Edited - Sports Ethics

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Onewa Mandiwana 9C

The Doping Dilemma in Cycling


In the world of professional cycling, the annual "Tour de Velocity" is a highly prestigious
and competitive race. This year, two cyclists, Sarah and Alex, are considered top
contenders for the title. However, a doping scandal is brewing.

Sarah, desperate to gain an edge over her competitors, has secretly been taking a
banned performance-enhancing substance to boost her stamina. She believes that this
is the only way she can win the Tour de Velocity. Meanwhile, Alex, known for his
unwavering commitment to fair play and sportsmanship, discovers Sarah's doping

Sarah's actions are causing a stir among fellow cyclists and fans. Some believe that she
should be disqualified, while others argue that she should be given a second chance.
The organizers of the Tour de Velocity face a challenging decision on how to address
this ethical dilemma.


1. What is the primary ethical issue in this case study?

A) Gamesmanship

B) Respect

C) Equality

D) Doping

E) None of the above

2. Which value is Alex demonstrating by considering reporting Sarah's doping?

A) Gamesmanship

B) Equality

C) Fair Play

D) Doping

E) None of the above

3. What does "gamesmanship" in sports refer to?

A) Upholding ethical values

B) Bending or breaking rules for a competitive advantage

C) Treating opponents with respect

D) Promoting equality

E) None of the above

4. How does doping violate sports ethics?

A) It promotes fair competition.

B) It enhances an athlete's performance.

C) It jeopardizes an athlete's health.

D) It respects the spirit of sportsmanship.

E) None of the above

5. Which of the following values is NOT associated with sports ethics?

A) Fair Play

B) Respect

C) Gamesmanship

D) Equality

E) None of the above

6. What role should officials and governing bodies play in preventing doping in sports?

A) Encourage athletes to use performance-enhancing substances.

B) Promote transparency and fair play.

C) Turn a blind eye to doping.

D) None of the above

E) None of the above

7. If Alex decides to report Sarah's doping, which ethical principle is he upholding?

A) Fair Play

B) Gamesmanship

C) Equality

D) Respect

E) None of the above

8. Which of the following is an example of "sportsmanship" in cycling?

A) Taking performance-enhancing drugs

B) Following the rules and promoting fair competition

C) Hiding a competitor's unethical behavior

D) Discriminating against other cyclists

E) None of the above

9. Why is equality an important value in sports ethics?

A) It allows athletes to use any means necessary to win.

B) It ensures a level playing field for all participants.

C) It encourages doping to enhance performance.

D) It prioritizes winning over fairness.

E) None of the above

10. What is the ultimate goal of sports ethics?

A) Winning at all costs

B) Promoting respect and fair play

C) Encouraging gamesmanship

D) Excluding certain athletes from competition

E) None of the above

11. What is the main concern with Sarah's decision to use a banned substance in

A) It promotes fair competition.

B) It enhances her chances of winning.

C) It jeopardizes the reputation of the sport.

D) It respects the spirit of sportsmanship.

E) None of the above

12. Which ethical value is most at risk due to Sarah's actions?

A) Fair Play

B) Gamesmanship

C) Equality

D) Respect

E) None of the above

13. As an official of the Tour de Velocity, what should be the first step in addressing
Sarah's doping case?

A) Ignore the situation to avoid controversy.

B) Suspend Sarah immediately.

C) Investigate the matter thoroughly.

D) Allow Sarah to continue racing without consequences.

E) None of the above

14. How can sports organizations and governing bodies promote ethics and prevent
doping in their respective sports?

A) Encourage athletes to use performance-enhancing substances.

B) Implement strict anti-doping policies and testing.

C) Turn a blind eye to doping to avoid negative publicity.

D) Reward athletes for winning at any cost.

E) None of the above

15. What message does Sarah's doping send to young and aspiring cyclists?

A) That cheating is acceptable in sports.

B) That doping is necessary for success.

C) That fair play and ethics matter less than winning.

D) That integrity and sportsmanship should always be upheld.

E) None of the above


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