Make 3 Place made st onto lh
Join centre back seam K10, K into front, back short back stitches in ndl. Ndl into made st
from cast on edge to and front of next st, tlpy. exactly the same place and next st tbl, then
marker and for 2.5 cm Next P3, tlpy. for the first eye then take under 2 loops held on
(1”) at top leaving Next K3, tlpy. the yarn back through fingers; yarn round ndl
opening for turning and Next P3, tlpy. the head. Do not pull too and bring a st through
filling. Next Pass the 2nd st tightly. Rep for second finger loops and 2 sts on
Join side seams, over the 1st st then the eye, taking care to match lh ndl, dropping loops
matching side backs to 3rd st over the 1st st, K the level. Fasten ends and sts. Pull tight.
markers on Front. Sew in to end. neatly at the back . Rep from * to last st, K1.
Under Body matching Next P10, P2tog, P to For Sugar Plum and Rep last 2 rows twice.
marker on cast on edge end. 20 sts. Sally Anne Next Dec each end of
to centre front and Work 4 rows. Work as above in L. row. 27 sts.
marker on cast off edge Complete as Sides and Smily Mouth Next Work Loop row.
to centre back and Points Back Head from **. Thread needle with Rep last 2 rows to 17 sts
G and H on Under Body Mark centre of cast on approx 1 m (1 yd) R ending with a Loop row.
to Points G and H on edge. yarn or Pink Embroidery Patt a further 7 rows.
Front. Do not turn. Silk. Take needle Cast off in K.
Leave to one side. To make up through the Head as To make up
Place Front Head with 1 before approx 1.5 cm Cut the ends of all the
Sides and Back Head unmarked Side Head (.50”) below the Nose loops.
(make 3) and join from Point J to and slightly to one side Mark centre front and
Cast on 12 sts and work Point K. Rep for Back and make one long stitch back. Pin wig in place
3 rows. and rem Side Head. Rs approx 1.5 cm (.50”) across centre of head, at
Next Inc each end of tog place the two pieces long. Then make 1 very each side of face and
row. 14 sts. together matching cast short stitch at each end. across centre back. Slip
Work 2 rows. on and cast off edges Take yarn back through st into place.
Next Inc each end of and Points K. Join rem Head and fasten off as Girl’s Wig
row. 16 sts. seam. Turn to rs. before. Worked in Y
Work 3 rows. Join Head to Body Pouty Mouth Cut a piece of card 25
Next Inc each end of Mark centre front of Thread needle with cm high x 17.5 cm
row. 18 sts.* Body. Rs tog join head approx 1 m (1 yd) Pink wide, (10”x 7”). Make a
Work 4 rows. to body matching front Embroidery silk. Take small cut at each end of
Next Inc each end of Head and Body markers needle through Head as width of card to secure
row. 20 sts. and back Head marker to Smily mouth but below ends of yarn. Secure
Work 6 rows. centre back seam of
**Dec each end of next Body. Turn to right side
and foll 4th rows 3 times and fill.
more. 12 sts. Join rem back seam from
Work 5 rows. rs using ladder stitch.
Dec each end of next Stitch arms to body
and foll 2 alt rows. 6 sts. matching top point of arm
Next [P2tog] 3 times. 3 to neck edge of side

yarn at one end and
wrap with yarn round
to the side of the head at
the point of the knot CLOTHES Work 11 rows.
Dec each end of next 2
wider part 96 times. using one of the ends rows. 17 sts.
Secure at other end. left, once again finishing
by tying in a knot and Actively Stanley Work 1 row.
Dec each end of next
Make centre parting leaving the ends.# row. 15 sts.
Cut a length of yarn Trainers Work 1 row.
approx 1 m (1 yd) long. The hair can either be Worked on 3mm ndls Dec each end of next 2
Working from one end of left in bunches or made throughout rows. 11 sts.
the wrapped strands, into plaits, tying tightly Sole (make 2) Work 1 row.
take this piece of yarn with ribbons at the ends. Worked in st-st from Cast off.
under first 3 strands and Trim ends. back edge to front edge.
tie in a knot. Then under With W cast on 9 sts and Side Welts (make 2)
next 3 strands and loop Make Ponytail work 2 rows. With W cast on 5 sts and
round the strands, pulling Work as Plaited Wig to #. Mark centre of cast on K 114 rows.
tightly. Then under next 3 Gather wig into one edge. Cast off.
strands, loop round and bunch and pull to back, Inc each end of next 3
pull tight. Cont in this keeping even at each rows. 15 sts. Toe Piece
way until all strands have side. Work 1 row. Fold Side Welt in half
been looped round in 3 Tie tightly round with Inc each end of next and and mark centre.
strand sections. Work yarn. Tie with ribbon. foll 2 alt rows. 21 sts. Meas and mark 3.75 cm
back across strands in
same way, pulling tightly.
Tie in a knot at the end.
Cut across all strands at
opposite end to parting
and carefully remove
from card.

Count 11 strands at each
side on one edge of
centre parting and cut to
approx 5 cm (2”) for
Starting at seam on top
of head with fringe at the
front, stitch wig in place
at centre of doll’s head
using an over stitch and
working across centre
knotted line.

Make plaits
Cut a piece of yarn
approx 30 cm (12”) long.
Gather one side of wig
into a bunch and pull
towards the front so that
it is smooth across the
back of the head and
covers the side face
seam. Tie with piece of
yarn in a tight knot
leaving long ends to mix
with the rest of the ‘hair’.
Repeat for 2nd side
taking care to tie at the
Actively Stanley
same point. Fasten wig

(1.5”) on each side of foll 4th row. 24 sts. Next (alt row) K2, P to Next P42, tlpy.
centre. Work 3 rows. last 2 sts, K2. Next K to last 2 sts, P1,
With W starting at rh Next K21, tlpy. Maintaining 2 sts in K on K1.
marker, PUK 9 sts to Next P to last st, mk1P, ws rows, work 7 rows Next K1, P1, K1, P to
centre, 1 from centre and P1. 25 sts. without shaping. last 3 sts, K1, P1, K1.
9 to lh marker. 19 sts. Next K19, tlpy. Next (ws) K. Next K1, P1, K65, tlpy.
Next (ws) K. Next P to end. Working in K, dec 1 st Next P42, tlpy.
Next K12, tlpy. Next K16, tlpy, each end of next 2 rows. Next (Buttonhole row) K
Next P5, tlpy. Next P to last st, mk1, 7 sts. to last 4 sts, P2tog, yrn,
Next K7, tlpy. P1. 26 sts. Cast off. P1, K1.
Next P9, tlpy. Next K14, tlpy. To make up Next & foll alt rows K1,
Next K11, tlpy. Next P to last st, mk1, Mark centre front of sole P1, K1, P to last 3 sts,
Next P13, tlpy. P1. 27 sts. and Welt. Sew in sole K1, P1, K1.
Next K15, loop yarn Working in K, cast of 10 matching marker to back Next K1, P1, K to last 2
tightly round last st. sts, K to end. 17 sts. seam and centre front sts, P1, K1.
Next P17, loop yarn Complete as 1st side markers. Mark centre of *Next (Buttonhole row)
tightly round last st. from #. Toe Cap. Slip st sides in K1, P1, K to last 4 sts,
Next K to end. Join back seam. place from marker across P2tog, yrn, P1, K1.
Cast off in K. Toe Cap to Welts. Cut 2 Next K1, P1, K to last 2
Ankle edging pieces of 7 mm ribbon 40 sts, P1, K1.
1st Shoe Side Rsf with W, starting at cm (16”) long and lace Rep from * once.
Rsf with B, starting at top of Eyelet band, PUK4 thru eyelets. Next K1, P1, K22, K2tog,
edge of Toe Piece, PUK sts over end of band, 11 [K5, K2tog] 6 times, K19,
22 sts to end of Side sts to back seam, 11 sts Jockey Shorts P1, K1. 82 sts.
Welt. to Eyelet band and 4 sts Worked in W throughout Next Rep buttonhole
Next (ws) K. over band. 30 sts. using 3 mm ndls. row.
Starting with a K row Next P First side Next K to end.
cont in st-st as folls: Next K28, tlpy. Cast on 37 sts and work Cast off in K.
Mk1 at end of next and Next P26, tlpy. 4 rows Seed st. To make up
foll 4th row. 24 sts. Next K23, tlpy. Cont in st-st. Join Front seam to start
Work 2 rows. Next P20, tlpy. Work 4 rows. of button band.
Next P21, tlpy. Next K21, tlpy. Cast on 3 sts at beg of Join inside leg seam.
Next K to last st, mk1, Next P22, tlpy. next 2 rows. 43 sts. Sew on 4 buttons.
K1. 25 sts. Next K23, tlpy. Break yarn and leave sts
Next P19, tlpy. Next P24, tlpy. on lh ndl. Tracksuit top (worked in
Next K to end. Next K to end. 1 piece from Back to
Next P16, tlpy. Next P to end. Second Side Front)
Next K to last st, mk1, Cast off in K. Cast on 37 sts on same
K1. 26 sts. Place a small roll of ndl as first side and work Back
Next P14, tlpy. stuffing inside Ankle as first side. With 2.25 mm ndls and B
Next K to last st, mk1, edging, turn edging to cast on 45 sts.
K1. 27 sts. inside and slip st into Join legs 1st row K2, [P1, K1] to
Next Working in P, cast place enclosing stuffing. K across first set of 43 last st, K1.
off 10 sts, P to end. 17 sts, then next set of 43 2nd row K1, [P1, K1] to
sts. Tongue sts. 86 sts. end.
#K 2 rows. Rsf with B PUK17 sts Work is joined at centre These 2 rows form the
Next (eyelet row) [K1, across curved cast off back. rib patt.
K2tog, yon] 4 times, K to edge of Toe Piece. Work 1 row. Work a further 7 rows.
end. Next & foll ws rows K2, Next (inc row) Rib 5, inc
K 2 rows. Cast off. P to last 2 sts, K2. Shape back in next st, [Rib 6, inc in
2nd side Next K. Next K64, tlpy. next st] to last 4 sts, rib
Rsf with B, starting at Next K2, K2tog, K9, Next P42, tlpy. 4. 51 sts.
back edge of Side Welt, K2tog, K2. 15 sts. Next K to end.
PUK 22 sts to edge of Next K. Next P to end. Change to 3 mm ndls
Toe Piece. Next K2, K2tog, K7, Rep last 4 rows 5 times and st-st.
Next (ws) K. K2tog, K2. 13 sts. more. Work 12 rows.
Starting with a K row Next K. Next Cast on 3 sts for Mk1 each end of next
cont in st-st as folls: Next K2, K2tog, K5, button band, K1, P1, and foll 3 alt rows. 59
Mk1 at beg of next and K2tog, K2. 11 sts. K65, tlpy. 89 sts. sts.

Next (ws) K.
Change to R
Actively Stanley
Inc for Sleeves Track Suit
Cast on 7 sts, K to end.
66 sts.
Rep last row once. 73
Starting K, cont in st-st.
Work 14 rows.

Shape Back Neck

K29, cast off next 15 sts,
Work on last set of 29 sts
for L side.
*Dec 1 st at end of next
and on same edge on
next 2 rows. 26 sts.
Work 10 rows.

Work Left V Shaping

Next Inc at beg of next
and on same edge on
next row. 28 sts.
Work 1 row.
Inc at end of next and foll
7 alt rows. 36 sts.
Leave sts on ndl. Break

Work Right side and V

Wsf rejoin yarn and work
as Left side from *
reversing shaping. Do
not break yarn.

Join Pieces
K36, inc in next st, K to
end. 73 sts.
Next Working in K, cast 1st row work 10 rows rib and B, starting at centre seams.
off 7 sts at beg of row, K patt. back, PUK 7 sts from
to end. 66 sts. Cast off loosely in rib. back neck and 26 sts Tracksuit bottoms
Change to B and cut R. evenly to centre front. 33 Wind off 2 small balls R
Next Working in K, cast Cuffs (both alike) sts. about the size of a
off 7 sts at beg of row, K With 2.25 mm ndls and Starting with a 2nd row, tangerine.
to end. 59 sts. R, rsf PUK 38 sts across work in rib patt for 5
Next (ws) K. sleeve end. rows. Cast off loosely in Right Leg
Starting K cont in st-st. Next [K1, P2tog] to last 2 rib. With 2.25 mm ndls and B
Dec 1 st each end of sts, K2tog. 25 sts. Rep for R side, reversing cast on 29 sts and work
next and foll 3 alt rows. Starting with a 1st row, pick up. in rib patt for 6 rows.
51 sts. work 5 rows rib patt. To make up Change to 3 mm ndls
Work 12 rows. Cast off loosely in rib. Join centre back seam of and cont in st-st.
Next (dec row) P4, neckband. Overlap front Next K4, inc in each st to
P2tog, [P6, P2tog] to last Neckband edges and slip st in place last 4 sts, K4. 50 sts.
5 sts, P5. 45 sts. Mark centre back neck. on outside and inside, Next P.
Change to 2.25 mm L side against neck edge. Note: Twist yarns when
ndls and starting with a Rsf with 2.25 mm ndls Join underarm and side changing from one colour

to another to avoid
making a hole and strand
yarn not in use loosely
Cut R.
Next K32, [K1, K2tog] 16
Cont in st-st.
Change to B and
stranding W up side of
Patt 6 rows.
Cast on 3 sts at beg of
next 2 rows. 56 sts. Cut
across back of work. times, K to end. 96 sts. work, work 5 rows. W. Leave sts on dpn.
Next K22B, join in one Next (ws Turning Line) 2nd Leg
small ball R, K2R, K2B, Work Waistband K. Cut B. Work as 1st leg but do
K2R, K22B. Next (ws) K. Change to W not cut W.
Next P22B, P2R, P2B, Change to 2.25 mm Starting K work 6 rows. Join Legs
P2R, K22B. ndls Pick up hem Patt across 56 sts on ndl
These 2 rows form the Starting K, work 3 rows Fold work across turning and rsf across 56 sts on
patt. st-st. line, ws tog. Place ndl dpn. 112 sts.
Patt a further 28 rows. Next (ws turning line) K. thru 1st st then thru 1st Work as Tracksuit
Cast on 3 sts at beg of Starting K, work 4 rows st on cast on edge and K bottoms from *** to ***.
next 2 rows. 56 sts.** st-st. Cast off, leaving tog. Place ndl thru next Cut Yarns. Rejoin B and
Break B. Leave sts on long end to sew st and next st on cast on complete as Tracksuit
dpn. waistband in place. edge and K tog. Work Bottoms.
To make up across row in this way.
Left Leg Join front seam from 50 sts. Football Shirt
Work as R Leg to **, crotch shaping to start of Next P. (Worked in 1 piece from
using second small ball waistband. Note: Twist yarns when Back to Front)
of R. Join inside leg and crotch changing from one colour
Join Legs seam. to another to avoid Back
Patt across set of 56 sts Turn waistband to ws making a hole and strand With 2.25 mm ndls and
on ndl and then rsf across turning line and yarn not in use loosely W cast on 43 sts and K2
across set of 56 sts on slip st into place. across back of work. rows.

dpn. 112 sts. Make a twisted cord with Make 2 small balls B Cut W and cont in R.
***Patt 1 row. B approx 40 cm (16”) about half the size of a
Shape Back long. tangerine. Change to 3 mm ndls
Next Patt 76, tlpy. Thread thru waistband Next K22W, join in 1 Cont in st-st.
Next P40, tlpy. and tie in place at front. small ball B, K2B, K2W, Starting K work 22 rows.
Next Patt to end. K2B, K22W. Mk1 each end of next
Next Patt to end. Shorts Next P22W, K2B, K2W, and foll 3 alt rows. 51
Rep last 4 rows 8 times 1st Leg K2B, K22W. sts. Mark each end of
more. With 3mm ndls and W These 2 rows form the last row.
Work 12 rows without cast on 50 sts. patt. Work 17 rows.

Actively Stanley
Football Kit

Shape Back Neck Work 2 rows. reversing shaping. Do 43 sts.

K18, cast off next 15 sts, Work V Shaping not break yarn. Work 22 rows.
K17. Work on last set of Next Inc at beg of next Join Pieces Cut R and rejoin W.
18 sts for L Side. and foll 9 alt rows. 25 Working across sts on Change to 2.25 mm
*Dec 1 st at end of next sts. ndl K25, rsf working ndls.
and on same edge on Work 1 row. across sts on dpn, inc in P 2 rows.
next 2 rows. 15 sts. Leave sts on dpn. Break next st, K to end. 51 sts. K 1 row.
Work 2 rows. yarn. Work 4 rows. Cast off.
Change to W Mark each end of last
Work 2 rows. Work Right Side row. Neckband - L side
Rep last 4 rows once. Wsf rejoin yarn and work Dec 1 st each end of Rsf with 2.25 mm ndls
Cut W and cont in R. as Left side from * next and foll 3 alt rows. and W, starting at centre

back neck, PUK 7 sts held on st holder, rib to Leave to dry. Shape back
from back neck, 7 sts to end. 57 sts. With the wrong side of Next *K64, tlpy.
1st stripe and 27 sts Working sts as set, rib 9 the number facing, trace Next P42, tlpy.
evenly to centre front. 41 rows. Cast off loosely in round number(s) and Next K to end.
sts. rib. carefully cut round. Next P to end.
Work in rib patt as folls: Sleeve edges Stitch or glue in place on Rep last 4 rows once.
Next K1, [P1, K1] to end. With 2.25 mm ndls and R centre back. Next K64, tlpy.
Next K2, [P1, K1] to last rsf, PUK42 sts between Join underarm and side Next P42, tlpy.
st, K1. markers on L side. seams. Next K to end.

Sugar Plum
Rib a further 4 rows. Next K1, [K1, P2tog] to Next Lace to end.
Next Working in rib, cast last 2 sts, K2. 29 sts. Rep from * once.
off 12 sts, rib to end. Rib 3 rows Next K64, tlpy.
Leave rem 29 sts on a st Cast off in rib. Next P42, tlpy.
holder. To make up The clothes are worked Next Work 3 rows to
R side Join back neck seam. on 3mm ndls throughout end.
Starting at centre front, Overlap front edges and or the ndls required to Increase for buttonband
pick up as L side. slip st in place on outside obtain the correct st-st (centre front)
Work 6 rows rib patt as and inside, against neck tension. Cast on 3 sts, K1, P1,
before. edge. K1, P to last 3 sts, K1,
Next Rib 29, cast off rem Choose number(s) for Frilly Knickers P1, K1. 89 sts.
12 sts in rib. Cut yarn. back and trace round to Worked in W. Next K1, P1, K85, P1,
Collar make template to cut out K1.
Change to 3 mm ndls in felt. Cut 2 squares of Left Leg Next K1, P1, K1, P83,
and rejoin W. felt big enough for the Cast on 37 sts and K 1 K1, P1, K1.
Starting K1, Rib 28 number(s). Using fabric row. Next K1, P1, K60, tlpy.
across set of sts on ndl, glue stick pieces together Next Lace 38, cut end of
P tog last st with 1st st to make a double layer. Insert knitting in lace lace, tlpy.
as folls: Next K to last 2 sts, P1,
Sugar Plum With lace at back (rs) of K1.
work, place ndl through Next & foll alt rows K1,
Frilly Knickers 1st st, then through 1st P1, K1, P to last 3 sts,
hole in lace and K 1 st in K1, P1, K1.
the normal way (this will
be called ‘lace’). Place Buttonhole row K1, P1,
ndl through next st and yon, K2tog, K to last 2
lace 1 as before. Rep sts, P1, K1.
across row in this way. Next K1, P1, K85, P1,
Cut lace. K1.
Starting with a K row, Next K1, P1, K22, K2tog,
cont in st-st. [K5, K2tog] 6 times, K19,
Work 2 rows. P1, K1. 82 sts.
Cast on 3 sts at beg of Next Rep buttonhole
next 2 rows. 43 sts. Mark row.
each end of last row. Next (ws alt row) K1, P1,
Break yarn and leave sts K78, P1, K1.
on ndl. Rep last row once.
Cast off in K.
Right Leg
Cast on 37 sts on same To make up
ndl as L Leg and work as Join front seam to
L Leg. buttonband keeping lace
on rs.
Join legs Join inside leg and crotch
K across first set of 43 seam.
sts, then next set of 43 Sew on 2 buttons.
sts. 86 sts. Work is
joined at centre back. Tu-Tu
With W cast on 19 sts
Next Lace to end. and K 1 row.

Cont in patt as folls:
1st row (ws) Cut 17
holes Iridescent Lace Sugar Plum
taking care to work Tu-Tu
through the centre point
between the holes at
each end.
Lace 17, K2.
2nd row K.
3rd row K16, tlpy.
4th row K.
5th row K16, tlpy.
6th & 7th rows K to end.
8th row K2, With White
Lace, Lace 17. Cut lace
carefully thru centre of
last hole as before.
9th row K16, tlpy.
10th row K.
11th & 12th rows Rep
last 2 rows.
These 12 rows form the
Rep a further 24 times,
then 1st - 4th rows once.
Cast off.

Worked in st-st with W

Rsf, (the side laced with

Iridescent), PUK 73 sts
across short edge.
Cast on for buttonband
Cast on 3 sts, K1, P1,
K1, P70, K1, P1, K1. 76
Next (Buttonhole row)
K1, P2tog, yon, K71, P1,
K1. 33 sts in centre for Front. Next Dec 1 st at beg of next row. 12 sts.
Next K1, P1, K1, P70, Work on last set of 20 sts row. 6 sts. Next Dec 1 st at end of
K1, P1, K1. for R Back. Work 1 row. Cast off. row. 11 sts.
Next K1, P1, K72, P1, Maintaining Seed st Slip rem 50 sts to other Rep last 2 rows once. 7
K1. edge, dec 1 st at end of ndl. Work on last set of sts.
Rep last 2 rows once, next and foll alt row. 18 17 sts for L Back. Next Dec 1 st at beg of
then 1st row once. sts. Rsf rejoin yarn. row. 6 sts.
Next Rep Buttonhole Work 5 rows without Working Seed st edge Work 1 row.
row. shaping. P1, K1, P1, dec 1 st at Cast off.
Next K1, P1, K1, P70, Shape R Back Neck end of next row. 16 sts. Rsf rejoin yarn to rem 33
K1, P1, K1. and Shoulder Work 1 row. sts for Front.
Divide for Front and Working in K, cast off 6 Next (Buttonhole row) Dec 1 st each end of
Backs sts at beg of row, P to P1, K2tog, yon, K to last next and foll 2 alt rows.
Maintaining Seed st end. 12 sts. 2 sts, K2tog. 15 sts. 27 sts.
edges, patt 17, cast off Next Dec 1 st at end of Work 5 rows without Work 5 rows without
next 3 sts, K32, cast off row. 11 sts. shaping. shaping.
next 3 sts, patt 19. You Next Cast off 3 sts at
have 17 sts at one end beg of row. 8 sts. Shape L Back Neck and Shape Front Neck and
for L Back, 20 sts at Next Dec 1 st at end of Shoulder Shoulders
other end for R Back and row. 7 sts. Cast off 3 sts at beg of K9, cast off next 9 sts,

Sugar Plum
K8. Work on last set of 9 1st side from *, reversing sts. shoulder, 5 sts down side
sts for R shoulder. shaping. Cast off in K. neck, 9 sts across centre
*Dec 1 st at end of next Armhole edging (both Rep for second side. front, 5 sts up side neck,
and foll alt row. 7 sts. alike) Join shoulders. 12 sts to buttonband and
Next Dec 1 st at beg of Rsf, starting at shoulder 3 sts across band. 49
row. 6 sts. edge, PUK 31 sts evenly Neck finishing sts.
Cast off. round armhole. Rsf starting at top of Next (buttonhole row) K
Wsf rejoin to rem 9 sts Next K2tog, K12, K2tog, Buttonhole band, PUK 3 to last 3 sts, yon, K2tog,
and complete to match K to last 2 sts, K2tog. 28 sts over Band, 12 sts to K1.

Cast off in K. Slip rem sts to other ndl. Next (ws) K. Ballet Shoes (both
To make up Rsf rejoin yarn to and Cast off in K. alike)
Join back seam to waist work on set of 26 sts for Ties (both alike) Worked in st-st.
keeping lace to outside. R Front. Rsf PUK 5 sts across Sole (make 2)
Sew on 4 buttons. Work as L Front from *. end of R Front. With C cast on 5 sts and
Rsf rejoin to rem 33 sts Next (ws) K. work 2 rows.
Crossover Top for Back. Next K1, [K2tog] twice. 3 Mark centre of cast on
Worked in st-st in PK Dec each end of next sts. edge for back.
Right Front and foll 2 alt rows. 27 Starting P work in st-st Inc each end of next 3
Cast on 33 sts and work sts. for 70 rows. rows. 11 sts.
1 row. Mark beg of last Work 5 rows. Work 1 row.
row. Rep for L Front. Inc each end of next and
Shape Neck and foll 2 alt rows. 17 sts.
Shape Front shoulders Sleeves (both alike) Work 7 rows.
Dec 1 st at end of next K9, cast off next 9 sts, Cast on 26 sts and K 2 Dec each end of next 2
and on same edge on K8. rows. rows. 13 sts.
next 2 rows. 30 sts. Work on last set of 9 sts Cont in st-st. Work 1 row.
Leave sts on a dpn. for L shoulder. Work 2 rows. Dec each end of next
**Dec 1 st at end of next Inc each end of next and row. 11 sts.
Back and Left Front and foll alt row. 7 sts. foll 4th rows twice more. Work 1 row.
Cast on 70 sts and work Next Dec 1 st at beg of 32 sts. Dec each end of next 2
1 row. Mark end of last row. 6 sts. Work 5 rows. rows. 7 sts.
row. Work 1 row.
Dec 1 st at beg of next Join shoulders Shape armhole Cast off.
and on same edge on Slip set of 6 sts on L Cast off 2 sts at beg of Mark centre of cast off
next 2 rows. 67 sts. front onto dpn. Rs tog lay next 4 rows. 24 sts. for front.
Break yarn. set of 6 sts on ndl tog Next Dec each end of
Join Pieces with set of 6 sts on dpn. next and foll 4 alt rows. Upper (make 2)
Rsf rejoin yarn. Working With spare ndl, [P tog 1 14 sts. With PK cast on 16 sts
across sts on dpn, K2tog, st from each ndl ] twice Next Dec each end of and work 1 row.
K28, rsf working across (2 sts on rh ndl) cast off row. 12 sts Inc each end of next 3
67 sts on ndl, K to last 2 1 st, P tog 1 st from each Cast off. rows. 22 sts.
sts, K2tog. 95 sts. The ndl, cast off 1 st. Work 4 rows.
pieces are joined at the Rep until all sts are To make up Inc each end of next and
R side seam. worked off. Fasten off. Join underarm seam. foll 5 alt rows. 34 sts.
Sew in Sleeves, Work 1 row.
Next Dec each end of Wsf rejoin to rem 9 sts matching centre to Shape front edge
row. 93 sts. and complete to match shoulder. K15, cast off centre 4 sts,
1st side from **,
Divide for Fronts and reversing shaping.
Back Join shoulders as before.
Next K2tog, K25, cast off
next 3 sts, K32, cast off Front finishing
next 3 sts, K to last 2 sts, Starting at R front
K2tog. marker, PUK 26 sts to
Work on last set of 26 sts shoulder, 6 down R Back
for L Front. neck, 9 across centre
Next *Dec each end of back neck, 6 up L side
row. 24 sts. neck and 26 sts to L
Next Cast off 2 sts at Front marker. 73 sts.
beg and dec 1 st at end Next (ws) K.
of row. 21 sts. Cast off in K.
Next Dec each end of
row. 19 sts. Bottom edge
Next Dec at end of next Rsf starting at edge of L
and on same edge to 6 Front PUK 33 sts across
sts. L Front, 37 sts across
Work 1 row. Leave sts Back and 33 sts across
on a pin. R Front. 103 sts.

K14. Work on last set of ribbons over and take to Change to W and work 2 Next K6, [ssk, K1, K2tog,
15 sts. the back round the ankle, rows. K5] to last 6 sts, ssk, K1,
*Next Dec at end of row. then bring to the front These 4 rows form the K2tog, K1. 42 sts.
14 sts. and tie in bow. patt. Next K4, [ssk, K1, K2tog,
Next Dec at beg and inc Patt a further 30 rows. K3] to last 6 sts, ssk, K1,
at end of row. 14 sts. Headband Cut W and cont in PK K2tog, K1. 32 sts.
Next Dec at end of row. With PK cast on 5 sts Next (eyelet row) K1, Next K2, [ssk, K1, K2tog,
13 sts. and K142 rows. Cast off. [yon, K2tog] to last st, K1] to end. 22 sts.
Next Inc at end of row. Join into a circle. K1. Next K1, [ssk, K1, K2tog]
14 sts. Bow Next (ws) K. to last st, K1. 14 sts.
Rep last 2 rows once. 14 With W cast on 5 sts and Starting K work 7 rows Next [K2tog] to end. 7
sts. K 2 rows. st-st. sts.
Next Dec at end of row. Starting K work 9 rows Rep last 8 rows once. Thread and pull up.
13 sts. st-st. Cast off. To make up
Work 1 row. K 2 rows. Join seam across base
Next Inc at beg of row. Cast off. Base and up side.
14 sts. At each end turn g-st Rsf with PK, PUK 72 sts Turn top to ws across
Next Dec at beg of row. edges to ws and slip st across cast on edge. g-st line and slip st into
13 sts. into place. Wrap yarn Next (ws) K. place above eyelet row.
Work 4 rows. round centre and tie Next K10, [ssk, K1, Thread with ribbon.
Cast off 4 sts at beg of tightly. Sew in place on K2tog, K9] to last 6 sts,
next row. 9 sts. centre of band. ssk, K1, K2tog, K1. 62
Dec each end of next sts. Necklace (not suitable
row. 7 sts. Pump Bag Next & foll alt rows P. for very small children)
Dec at beg of next and Worked in st-st. Next K8, [ssk, K1, K2tog, Thread 44 beads, 6 mm
on same edge on next 3 With PK cast on 72 sts K7] to last 6 sts, ssk, K1, size, onto a piece of yarn
rows. and work 2 rows. K2tog, K1. 52 sts. and tie in a firm knot.
Cast off rem 3 sts. (Back
Slip rem 15 sts to other Sally Anne
ndl. Rsf rejoin yarn and Frilly Knickers
complete as 1st side
from *.

Front edge finishing

Rsf, PUK19 sts from
back edge to cast off at
centre front, 4 across
centre front and 19 sts to
end. 42 sts.
K 1 row. Cast off in K.

To make up
Join back seam. Work a
running st round lower
edge of upper starting at
back seam. Pin sole in
place at centre front and
back. Pull up running st
to gather upper evenly to
fit sole. Back st seam in
place. Mark shoes at
centre of each side. Cut
2 ribbons for each shoe
28 cm (11”) long and sew
in place at markers,
sloping towards the back.

Place on doll. Cross

Sally Anne First side
Cast on 37 sts and K 1
the normal way (this will
be called ‘lace 1’). Place
Cast on 3 sts at beg of
next 2 rows. 43 sts.
The clothes are worked row. ndl through next st and Break yarn and leave sts
on 3mm ndls throughout Insert knitting in lace as lace 1 as before. Rep on ndl.
or the ndls required to folls: across row in this way. Second side
obtain the correct st-st With lace at back (rs) of Cut lace. Cast on 37 sts on same
tension. work, place ndl through Starting with a K row, ndl as first side and work
Frilly Knickers 1st st, then through 1st cont in st-st. as first side. Do not
Worked in W. hole in lace and K 1 st in Work 4 rows. break yarn.

Sally Anne

Change to PK
Sally Anne Work 2 rows st-st.
Dress, Hat, Cont in patt as folls:
*Change to L
Shoes & Bag 1st row K1, [sl.1P, K1] to
2nd row As 1st row.
3rd row K.
4th row P.
These 4 rows form the

Change to W and patt 4


Change to PK and patt 4

Rep from * once.
Cut L and W and cont in
K 1 row.
Rep Flat Lace Insertion
Work 4 rows st-st.
Cont in patt as folls:
1st row K1, P1, [K3, P1]
to last st, K1.
2nd & foll alt rows P.
3rd row K.
5th row K3, [P1, K3] to
7th row K.
8th row (alt row) P.
These 8 rows form the
Join legs Next K1, P1, K1, P 83, To make up Patt a further 6 rows,
K across first set of 43 K1, P1, K1. Join front seam to button thus ending with a P row.
sts, then next set of 43 Next K1, P1, K60, tlpy. placket. Cont in st-st.
sts. 86 sts. Work is Next Lace 38, cut end of Join inside leg and crotch
joined at centre back. lace, tlpy. seam. Shape Waist
Work 1 row. Next K to last 2 sts, P1, Sew on 2 buttons. K3, [K2, K2tog] 23 times,
Shape back K1. K1, [K2tog, K2] 23 times,
Next K64, tlpy. Next & foll alt rows K1, Dress (worked in one K3. 145 sts.
Next P42, tlpy. P1, K1, P to last 3 sts, piece) Work 1 row.
Next K to end. K1, P1, K1. With W cast on 191 sts Next [K2tog] 36 times,
Next P to end. and K 1 row. K1, [K2tog] 36 times. 73
Rep last 4 rows 5 times Buttonhole row K1, P1, Flat Lace Insertion row sts.
more. yon, K2tog, K83, P1, K1. Insert knitting in lace as Work 1 row.
Next K64, tlpy. Next K1, P1, K85, P1, folls: Next K2tog, [K15, K2tog]
Next Lace 42, cut end of K1. K1, lace 1, [yarn forward twice, K1, [K2tog, K15]
lace, tlpy, Next K1, P1, K22, K2tog, and over lace, P3, yarn twice, K2tog. 67 sts.
Next Work 3 rows to end [K5, K2tog] 6 times, K19, back, miss 1 hole in lace, Mark each end of last
Increase for button P1, K1. 82 sts. lace 1] to last st, K1. Cut row.
placket (centre front) Next Rep buttonhole Lace. Work 7 rows.
Cast on 3 sts, K1, P1, row. Note: Twist yarns not in
K1, P to last 3 sts, K1, Next (ws alt row) K1, P1, use loosely up side of Divide for armholes
P1, K1. 89 sts. K78, P1, K1. work when changing K15, cast off next 3 sts,
Next K1, P1, K85, P1, Rep last row once. from one colour to K30, cast off next 3 sts,
K1. Cast off in K. another. K14. You have 15 sts

each end for L and R front from #. Do not Next K2, [inc in each st] edge, PUK 40 sts to
Fronts and 31 sts in break yarn. Join to last 2 sts, K2. 42 sts. marker, 1 st from marker
centre for Back. shoulders as before. Work 5 rows st-st. and 40 sts to end. 81 sts.
Work on last set of 15 sts Shape Armhole Work in Seed st for 8
for L Front. Buttonband Cast off 3 sts at beg of rows.
#Next Dec 1 st at end of Rsf with W, starting at L next 2 rows. 36 sts. Next K40, K2tog, K to
next and foll alt row. 13 neck edge, PUK14 sts to Dec 1 st each end of end. 80 sts.
sts. marker, 16 sts to 1st lace next and foll alt row. 32 Cont in st-st.
Work 5 rows. insertion and 15 sts to sts.
Shape Neck and end working sts thru lace Work 5 rows. Shape Crown
Shoulder insertions. 45 sts. Shape Top Next [K8, K2tog] to end.
(Neck edge) Cast off 3 Wonr in Seed st for 5 K1, [sl.1, K2tog, psso] to 72 sts.
sts, work to end. 10 sts. rows. Cast off in K. last st, K1. 12 sts. Next & foll alt rows P.
Dec 1 st on neck edge Next P. Next [K7, K2tog] to end.
on next 4 rows. 6 sts. Buttonhole Band Cast off. 64 sts.
Work 2 rows. Break Starting at bottom edge Next [K6, K2tog] to end.
yarn. Leave sts on a pin. of R Front, PUK up as To make up 56 sts.
Buttonband, reversing Join Sleeve seams. Next [K5, K2tog] to end.
Work Back pick up. Sew in Sleeves, 48 sts.
Wsf rejoin to 31 sts on Work 2 rows Seed st. matching centre to Next [K4, K2tog] to end.
Back. Next (buttonhole row) shoulder. Sew on 40 sts.
Dec 1 st each end of K1, [P2tog, yrn, patt 4] to buttons Next [K3, K2tog] to end.
row. 29 sts. last 14 sts, P2tog, yrn, 32 sts.
Work 8 rows. patt 12. Hat Next [K2, K2tog] to end.
Patt 2 rows. Brim 24 sts.
Shape Neck and Cast off in K. With PK cast on 17 sts. Next [Sl.1, K2tog, psso]
Shoulders Cont in Seed st. to end. 8 sts.
K10, cast off next 9 sts, Collar Work 3 rows. Thread and pull up.
K9. Work on last set of Wsf, with PK starting at Commence shaping:
10 sts for L Back edge of Buttonband, *1st row Patt 15, yfwd, To make up
shoulder. PUK 6 sts across Band, tlpy. Rs tog join back seam
Dec 1 st at end of next 12 sts to shoulder, 24 2nd-4th rows Patt to from top of Crown to one
and on same edge on round back neck, 12 sts end. third of Brim. Carefully
next 3 rows. 6 sts. to Buttonhole band and 6 Rep from * until short join rem seam working
Work 1 row. to end of Buttonhole edge measures 35.5 cm with a ladder st from the
band. 60 sts. (14”). End with a 4th rs.
Join shoulders Next (ws of Collar) K. row. Cast off.
Slip sts held on pin onto Next K to last 2 sts, tlpy. Crown Bow
dpn. Lay set of 6 sts Next P to last 2 sts, tlpy. Mark centre of short With L, cast on 7 sts and
held on dpn tog with set Next K to last 3 sts, tlpy. edge of Brim. K 2 rows.
of 6 sts on lh ndl, rs tog. Next P to last 3 sts, tlpy. Working across short Starting with a K row,
With spare ndl P tog 1 st Next K to last 6 sts, tlpy.
from each ndl twice, Next P to last 6 sts, tlpy.
(there are 2 sts on rh ndl) Next K to last 8 sts, tlpy.
cast off 1 st, P tog 1 st Next P to last 8 sts, tlpy.
from each ndl, cast off 1 Next K2, mk1, [K20,
st. Rep to end. Fasten mk1] twice, K10. 63 sts.
off. Rep Flat Lace insertion.
Wsf rejoin to rem 10 sts Cast off loosely in K.
on Back for R Back
shoulder. Sleeves (both alike)
Dec 1 st at beg of next With W cast on 23 sts
and on same edge on and K 1 row.
next 3 rows. 6 sts. Rep Flat Lace insertion.
Work 1 row. Leave sts Cont in Seed st for 2
on a pin. Break yarn. rows.
Slip rem 15 sts for R
Front to other ndl. Rsf Change to PK and cut
rejoin yarn and work as L W. Cont in st-st.

work in st-st for 15 rows. Next Inc at end of row. Sew on to Shoe with Front edging
K 2 rows. 12 sts. buttonhole to outside Rsf with L starting at 2nd
Cast off. Rep last 2 rows once. 12 edge, matching marker marker, PUK 10 sts down
At each end, turn g-st sts. to back seam and R curve, 17 sts across
edges to ws and slip st Next Dec at end of row. reversing buttonhole on cast off edge and 10 sts
into place. Wind a piece 11 sts. second shoe. Sew on up L curve to 2nd
of yarn round centre and Work 1 row. button. Sew on bow. marker. 37 sts.
tie tightly. Sew on flower. Next Inc at beg of row. K 2 rows. Cast off in K.
Sew into place at centre 12 sts. Handbag Slip st edging to 2 cast
front of hat, working Next Dec at beg of row. Front off sts at each end of
through all thicknesses. 11 sts. With PK cast on 29 sts Flap.
Work 2 rows. and work 2 rows st-st.
Shoes (both alike) Cast off 2 sts at beg of Cont in patt as folls: Inside front edging
Worked in st-st using L next row. 9 sts. Rsf with PK, PUK 29 sts
throughout Dec each end of next Note: Twist yarns not in across cast on edge.
Sole (make 2) row. 7 sts. use loosely up side of Cast off firmly in K.
Cast on 9 sts and work 2 Dec at beg of next row work when changing
rows. and on same edge on from one colour to R Bag end
Mark centre of cast on next 3 rows. another. Rsf with L, starting at
edge for back. Cast off rem 3 sts. *Change to L inside front edge, PUK
Inc each end of next 3 Slip rem 13 sts to other 1st row K2, [sl.1P, K1] to 16 sts to g-st base, 20
rows. 15 sts. ndl. Rsf rejoin yarn and last st, K1. sts across g-st base and
Work 1 row. complete as 1st side 2nd row As 1st row. 16 sts across second
Inc each end of next and from *. 3rd row K. patt rows to marker. 52
foll 2 alt rows. 21 sts. 4th row K1, P to last st, sts.
Work 11 rows. Front edge finishing K1. Cont in g-st.
Dec each end of next 2 Rsf, PUK17 sts from Change to W Work 1 row.
rows. 17 sts. back edge to centre 5th-8th rows As 1st-4th Next Cast off 16 sts,
Work 1 row. front, 4 across centre rows. K19, cast off last 16 sts.
Dec each end of next front and 17 sts to end. Change to PK Fasten off.
row. 15 sts. 38 sts. 9th-12th rows As 1st-4th Rejoin to rem 20 sts and
Work 1 row. K 1 row. Cast off in K. rows. K 1 row.
Dec each end of next 2 These 12 rows form the Dec 1 st each end of
rows. 11 sts. Strap patt. next and every alt row to
Work 1 row. Cast on 4 sts and K 54 Patt a further 16 rows. 2 sts .
Cast off. rows. Cut L and W. K2tog, fasten off.
Mark centre of cast off Next K2, yon, K2. 5 sts. Rep for 2nd side
for front. K 1 row. Base reversing pick up.
Cast off. With PK K30 rows. Making up
Upper (make 2) Starting at the base
Cast on 12 sts and work Bow Back edge, pin and join
1 row. Cast on 5 sts and K 2 Starting with a 1st row, triangular end pieces to
Inc each end of next 3 rows. patt 28 rows. Mark each sides across 16 st cast
rows. 18 sts. Starting K, work 9 rows end of last row. Patt a off edges from rs using a
Work 2 rows. st-st. further 20 rows. neat overstitch. If
Inc each end of next and K 2 rows. Cut L and W. necessary stretch 16 st
foll 5 alt rows. 30 sts. Cast off. cast off to fit triangle.
Work 1 row. At each end, turn g-st Front Flap Tidy all ends.
edges to ws and slip st Starting with a K row,
Shape front edge into place. Wrap piece of cont in st-st in PK as Cardboard Insert
K13, cast off centre 4 sts, yarn round centre and tie folls: Trace Half Insert and cut
K12. Work on last set of tightly. Cast off 2 sts at beg of round shape. Mark
13 sts. To make up next 2 rows. Mark each piece of A4 card down
*Next Dec 1 st at end of Join Back seam. Rs tog, end of last row. (2nd centre. Place tracing of
row. 12 sts. sew in sole matching markers). 25 sts. Half Insert with centre
Next Dec at beg and inc back marker to back Work 4 rows. line at centre of card and
at end of row. 12 sts. seam and front marker to Dec 1 st each end of draw round. Turn tracing
Next Dec at end of row. centre front of Upper. next 4 rows. 17 sts. over and matching to
11 sts. Mark centre of strap. Cast off. centre line, draw second

side. Front Fastening
See diagram of actual With L cast on 4 sts and
shape of insert. K 4 rows.
Carefully cut round. Next K2, yon, K2. 5 sts.
Very slightly round the K 2 rows.
sharp corners. Mark and Cast off.
fold across dotted lines in Sew cast on edge to
one direction. centre of Front flap. Sew
Flatten insert and place on bead to fasten.
inside bag.
Open the insert out Handle
inside the bag and push With L cast on 4 sts and
the base, sides, front and K36 rows. Cast off.
back into position. Sew onto top of bag 1.5
cm (.50”) in from each
With fabric glue, stick end, leaving the handle
into position across front looped in the middle and
and back. Leave ends trim with a bead at each
free. end.

Template of cardboard for

Actual size

Finished shape of
Cardboard for Handbag
(not actual size)

Basic Doll Needles Haberdashery
Materials required 1 pair 3 mm (UK11, USA2 ) Long Darning Needle
Double Knitting yarn Knitting Needles 100 g Toy filling
100 g Skin (S)
50 g Yellow (Y)

Actively Stanley Needles Haberdashery

Materials required: 1 pair 3 mm (UK11, USA2) and 1 m 7 mm ribbon
Double Knitting Yarn 2.25 mm (UK13, USA 1) 4 Buttons
100 g White (W) knitting needles Felt for back number on football shirt
100 g Blue (B) 1 x 3 mm (UK11, USA2) Fabric Glue
100 g Red (R) double pointed needle
Stitch holders

Sugar Plum Needles Haberdashery

Materials required 1 pair 3 mm (UK11, USA2 ) 6.5 m Irridescent Knitting in Lace
Double Knitting yarn Knitting Needles 11.5 m White Knitting in Lace
100 g White (W) 1 x 3 mm (UK11, USA2) 2 Buttons for Knickers
100 g Pink (PK) double pointed needle 4 Buttons for Tu-Tu
25 g Camel (C) 4 m Ribbon 7 mm wide
1 m Embroidery Silk for mouth
1 m Lilac Yarn for Eyes
Safety pin.
44 size 6 mm Pearl Beads for

Sally Anne Needles Haberdashery

Materials required 1 pair 3 mm (UK11, USA2 ) 6 m Knitting in Lace
Double Knitting yarn Knitting Needles 2 Buttons for Knickers
100 g Pink (PK) 1 x 3 mm (UK11, USA2) 8 Half Pearl Buttons for Dress
50 g White (W) double pointed needle 1.5 m 10 mm Ribbon
50 g Lilac (L) 1 Ribbon Rose
1 m Embroidery Silk for mouth
Safety pin.
Extra items required
For Handbag
3 size 6mm Gold beads
1 piece A4 Card approx 160 gsm
Fabric Glue

Jacquay Yaxley Designs Ltd, Unit 22 Baildon Mills, Northgate, Baildon, West Yorkshire BD17 6JX.
WARNING COPYRIGHT. This publication is protected by the law of copyright and reproduction in any form or by any
means (including photocopying) is strictly forbidden.

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