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Opinion on Elon Musks acquisition of twitter

Twitter is a popular application used by many for its contribution to public knowledge and
debate. Many people also use it to abuse and cyberbully others like using hate speech. Whereby
that's what the company has been trying to reduce by setting certain restrictions and rules for the
past years and I think the risk are significant if Elon Musks comes in and changes the rules and
the way they are enforced it will reduce people's interest in using the platform which will make it
grow less popular.

Business decisions have shaped the company’s image and workflow. Let’s delve into some of
these key actions:

1. Musk officially took Twitter private, ending a prolonged acquisition saga. This move
allowed him to exert more direct control over the company’s operations and strategy.

2. Musk appointed himself as CEO and brought in his own team to lead the company. This
decisive step aimed to address opposition to his leadership both internally and externally.

3. Twitter employees circulated an open letter protesting expected layoffs. Musk had to
navigate this delicate situation while streamlining the workforce.

4. Advertising agencies advised their clients to pause spending on Twitter. Musk’s

decisions directly impacted the company’s revenue and relationships with advertisers.

5. European Union officials considered a broader Twitter ban. Musk’s actions had
implications beyond the company’s borders, affecting its global standing.

6. Musk dismantled Twitter’s previously open and accessible APIs, opting for tools that
now come at a higher cost.

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