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Received: 24 February 2023 Revised: 26 June 2023 Accepted: 5 July 2023

DOI: 10.1002/chir.23612


Circular dichroism and UV–Vis detection of UV-induced

damage to nucleic acids

Reed C. Dowling 1 | Gregory T. Carroll 2 | David L. Kirschman 2 |

Mark B. Masthay 1 | Angela Mammana 1

Department of Chemistry, University of
Dayton, Dayton, Ohio, USA Abstract
Aerobiotix, Inc., Miamisburg, Ohio, USA In this report, we demonstrate that CD spectroscopy can be used as a tool to
detect changes to DNA upon irradiation with UV light. We follow the spectro-
scopic response of DNA samples irradiated at selected exposure times with both
Angela Mammana, University of Dayton,
Department of Chemistry, 300 College CD and UV–Vis spectroscopy. We analyzed four different nucleic acids to evaluate
Park Dr., Dayton, OH 45469, USA. the effect of the sequence on photodegradation. Only one polymer, calf thymus
DNA, was a natural nucleic acid and contained all four nucleobases. The other
Funding information three were synthetic polymers and contained only one type of base pair: poly
University of Dayton (deoxyadenylic-deoxythymidylic) acid [poly (dA-dT)2] and poly (deoxyadenylic
acid)  poly (deoxythymidylic acid) [poly (dA)  poly (dT)], which contained only
adenine and thymine; poly (deoxyguanylic-deoxycytidylic) acid [poly (dG-dC)2],
which contained only guanine and cytosine. CD and UV–Vis spectra showed
sequence dependent changes. In particular, poly (dA)  poly (dT) undergoes
changes more rapidly than the other sequences investigated. The CD spectrum of
poly (dA)  poly (dT) gradually undergoes an inversion, suggesting a change in
helicity, before disappearing due to the unfolding of the double strand.

B-DNA, circular dichroism, germicide, nucleic acids, photodegradation, secondary structure

1 | INTRODUCTION their DNA and become “inactivated.”17,18 The main chemi-

cal mechanism of disinfection involves photochemical
UV germicidal irradiation technologies are used to damage to nucleic acids, with thymine dimerization the
disinfect solid surfaces, air, and water.1,2 The Covid-19 pan- most often-cited photo-process that disrupts microbe repro-
demic has recently stirred increased interest in applying duction.19,20 DNA has an absorption maximum at approxi-
UV light to surface and air disinfection.3–7 In operating mately 260 nm and absorbs UV light up to a wavelength of
room settings, which are subject to infectious contami- roughly 300 nm, and hence traditional direct irradiation
nants from many sources,8–13 UV germicide technology is requires a light source that emits in the UVC (200–
used to reduce the occurrence of surgical site 280 nm) and/or UVB (280–315 nm) regions. UVC is pre-
infections.14–16 In general, pathogens exposed to appropri- ferred as it covers the portion of the spectrum where DNA
ate dosages of UV light encounter problems in replicating has its highest extinction coefficients. Hg lamps are

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© 2023 The Authors. Chirality published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.

Chirality. 2023;35:973–982. 973

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typically used as germicides because their emission spec- which is particularly important in more complicated set-
trum includes a strong line at 254 nm, which overlaps with tings where multiple chromophores can be present. Com-
the DNA absorption band. Note that UVC irradiation can bined with induced CD signals based on supramolecular
also induce protein damage.21 interactions, unique DNA sensors based on CD spectros-
The rich and dynamic nature of biological environ- copy that give rise to easily distinguishable signals in the
ments coupled with DNA's structural variations suggests visible region have been developed.34 The utility of CD
the potential for a complex mixture of products upon spectra for characterizing a variety of systems including
exposing a micro-organism to UV light. When the solid substrates, metallic particles, supramolecular aggre-
nucleobases of DNA absorb light, a number of photo- gates, and small molecule interactions with proteins and
products are possible.22 Both pyrimidines and purines DNA, has been demonstrated.35–39 The efficiency of CD
undergo photo-reactions, and the nature of the resulting spectroscopy in shedding light on the structure of molecu-
photo-products is dependent in part on the sequence and lar and biomolecular systems warrants its application to
flexibility of the DNA chains.23 It is generally assumed the analysis of UV-irradiated DNA and may lead to the
that thymine (5,5-6,6) dimers formed between adjacent development of new sensing strategies and technologies.
deoxythymidylic acid nucleotides are the most important In this report, we demonstrate that CD spectroscopy
photo-products in microbe inactivation.24 In fact, many can be used as a tool to detect changes to DNA upon irradi-
cursory discussions of the topic indicate this photoprod- ation with UV light (Figure 1). We follow the spectroscopic
uct exclusively. However, additional photoproducts response of DNA samples irradiated at selected exposure
containing and excluding thymine have been reported. times with both CD and UV–Vis spectroscopy. We analyze
(6,4) thymine dimers are well-known.25 The spore photo- four different nucleic acid sequences: calf thymus DNA,
product, 5-thyminyl-5,6-dihydrothymine, is another poly (deoxyadenylic-deoxythymidylic) acid [poly (dA-dT)2],
example of an alternative thymine dimer.26 While poly (deoxyguanylic-deoxycytidylic) acid [poly (dG-dC)2],
thymine dimerization is generally depicted as adjacent and poly (deoxyadenylic acid)  poly (deoxythymidylic acid)
thymine nucleobases reacting with each other, thymine [poly (dA)  poly (dT)] as shown in Figure 1. In all cases,
dimerization between non-adjacent nucleotides has been both the CD and UV–Vis spectra undergo sequence depen-
reported.27 Additionally, thymine-cytosine and cytosine- dent changes. Poly (dA)  poly (dT), which contains thy-
cytosine photo-products have been reported.22,28 Irradia- mine nucleobases adjacent to each other on a single
tion of microbes with UV light is not limited to nucleic homopolymeric strand and adenine nucleobases adjacent
acid damage, as UV-induced crosslinking between DNA to each other on the complementary homopolymeric
and proteins can occur.29 Given that photochemical reac- strand, undergoes changes more rapidly than the other
tions often involve highly reactive intermediates and that sequences investigated.
the interior of cells is chemically complex, it is expected
that a variety of products are generated, especially when
differences between pathogen species are considered. 2 | MATERIALS AND METHODS
Given the utility of UV disinfection and its growing
importance in inhibiting the spread of infectious agents, 2.1 | General comments
enhancing our understanding of the effect of UV light on
DNA may lead to improved germicidal technologies Lyophilized natural and synthetic polynucleotides were
and/or the development of rapid protocols for screening used. Calf thymus DNA was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich
the effectiveness of irradiation devices. Investigating and stored at 4 C. Poly (deoxyguanylic-deoxycytidylic) acid
molecular level changes involved in germicidal action, sodium salt [poly (dG-dC)2], poly (deoxyadenylic-deoxythy-
including the exact mechanism of thymine dimerization, midylic) acid sodium salt [poly (dA-dT)2], and poly (deox-
is an ongoing challenge.1,30 yadenylic)-poly (deoxythymidylic) acid sodium salt [poly
Circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy is a powerful (dA)  poly (dT)] were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich and
method for studying chiral materials including DNA.31 stored at 20 C. Stock solutions of polynucleotides were
Understanding the chiroptical response of DNA to UV irra- prepared in phosphate buffer (25 mM, pH 7).
diation will further our understanding of UV-induced
DNA modification and its potential as a tool for the rapid
assessment of the efficacy of UV disinfection units. 2.2 | Instrumental measurements
Combined with UV–Vis and fluorescence spectroscopy,32
multiple channels can be used to detect changes in the pri- CD spectroscopy was performed with a JASCO J-815 CD
mary and secondary structure of DNA.33 An advantage of spectropolarimeter. UV–Vis absorption spectroscopy was
CD spectroscopy is that only chiral molecules give signals, performed with a JASCO V-630Bio UV–Vis
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F I G U R E 1 Well-known photo-
products of UV-irradiated DNA include
the thymine dimers shown (top).
Photochemical modification of B-DNA,
which has a characteristic CD spectrum,
is expected to induce conformational
and spectroscopic changes (middle).
Schematic representations of the four
types of DNA irradiated with UV light
and analyzed with CD spectroscopy are
shown (bottom).

spectrophotometer. Measurements were performed in a with CD and UV–Vis spectroscopy in order to understand
quartz cuvette with a 1 cm pathlength. All solutions were how the presence and relative position of the nucleotides
prepared in a phosphate buffer (25 mM, pH 7). affect spectroscopic changes. Calf thymus DNA, poly
(dA-dT)2, poly (dG-dC)2, and poly (dA)  poly (dT) were
all prepared in phosphate buffer at pH 7 and were each
2.3 | Photochemical experiments irradiated and analyzed using the same procedure.

For UV irradiation, solutions in a quartz cuvette were

irradiated with a 100-watt Hg Arc lamp (Oriel Corp.) 3.1 | Calf thymus DNA
with a maximum irradiance at 254 nm of approximately
60 mW/m2 at 0.5 m. UV–Vis and CD spectra were taken Figure 2A shows the CD spectra for calf thymus DNA
immediately after irradiation for selected exposure times. in buffer before and after irradiation with UV light for
selected exposure times. The symmetric bisignate signal
shown indicates that the DNA is in the B form.40 The
2.4 | Preparation of DNA solutions spectrum contains a positive band at 276 nm and a neg-
ative band at 246 nm, both of which are plotted as func-
All polynucleotide solutions were prepared in phosphate tions of irradiation time in Figure 2B (top). After
buffer at concentrations that gave absorption maxima of 15 min of irradiation, significant reductions in the mag-
approximately 0.96 ± 0.02. nitudes of the ellipticities (6.5 and 4.8 mDeg at 246 and
276 nm, respectively) are clearly evident. These magni-
tudes of attenuation correspond to a 43% reduction in
3 | R ES U L T S A N D D I S C U S S I O N intensity of the negative signal and 41% reduction in
intensity of the positive signal. The CD signals are effec-
Calf thymus DNA and three synthetic polynucleotides tively eliminated after 120 min of exposure to UV light,
were irradiated with UV light (Hg-Lamp) and analyzed with the signals at 246 and 276 nm converging to
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F I G U R E 2 CD spectra of calf thymus DNA after irradiation with UV light for selected amounts of time (A). The CD signals at 246 and
276 nm are plotted as functions of irradiation time (B top). UV–Vis absorption spectra of calf thymus DNA after irradiation with UV light for
selected amounts of time (C). The absorption at 258 nm (left axis) and 310 nm (right axis) are plotted as functions of irradiation time
(B bottom).

approximately 0 mDeg from initial values of 14.7 and photo-product or a lack of interaction of the photo-product
+11.7 mDeg, respectively. The loss of the CD signal and with chiral material.
absence of the formation of new signals throughout the The data reported in Figure 2 coupled with the recently
irradiation process indicates an unfolding of the B form reported fluorescence spectra32 show that a combination of
upon irradiation. CD, UV–Vis, and fluorescence techniques provides com-
The UV–Vis absorption spectra for calf thymus DNA plementary information regarding the photo-induced mod-
in phosphate buffer at pH 7 before and after irradiation ification of DNA. The absorption spectra show both a
with UV light for selected exposure times are shown in change in the DNA absorbance as well as the growth of a
Figure 2C. The absorption maximum occurs at approxi- weak signal at longer wavelengths. The CD spectra are
mately 258 nm. Absorbance values at 258 and 310 nm are intimately related to the secondary structure of the DNA
plotted as functions of irradiation time in Figure 2B (bot- and show a more compelling spectral change in a shorter
tom). The signal at 258 nm decreases with exposure time amount of exposure time as compared to UV–Vis and fluo-
and drops from an initial value of approximately 0.962 to rescence spectra, and provide two strong signals of opposite
0.388 after 150 min of exposure. A weak signal that shows sign to monitor. The previously reported fluorescence spec-
absorbance appearing above 300 nm, A > 300, grows with tra show a strong signal with an emission maximum at
irradiation time and reaches a maximum value at 310 nm 402 nm corresponding to the growth of a new product.
of approximately 0.065 after 60 min of exposure to UV Collectively, UV–Vis, CD, and fluorescence spectroscopy
light. This signal gradually decays after 90 min of irradia- show that DNA is modified by exposure to UV light under
tion. A fluorescence band with a maximum at approxi- the conditions employed.
mately 402 nm and associated with the A > 300 signal was
recently reported.32 The fluorescence signal continues to
increase in intensity for up to 120 min of UV irradiation 3.2 | Poly (dA-dT)2
and is stable for up to at least 150 min of irradiation, indi-
cating that multiple photoproducts might contribute to the Figure 3A shows the CD spectra for poly (dA-dT)2 before
UV–Vis signal, not all of which are fluorescent. While the and after irradiation with UV light for selected exposure
absorption spectrum shows the growth of the A > 300 sig- times. Poly (dA-dT)2 shows a bisignate signal with a posi-
nal, the CD spectra do not show the growth of a new signal tive band at 264 nm and a negative band at 249 nm, both
in this region, suggesting either a lack of chirality in the of which are plotted as functions of irradiation time in
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F I G U R E 3 CD spectra of poly (dA-dT)2 after irradiation with UV light for selected amounts of time (A). The CD signals at 249 and
264 nm are plotted as functions of irradiation time (B top). UV–Vis absorption spectra of poly (dA-dT)2 after irradiation with UV light for
selected amounts of time (C). The absorption at 262 nm (left axis) and 310 nm (right axis) are plotted as functions of irradiation time
(B bottom).

Figure 3B (top). As for calf thymus DNA, the asymmetric is approximately four times slower. After 15 min of irradia-
bisignate signal indicates that the DNA is in the B form.40 tion, the signal at 310 nm increases by only approximately
Significantly, the positive band has a shoulder at approxi- 0.009 absorption units compared to 0.035 units for the calf
mately 280 nm. After 15 min of irradiation, changes in thymus DNA. Regardless, both systems show relatively
the secondary structure are easily detected. Reductions of low increases in absorbance, thus highlighting the limita-
6.5 and 4.8 mDeg in the magnitudes of the 249 and tions of absorption spectroscopy without complementary
264 nm signals, respectively, are clear. The signal at techniques for assessing DNA damage at shorter irradia-
249 nm attenuates in magnitude by 6.0 mDeg, corre- tion times. The signal at 310 nm associated with this band
sponding to a 21% reduction in intensity of the negative reaches a maximum value of approximately 0.056 after
signal. Similarly, the signal at 264 nm attenuates by 120 min of exposure to UV light and gradually decays with
3.1 mDeg, corresponding to a 22% reduction in intensity further irradiation. The relative reductions in the intensity
of the positive signal. The CD signals are effectively of the CD signals are greater in magnitude than those
eliminated after 180 min of exposure to UV light, with observed in the absorption spectrum. The temporal behav-
the signals at 246 and 276 nm converging to approxi- ior of the UV–Vis signal is more complicated in that it first
mately 0 mDeg from initial values of 28.4 and increases slightly before decreasing. In fact, the UV–Vis
+14.1 mDeg, respectively. In agreement with the calf signal at 262 nm does not fall below its original value until
thymus DNA results, the loss of the CD signal indicates a after 60 min of irradiation. While the UV–Vis spectrum
loss in secondary structure upon extensive irradiation. shows the growth of the A > 300 signal, the CD spectra do
However, the rate of attenuation is slower than that of not show the growth of a new signal in this region in
calf thymus DNA. agreement with the calf thymus DNA results, again sug-
Figure 3C shows the UV–Vis absorption spectra for gesting either a lack of chirality in the photo-product or
poly (dA-dT)2 before and after irradiation with UV light lack of interaction with chiral material.
for select exposure times. The absorbances at 262 and
310 nm are plotted as functions of irradiation time in
Figure 3B (bottom). Upon irradiation, the absorption 3.3 | Poly (dG-dC)2
maximum at 262 nm decreases from an initial absor-
bance value of 0.931 to 0.308 after 210 min of exposure. Figure 4A shows the CD spectra for poly (dG-dC)2 in
As found for the calf thymus DNA, the A > 300 signal buffer before and after irradiation with UV light for select
grows with irradiation time, although the rate of growth exposure times. Poly (dG-dC)2 shows an asymmetric
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F I G U R E 4 CD spectra of poly (dG-dC)2 after irradiation with UV light for selected amounts of time (A). The CD signals at 253 and
278 nm are plotted as functions of irradiation time (B top). UV–Vis absorption spectra of poly (dG-dC)2 after irradiation with UV light for
selected amounts of time (C). The absorption at 257 nm (left axis) and 310 nm (right axis) are plotted as functions of irradiation time
(B bottom).

bisignate signal that is consistent with the B form of calf thymus DNA and poly (dA-dT)2, the A > 300 signal
DNA.40 The absorption spectrum shows a positive band grows with irradiation time. After 15 min of irradiation,
at 278 nm and a negative band at 253 nm, both of which the absorbance at 310 nm increases by only approxi-
are plotted as a function of irradiation time in Figure 4B mately 0.004 absorption units and reaches a maximum
(top). In comparison with calf thymus DNA and poly value of approximately only 0.039 after 150 min of
(dA-dT)2, the CD spectrum of poly (dG-dC)2 changes exposure to UV light. The signal gradually decays after
more slowly. After 15 min of irradiation, the positive 180 min of exposure. The consistent presence of the
band at 278 nm shows very little change. The negative A > 300 signal regardless of nucleotide composition
band at 253 nm reduces in magnitude by 2.3 mDeg, cor- (i.e., in both poly (dA-dT)2 and poly (dG-dC)2) indicates
responding to an 8.7% reduction. Although the changes that a mixture of products is generated in calf thymus
in the spectrum are less impressive at 15 min compared DNA, in which all four nucleobases are present. Interest-
to calf thymus DNA and poly (dA-dT)2, UV-induced ingly, the band at 257 nm undergoes a very rapid hypso-
changes in the structure of the DNA are clearly evident chromic shift compared to calf thymus DNA and poly
as the CD signals continually attenuate with irradiation (dA-dT)2. Additionally, it is worth noting that the inten-
time. The CD signals are effectively eliminated after sity of the band at 257 nm does not initially rise during
300 min of exposure to UV light, with the signals at the first 30 min of irradiation as it does for poly (dA-dT)2.
253 and 278 nm converging to approximately 0 mDeg Again, we do not see the growth of a band in the CD
from initial values of 26.1 and +9.9 mDeg, respectively. spectrum that corresponds to the growth of the weak
As for calf thymus DNA and poly (dA-dT)2, the gradual A > 300 signal in the UV–Vis spectrum.
loss of signal indicates an unfolding of the secondary
Figure 4C shows the UV–Vis absorption spectra for 3.4 | Poly (dA)  poly (dT)
poly (dG-dC)2 in buffer before and after irradiation with
UV light for select exposure times. The absorbances at Figure 5A shows the CD spectra for poly (dA)  poly
257 and 310 nm are plotted as functions of irradiation (dT) before and after irradiation with UV light for select
time in Figure 4B (bottom). The absorption maximum at exposure times. The spectrum for poly (dA)  poly
approximately 257 nm attenuates upon irradiation, (dT) prior to irradiation is consistent with a B form
decreasing from an initial value of approximately 0.969 to secondary structure.40 The spectrum includes two
0.218 after 300 min of exposure. As was shown for both positive bands at 283 and 261 nm and two negative bands
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F I G U R E 5 CD spectra of poly (dA)  poly (dT) after irradiation with UV light for selected amounts of time (A). The inset shows the
initial B form signal (0 s), the inverted signal after 30 min of irradiation, and the loss of signal after 180 min of irradiation. The CD signals at
249 and 283 nm are plotted as functions of irradiation time (B top). UV–Vis absorption spectra of poly (dA)  poly (dT) after irradiation with
UV light for selected amounts of time (C). The absorption at 259 nm (left axis) and 310 nm (right axis) are plotted as functions of irradiation
time (B bottom).

at 249 and 269 nm. The CD signals at 283 and 249 nm signal at 259 nm falls below its original value. The signal
are plotted as a function of irradiation time in Figure 5B continues to decrease with further irradiation and shows
(top). The CD spectrum changes much more rapidly for no hypsochromic shift. As found for the calf thymus
the poly (dA)  poly (dT) compared to the other polynu- DNA, poly (dA-dT)2 and poly (dG-dC)2, the A > 300 signal
cleotide samples analyzed, which is expected given that grows with irradiation time. After 15 min of irradiation,
all thymine nucleobases are adjacent to each other on a the absorbance at 310 nm increases by 0.084 absorption
single strand. This result is in agreement with the rapid units, which is the fastest rate of increase for the four
photo-degradation of poly (dA)  poly (dT) noted in our samples in this study and is perhaps expected, since it is
UV–Vis results below. Interestingly, after 10 min, the consistent with the rapid formation of thymine dimers
signal for the secondary structure of the polymer starts to along a single DNA strand. After 30 min, the signal
invert, reaching its maximum value after 30 min of reaches a maximum value of approximately 0.12 and
irradiation. Further irradiation of the sample results in gradually decays with further irradiation.
the complete disappearance of the CD signal, indicating a The changes in the CD spectrum suggest a two-step
loss of secondary structure. The CD signals are effectively process. In the first step, there seems to be a transition of
eliminated after 180 min of exposure to UV light, with the secondary structure of the polymer from a B-form
the signals at 249 and 283 nm converging (after inver- (right-handed helix) to what appears to be a Z-form (left-
sion) to approximately 0 mDeg from initial values of handed helix) as the spectrum at 30 min resembles the
54.5 and +6.9 mDeg, respectively. spectrum of the Z-form of Poly[d (AT)] reported by
Figure 5C shows the UV–Vis absorption spectra for Vorlickova et al.40 The transition is triggered by the
poly (dA)  poly (dT) in buffer before and after irradiation formation of the photoproduct. In the second step, the
with UV light for select exposure times. Absorbances at full unfolding of the polymer occurs. The CD results
259 and 310 nm are plotted as functions of irradiation agree with the previously published fluorescence data, in
time in Figure 5B (bottom). The absorption maximum which the increase in emission was initially slow, and
at approximately 259 nm attenuates upon irradiation, then increased more rapidly after 30 min.32 We speculate
decreasing from an initial value of approximately 0.972 to that in the first 30 min of irradiation, the predominant
0.294 after 180 min of exposure. Similar to poly (dA-dT)2, photoproduct is the non-fluorescent thymine (5-5, 6-6)
the early stages of irradiation are accompanied by a slight dimer. Longer exposure times promote the accumulation
increase in absorbance. After 25 min of irradiation, the of the fluorescent thymine (6-4) dimer.
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The two types of dimers are expected to have a differ- The results show that CD spectroscopy is a sensitive
ent effect on the stability of the double helix as shown in technique for monitoring the photochemical modifica-
Figure 6. Formation of the thymine (5-5, 6-6) dimer does tion of DNA in combination with the absorption spectra
not alter its hydrogen bonding sites, allowing the DNA to shown in this report and fluorescence data reported in a
maintain a double-stranded secondary structure. More- previous article.32 Each technique provides unique infor-
over, formation of the (5-5, 6-6) dimer affects the second- mation. Together, these techniques provide rapid insights
ary structure in a manner that appears to invert the into molecular level changes that occur when DNA is
helicity of the polynucleotide as suggested by the appear- irradiated with UV light with circular dichroism being
ance of a new bisignate CD spectrum containing opposite the most sensitive of the three: the CD spectra manifest
signs compared to the original B form. In contrast, forma- larger changes in magnitude in a smaller amount of time
tion of the thymine (6-4) dimer results in the loss of as compared to both absorption and fluorescence spectra.
hydrogen bonding sites on one of the thymine nucleo- Our results indicate that while GC base pairs typically
bases, which is expected to weaken the stability of the receive less discussion regarding UV germicidal mecha-
double strand and consequently of the helical structure. nisms, they are clearly susceptible to UV damage. While
The loss of hydrogen bonding likely results in a separa- alternating AT base pairs are clearly damaged by UV
tion of the two strands, which is accompanied by a full light, having thymine nucleobases adjacent to each other
loss of secondary structure as the absence of CD signal on a single strand dramatically enhances the effective-
between 200 and 300 nm suggests. ness of the UV light. The rate enhancement for poly

F I G U R E 6 Proposed effects of
dimer formation on the secondary
structure of poly (dA)  poly (dT) are
shown. The CD spectra suggest that
formation of the (5,5-6,6) dimer during
the first stage of UV irradiation causes
an inversion of the helicity.
Accumulation of the (6,4) dimer causes
an unwinding of the helix and ultimate
loss of secondary structure as shown by
the complete loss of CD signal.
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