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Kaleb Mwati

1. What is HTML? [1]

Is the code that is used to make a website

2. What is CSS? [1]

CSS describes how HTML elements are to be displayed on screen, paper, or in other

3. Mention and describe the three web development layers. [6]

Content layer to enter the content of a web page structure. Presentation layer to format
whole web page or individual elements. Behavior layer to enter scripting language to a
web page or an individual element.

4. Differentiate between relative and absolute file paths as used in creating web pages. [2]

 Absolute path. The complete, unambiguous route to a file or directory from the system
 Relative path. The location of a file or directory in relation to the current working

5. Compare an anchor with a hyperlink. Your answer must include similarities and differences. [4]

Hyperlink are point at any domain other than the domain the link exists on. Anchor Text
is the visible characters and words that display when linking to another document or
location on the web.

6. Outline the difference between attached stylesheets and inline style attributes [2]

Attached stylesheets are external files that contain all the CSS rules for styling a webpage. The stylesheet
is linked to the HTML document using the tag in the section of the document. This approach allows for a
clean separation of content and style, making it easier to maintain and update the styling of multiple pages
on a website.

Inline style attributes, on the other hand, are CSS rules that are applied directly to individual HTML
elements using the style attribute. This means that the styling information is mixed in with the content,
making the HTML document more cluttered and harder to maintain.

7. What is the difference between the head and body sections of a webpage? [2]

The difference between head and body sections of a web page is Everything inside the body element is
displayed on the web page. But the contents of the head element are not displayed on the page. To see
them, you must look at the source code.

8. Give a difference between a style and a class1. [2]

Kaleb Mwati

CSS rules and classes in HTML both allow you to apply styles to HTML elements, but they differ in how
they target specific elements on a page. By using classes, you have more fine-grained control over the
styles applied to specific elements on your page.

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