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Date: April 13, 2024

Course & Section: BSCE 1E Activity No: 2

Directions: Answer the question to the best of your knowledge. Write your answer on the space

1. What is community engagement and why is it important?

- Community engagement means when people in an area join in and do things
together that affect where we live. It's really important because it makes us feel like
we're part of something important, like we have a say in what happens around us.
Plus, it helps us get to know each other better and makes our community stronger.

2. What are the economic, social, and environmental benefits of actively involving
community members in local development projects?
- When we all get involved in local projects, it can help our local economy. That means
it can make more jobs and help businesses. Actively involving community members
in local development projects is good for us when we're together, when we work on
projects with others, we make new friends, feel like we belong, and become
stronger as a one. It's also good for our environment when we do things like
planting trees or cleaning up trash together, we're taking care of our world and
making sure our community stays nice and healthy.

3. What examples have you seen of successful community engagement projects, and what
lessons can be learned from them?
- I've seen some great projects where people in our community worked together and
made a real impact. One example is when our SK officials organized a community
garden. We all pitched in to plant vegetables and flowers, and it not only beautified
our area but also provided fresh vegetables for everyone. This project taught us the
importance of teamwork, sharing resources, and caring for our environment.

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