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Section 1 Report on establishing impact force delivered by 1-7/8Ó and

2-1/8Ó Petroline Adjustable Upstroke Jars.

Section 2 Report on the effect of Accelerator Spring configurations on

Jar performance. 2-1/2Ó Accelerator used.

Section 3 Report on the effect of Stem length changes in relation to

impact forces.

1-7/8Ó AND 2-1/8Ó JARS

Report on establishing impact force delivered by 1-7/8Ó & 2-1/8Ó Jars

This report outlines briefly the equipment and procedure used in testing the 2-1/8Ó and 1-7/8Ó jars
and gives a graphic representation of the final results.


The object of the test was to determine the magnitude of impact force imparted by each jar and also
to establish an indication of minimum and maximum effective working limits for both.

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Due to non-existence of a 1-7/8Ó accelerator at this time the 1-7/8Ó and 2-1/8Ó jar were both run
with a 2-1/8Ó accelerator.

Spring configuration specification is given in the table below:

2-1/8Ó Accelerator Spring Specification

Thin = 45 x 22.4 x 1.25

Thick = 45 x 22.4 x 1.75

Spring set up Load to Solid Stroke max. from Solid

360 Thin Singles 2000 lbs 22Ó

248 Thin Doubles 4000 lbs 15-1/2Ó

24 Thick Singles
332 Thin Singles 4450 lbs 22Ó


Each jar was run with a fixed accelerator spring configuration. Initially the jar was set at its
minimum line pull to trip and gradually adjusted in steps to its maximum setting. After each jar
adjustment approximately 10 x readings were taken of its respective impact force from the
oscilloscope trace.


All impact forces were calculated from oscilloscope trace as per example given in Section 2.


The graphic representations of the results show impact force versus respective line pull.


During our performance tests it was established that acceleratorÕs are essential, not only to provide
protection for the rope socket, but also to greatly enhance the operation of the jar. This fact can
clearly be seen on graph A. The first two impacts are considerably less than what one would expect
for their respective line pulls, compared with two impacts which are considerably larger for almost
equal line pulls. These two poor impact forces are attributed to the fact that in each case the
accelerator stroke, when the jar was fired, was less than the jar stroke and hence the energy of the
impact was not fully utilised.

As a matter of interest the tool string was also set-up with only: rope socket, 3Õ x 1-7/8Ó stem, 2Õ
roller stem and 1 set of spang jars. This was then hand jarred and resulting impacts measured a max.
of 14,000 lbs. It must be remembered that all tests were carried out at surface conditions where there
are no affects caused by viscous drag and/or buoyancy affect of fluid.

1-7/8Ó Jar 2-1/8Ó Accelerator: 24 thick singles 332 thin singles

Spring Spec

Thick 45 x 22.4 x 1.75

Thin 45 x 22.4 x 1.25

Max Stroke 22Ó

Max Stroke (Jar) 12-1/2Ó


Impact Force X1000 lbs




725 lbs. Acc Stroke 21.5" 850 lbs. Acc Soli d 975 lbs. Acc Soli d 1150 lbs. Acc Solid

Line Pull

Graph A

2-1/8Ó Jar 2-1/8Ó Accelerator: 360 thin singles

Spring Spec

Thick 45 x 22.4 x 1.75

Thin 45 x 22.4 x 1.25

Max Stroke 22Ó

Max Stroke (Jar) 13Ó

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Graph B

2-1/8Ó Jar 2-1/8Ó Accelerator: 248 thin doubles

Spring Spec

Thick 45 x 22.4 x 1.75

Thin 45 x 22.4 x 1.25

Max Stroke 15.5Ó

Max Stroke (Jar) 13Ó

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Graph C


Tests carried out to establish effect of Accelerator Spring configurations on Jar
performance (2-1/2Ó Accelerator used with 2-11/16Ó Jar)

This section of the report covers the equipment used, relevant assumptions and calculations and
displays the test results acquired in establishing the effect of accelerator spring configuration on jar
performance. The final conclusions discuss the test results and make recommendations as to the best
spring configuration for optimum all round performance.


To test several 2-11/16Ó jars set at different firing rates, with various accelerator spring
configurations in order to study the relationship between accelerator set-up and jar performance.


Shown overleaf are graphs displaying the acquired test results. Each graph shows impact force (lbs)
versus spring configuration for a constant line pull.

Oscilloscope Trace: See Diagram 1

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Diagram 1:

Typical Oscilloscope Trace displaying jar impact followed by accelerator stroking.


We also know that:

Impact force (lbs) was calculated, from strain gauge output, using procedure outlined below.

Vo = KxVixÎxn Where: Vo - Output Voltage from Display

4 Amplifier Gain

\Î= 4 x Vo K = Gauge Factor = 2.085

KxVixN -------------- Vi = Volt. applied to Gauges = 10V
N = No. of active Bridge Arms 2.6
Î = Strain

E= µ E = Young Modulus (psi)

Î µ = Stress
µ = Load/Area Î = Strain
A = CSA of Test Piece

Þ Load = ExÎxA --------------‚

Sample Calculation

2-11/16Ó Jar, 4000 lbs line pull Accelerator, 98 thick doubles. 322 then singles.

Average output voltage

Displayed on screen = 3.2 V

Amplifier Gain = 100

Þ Vo = 3.2/100 = 0.032V

From Equ.1 Î = 4 x 0.032

2.085 x 10 x 2.6

Þ Î = 2361 Î

From Equ.2

Load = ExÎxAE = 30 x 10 psi

A = 1.445 in2

Load = 30 x 106 x 2361 x 1.445

Þ Load = 102,349 lbs

In every test each jar was fired off at least 10 times so that 10 traces could be recorded for each jar,
paired with each accelerator spring configuration.


Firstly calibration and calculation procedures of test equipment were checked by holding a steady
constant pull of known magnitude directly on to the test fixture holding the strain gauges. The steady
peak seen on oscilloscope was then used to calculate the, already known, applied load. Each jar was
set to predetermined setting and hence line pull for each was kept constant for the duration.

Equipment: See Diagram 2

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Accelerator Spring Configuration Specification

Thin = 50 x 25.4 x 2.0

Thick = 50 x 25.4 x 2.25

Spring set up Load to Solid Stroke max.

302 Thin Doubles

12 Thick Singles 2653 lbs 16-1/2Ó

452 Thick Singles 2023 lbs 26Ó

98 Thick Doubles
322 Thin Singles 4047 lbs 23Ó

502 Thin Singles 1326 lbs 26Ó

2-1/2Ó Easy Adjust Jar - 2-1/2Ó Accelerator 452 thick singles

Spring Spec

Thick 50 x 25.4 x 2.25

Thin 50 x 25.4 x 2.0

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2-11/16Ó Jar + 2-1/2Ó Accelerator 3000 lbs pull

Spring Spec

Thick 50 x 25.4 x 2.25

Thin 50 x 25.4 x 2.0

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2-11/16Ó Jar + 2-1/2Ó Accelerator 4000 lbs pull

Spring Spec

Thick 50 x 25.4 x 2.25

Thin 50 x 25.4 x 2.0

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2-11/16Ó Jar + 2-1/2Ó Accelerator

Spring Spec

Thick 50 x 25.4 x 2.25

Thin 50 x 25.4 x 2.0

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As evident from the graphs, the greatest all round performance with the 2-11/16Ó jar was obtained
with a spring configuration consisting of 452 thick singles (50 x 25.4 x 2.25).

Performance from this accelerator spring configuration surpasses all other configurations until the
point at which the line pull required to trip the jar exceeds 3,500 lbs. Above this point of 3,500 lbs
the best performance is obtained from the spring configuration of 302 thin doubles (50 x 25.4 x 2)
and 12 thick singles (50 x 25.4 x 2.25).
Tests carried out to ascertain relationship between Stem length and subsequent Jar

This section of the report covers the results obtained from changes to stem lengths. It clearly shows
that increases in stem length/weight can reduce effectiveness of the jar.


To study how changes to stem length/weight, affected the performance of the subsequent jar.


Equipment and data recording facilities were exactly the same for these tests as those used in the
spring configuration tests, apart from having variable stem lengths. The accelerator spring
configuration, remaining constant throughout the test, this being 452 thick singles.

Stem Length Discussion

As evident from both tests at constant line pull the impact force the jar imparts on anything below it
is decreased as stem length above increases. The graph of test results obtained with a line pull of 250
lbs displays a pronounced linear relationship between impact force and stem length. This straight
line relationship reveals a drop of 3,000 lbs (approximately) impact force with every added 3Ó
section of stem.

It must however be noted at this point that a happy medium must be met between too much and too
little stem. Without sufficient weight above the jar the full potential impact of the jar is not raised
due to the lack of mass to supply momentum. However, too little stem can be as detrimental to the
resulting impact force as too much stem.

It must be remembered also that all our tests were undertaken in the open air (dry) where there are no
affects caused by viscous drag and/or buoyancy affects of fluid surrounding tool string.


For this series of tests the jar setting remained constant while stem lengths were increased from 3Õ to
12Õ in 3Õ sections and relative impact forces recorded after each addition.


Impact forces were calculated from oscilloscope trace in exactly the same way as those in the
previous section of this report.


The results of the stem length tests are shown overleaf in the form of graphs showing impact force
(lbs) versus stem length (feet).

2-1/2Ó Easy Adjust Jar + 2-1/2Ó Accelerator thick singles constant line pull 2500 lbs

Spring Spec

Thick 50 x 25.4 x 2.25

Thin 50 x 25.4 x 2.0

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2-1/2Ó Easy Adjust Jar + 2-1/2Ó Accelerator thick singles constant line pull 3400 lbs

Spring Spec

Thick 50 x 25.4 x 2.25

Thin 50 x 25.4 x 2.0

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