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Water Resources Engineering Prof. Dr.Nisren J.


Types of aquifer and formation:

Water Resources Engineering Prof. Dr.Nisren J. Al-Mansori

Water Resources Engineering Prof. Dr.Nisren J. Al-Mansori

Darcy Law:

Water Resources Engineering Prof. Dr.Nisren J. Al-Mansori


Water Resources Engineering Prof. Dr.Nisren J. Al-Mansori

Well Hydraulics:

Water Resources Engineering Prof. Dr.Nisren J. Al-Mansori

Water Resources Engineering Prof. Dr.Nisren J. Al-Mansori

Specific Capacity:

Water Resources Engineering Prof. Dr.Nisren J. Al-Mansori

Water Resources Engineering Prof. Dr.Nisren J. Al-Mansori

Yield of Wells:

It is well known that under the favorable condition water tries to maintain its own level.
Hence, it is obvious that the level of water in a well approximately indicates the level of waters
table under normal conditions of no withdrawal. As the water is pumped out or withdrawn from
the well the level of water in the well falls more quickly than the ground water level and
consequently if forms a cone of depression. The difference of level of waters table and the water
level in the well now is called a head of depression.

The yield of open well can be determined by any one of the two methods, namely, pumping
test and recuperation test.

Water Resources Engineering Prof. Dr.Nisren J. Al-Mansori

Recuperation Test:

In this method water level in the well is depressed by pumping to any level below the
normal level. Then the pumping is stopped and time taken by the percolating water to fill the well
to any particular level is noted. Total quantity of water percolated into the well is calculated by
knowing cross-sectional area and rise in the water level after stoppage of pumping. The rate of
percolation or the yield of well can be arrived at by dividing the quantity of water by the time.
This test is carried out generally in a driest period to take worst condition into account.

Now it can be inferred that the actual pumping test of determining available yield is most reliable
but it is difficult to conduct the test accurately. Whereas recuperation test is very simple to
perform but it does not give the maximum safe yield. The reason is as the water level in the well
rises the safe maximum working head is not maintained throughout the period of observation.

Water Resources Engineering Prof. Dr.Nisren J. Al-Mansori


Water Resources Engineering Prof. Dr.Nisren J. Al-Mansori



A well 3 meters in diameter has its normal water level 3 meters below the ground level. By
pumping, water level in well depressed to 10 meters below ground level. In a time of 4 hours the
water rises by 5 meters. Calculate specific yield of the well.

Water Resources Engineering Prof. Dr.Nisren J. Al-Mansori

Water Resources Engineering Prof. Dr.Nisren J. Al-Mansori

Water Resources Engineering Prof. Dr.Nisren J. Al-Mansori


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