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Information Technology Ac/Program

selfe assesment sample question on Advanced database for Exit exam

I. Choose the best answer ________

1. The activity of choosing an efficient execution strategy for processing a query is called
A. Query execution C. Query plan evaluation
B. Query optimization D. Query parsing
2. Timestamp ordering protocol is said to be free from deadlock because of ____ reason?
A. It is cascading free C. No transaction is made to wait
B. It guarantees serializability D. None of them
3. In a schedule S with two transactions T1 and T2, T1 reads the data item which was produced by T2
and T1 commits before T2 commits. In this case, the schedule S is said to be a _________ schedule?
A. Recoverable C. Conflict serializable
B. Non-recoverable D. serial
4. If a transaction is allowed to read a data item that was produced by an uncommitted transaction, what
do we call this read?
A. Repeatable read C. Dirty read
B. Phantom read D. Conflict read
1 Begin_transaction
2 Read(A)
3 A:=A-500;
4 Write(A);
5 Read(B)
6 B:=B+500;
7 Write(B);
8 Commit;
5. Consider the transaction T1 as given below; T1 enters into which of the following states if there
is a system crash after the instruction 5?
A. Partially committed C. Failed
B. Committed D. Undetermined
6. Consider the transaction T1 as given below; T1 enters into which of the following states if there
is a system crash after the instruction 7?
A. Active, partially committed C. Active, Failed
B. Partially committed, Committed D. Partially committed, Failed
7. Transaction-processing systems usually allow multiple transactions to run concurrently. Which
of the following best suits as the advantage(s) of allowing concurrent execution of transactions?
A. Improved transaction throughput C. Serializability
B. Reduced execution complexity D. Reduced waiting time
8. To ensure integrity of the data, a database system should ensure transactions to possess certain
properties. The property which makes sure that the partial effects of incomplete transactions
should not visible to the other transactions is called__________?
A. Atomicity C. Isolation
B. Consistency D. Durability
9. To ensure integrity of the data, a database system should ensure transactions to possess certain
properties. The property that makes sure that “either all instructions executed successfully or none
of them are” is called_______?
A. Atomicity C. Isolation
B. Consistency D. Durability
10. One of the following is not the reason for the need of query optimization?
A. To utilized storage space efficiently C. To increase system performance
B. To maximize throughput D. To increase response time
11. One of the following is not consider in cost estimation during query optimization?
A. Input/Output cost C. Communication cost
B. CPU processing cost D. device cost
12. One of the following is/are not the transaction processing system?
A. Airline reservation System C. Supermarket Management System
B. Student Information Managements D. Damp monitoring system
13. One of the following is/are the recovery technique from catastrophic failures?
A. Undo C. Backup
B. Redo D. Encryption
14. _______is methods assume conflict is rare and only checks for conflicts at commit/terminate time?
A. Shared Locking C. Optimistic
B. Time stamping D. Executive locking
15. __________is a technique/process of keeping and maintaining a log file of all transaction changes
made to database to enable effective recovery in event of failure?
A. Journaling C. View
B. Backup D. Encryption
16. One of the following is not the goal of database security?
A. To ensure database confidentiality C. To allow legal users modify the database
B. To ensure database availability D. To protect database from legal users
17. Recovery manager keeps track of the following operations except_______________________?
A. Read or write operation C. The end of transaction
B. Beginning of transaction D. Type of computer and connectivity
18. Which one of the following the issues behind database security?
A. Legal and ethical issues C. System-related issues
B. Policy issues D. Blocking authorized user’s issues
19. __________one of the following is not the counter measure to protect our database from different
A. Encryption C. Authorization
B. Backup D. Blocking the system service
20. __________is the process of transforming a high-level query into a relational algebra query, and
to check that the query is syntactically and semantically, correct?
A. Decomposition C. Code generation
B. Optimization D. Execution

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