Tips On Getting The Best Sound

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READ BEFORE YOU PLAY! Forming your mouth shape or Not making a sound?

Nuvo reeds are soft and designed for
To really enjoy playing your Nuvo reed Step 1: Make sure the
beginners. Do not apply too much
instrument, you will need to take some reed is facing you then
pressure with your mouth as this will
time to learn the basics of how to control place your upper teeth
completely close the gap between the
your mouth and breath to create a about mid-way on the
reed and the mouthpiece. We call this the
beautiful tone. At first you may squeak mouthpiece.
tip gap. If you close this gap, it will make it
and squawk or you may even get no
hard or impossible to produce a sound.
sound at all. Don’t be disappointed! By Step 2: Cover lower
Relax your mouth and experiment with
following these instructions carefully and teeth with your bottom
different positions.
with a bit of practice, you will be lip like a cushion.
surprised by how great the music can be!
See below for more tips on making a
Step 3: Close your
great sound on your Nuvo instrument.
You may find it easier to practice these mouth around the
techniques with the mouthpiece mouthpiece to keep air
removed from the instrument. It will from leaking.
squeak a bit but once you put it back on
the instrument it will sound great! Step 4: Take a deep
breath then exhale a
steady stream of air
through the mouth

Too Far In Too Far Out Sweet Spot

Upper Front Teeth


Lower Teeth
Lower Lip
Too little mouthpiece in mouth Experiment to find the sweet spot
Too much mouthpiece in mouth The reed is closing up Relax your jaw
No control over the reed Mouthpiece tip gap too tight Let the reed vibrate properly
It will probably squeak It does not make a sound Nice controlled tone
© 2020 Nuvo Instrumental LLC

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