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Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Intervening Variable Dependent Variable

Math Self-Efficacy

Attitude towards Math K-12 Career Preferences

Math Achievement

Figure 1: Schematic Diagram Showing the Relationship between Independent Variables

(Math Self-Efficacy and Math Achievement). Intervening Variable (Attitude towards Math)
and the Dependent Variable (K-12 Career Preferences)

Definition of Variables

For the purpose of better understanding of the variables and other terms that will be in this
study, they are defined as follows:

K-12 Career Preferences- In this study, it refers to the students' preferred strand among the
three strands of the Academic Track of the Curriculum Offerings of tge DepEd, namely:
Accounting, Business and Management ( ABM), Science and Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics (STEM), and Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS).

Self-Efficacy (SE)- The term refers to the extent or strength of one's belief in one's ability yo
succeed in certain situation.

Attitude towards Mathematics (ATM)- Tge term refers to the way students think and feel
about mathematics.

Mathematics Achievement (MA)- In this study, it refers to the average of the final grades in
Mathematics of the students in Grade 8 and 9.
Conceptual Framework
Antecedent Variable Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Knowledge of Classroom

Personal Classroom
Characteristics: Age, Discipline Practices
Sex, Length of Service

Attitude towards Classroom


Figure 1.
Conceptual Framework of the Study
Definition of Variables

The following terms were defined for the clarity of their use and for better understanding of
this study:

Antecedent Variable

Age- This refers to the period of time during which the respondents have lived since birth. In
this study, this pertains to a person's age on his/her last birthday.

Sex- This refers to the biological identity of the respondents.

Length of service- It refers to the total number of years the teacher has served as teachers in
the DepEd, regardless of their employment status.

Independent Variable

Knowledge- It refers to the awareness, ideas and understanding of the respondents about
classroom discipline practices.

Attitude- It refers to the individual degree of liking and disliking towards classroom
discipline practices employed in the Department of Education.

Dependent Variable

Classroom Discipline Practices- Refers to the strategies, techniques and means of controlling,
correcting and managing attitudes and behavior of the learners inside the classroom in order
to provide conductive teaching-learning environment to attain the desired goals of education.
Conceptual Framework

The study is essentially a simple investigation of the effect of modular learning

among Junior High learners of Datu Mamintal Adiong Sr. Memorial National High School on

their academic performance for school year 2020-2021. The independent variable consists of

motivating the students learning, home environment, school environment and, family and

peer influence by financial, parenting style, supervision and communication. The dependent

variable is the effect of modular learning on the academic performance of the learners. The

conceptual framework of the study is shown.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable Outcome

-Motivation of students R
to learn E
-Home environment O
Effect of modular M
-School environment
learning on the M
-Family and peer academic performances E
influence ( financial, of the learners N
parenting style, D
supervision and A
communication) T

Figure 1.
Conceptual Framework of the Study

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