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Eucalyptus plantation in Uruguay.

Photo by Veera Tahvanainen

Multi-level perspective approach for

analysing sectoral development, exercise
Dr. Anu Laakkonen and Katri Rusanen, Forest Policy Analysis, November 2023

UEF// University of Eastern Finland

Contents of the exercise

▪ Exercise 23.11.2023
– Quick revision on the previous lecture
– Instructions for the exercise in using MLP-framework

UEF// University of Eastern Finland

Multi-level perspective Put
on existing
The external structure or context for regime
interactions of actors.
E.g., climate change, wars, economic Create
development… Mega trends, drivers, macro level windows of
opportunity New socio-
The ‘rule-set or grammar’ of processes, regime
technologies, skills, corporate cultures landscape
that are embedded in institutions and
Presented through six dimensions.
E.g., Dominant practices, actors, systems, Dynamically Adjustments
technologies… stable! Innovations occur in
take socio-
advantage of technical
”windows of regime.
process on
multiple Stabilization
”This is where radical innovation dimensions. in dominant
happens". design.
Promising novelties are eventually Gaining
used in the regime or replace it… Elements
E.g., new technologies and practices, pilots, marginal
solutions, radical innovations…
Source Tahvanainen 2019 Multi-level perspective approach for analyzing sectoral development –lecture.
UEF// University of Eastern Finland Modified from Geels 2011 The multi-level perspective on sustainability transitions: Responses to seven criticisms
Exercise in using MLP framework

▪ Group work of 2-4 persons

▪ Describe a systemic change of a forest-
based topic through the MLP framework
– A change that has already happened
– A region of your choice
– Example topics
• Change in forest policy
• Change in industry
• Change in land use
• Change in consumer behaviour
• Change in business
• …...

Source: Geels 2011 The multi-level perspective on sustainability

UEF// University of Eastern Finland transitions: Responses to seven criticisms
Exercise in using MLP framework

1. Describe the socio-technical regime before the systemic change

▪ What kind of established ways of operating there are in the regime?

– Industrial actors, laws, resources, technologies, infrastructure, etc..?
▪ Present through the six dimensions, emphasise the most important ones
– Industry
– Policy
– Science
– Culture
– Technology
– Markets and user preferences

UEF// University of Eastern Finland

Exercise in using MLP framework

2. Identify and describe the landscape level pressures and drivers that pressurised
the regime to change.
▪ What kind of change drivers, mega trends, political ideologies, demographical
trends etc. there are?
▪ Why and how they are changing the regime?
▪ What is the scale and phase, i.e., the dynamics of the occurring changes?

3. Identify and describe the innovations at the niche level that changed the regime.
▪ What kind of radical novelties, innovations, new technologies, new actors etc.
there are?
▪ Why and how they are changing the regime?

UEF// University of Eastern Finland

Exercise in using MLP framework
4. Describe the socio-technical regime after the systemic change, i.e., the new

▪ What kind of changed ways of operating are there in the regime?

– Industrial actors, laws, resources, technologies, infrastructure, etc..?
▪ Present through the six dimensions, emphasise the most important ones
– Industry
– Policy
– Science
– Culture
– Technology
– Markets and user preferences

UEF// University of Eastern Finland

Changes in the regime: What, why and how?
2. Socio-technical landscape level
Demographical trends and changes?
Technical and material aspects?
Macro-economic patterns?
Political ideologies?
Societal values?

1. Socio-technical regime before 4. Socio-technical regime after

Industry dimension Industry dimension
Policy dimension Policy dimension
Science dimension Science dimension
Culture dimension Culture dimension
Technology dimension Technology dimension
Markets and user preferences dimension Markets and user preferences dimension

3. Niche level Radical innovations?

Marginal solutions?
New technologies and practices?
UEF// University of Eastern Finland
Thank you!
Contact information:
Anu Laakkonen
Katri Rusanen

UEF// University of Eastern Finland

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