Steps Plus VI Test U4 B

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Unit 4 Test B

Vocabulary Grammar
3 Zakreśl właściwą formę.
1 Uzupełnij podpisy.
1 I’ve got a / an / some orange in my bag.
1 2 3
2 We’ve got some/ an / the apple tree in our
3 I’d like a / the / some cherries, please.
4 Are there any / an / some biscuits on the table?
4 5 6
5 Some / An / The carrot cake is £2.00.
6 We haven’t got some / the / any grapes.
1 chicken
2 _a___g_
3 g_____ 4 Ułóż zdania rozkazujące.
4 _t__w_______
1 book / me / the / give Give me the book.______
5 c_____s
2 phone number / your / me / tell
6 _ h _ _ _ _ _s ______________________________
5 3 don’t / theatre / the / in / talk
2 Dopasuj artykuły spożywcze z ramki do ______________________________
właściwych kategorii. 4 put / coat / on / your
tuna pork yoghurt 5 the / park / drop / litter / don’t / in
melon ______________________________
salmon cabbage 6 camera / don’t / touch / my
1 meat: _____________________
2 vegetables: _____________________
3 fruit: _____________________ 5
4 dairy: _____________________
5 Uzupełnij dialog przyimkami z ramki.
5 fish: __tuna__ , ____________________
5 some a any an the some
Vicky We need 1__some__ eggs. Is
__________ supermarket open?
Terry Yes, it is. I’m really hungry. I’d like
__________ egg sandwich.
Vicky We haven’t got 4__________ eggs. You can
make 5__________ cheese sandwich.
Terry But we haven’t got 6__________ bread!

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Unit 4 Test B

Speaking Listening
6 Uzupełnij dialog wyrażeniami z ramki. 8 Posłuchaj nagrania. Oznacz zdania jako

Can you come I can’t That sounds prawdziwe ( ) lub fałszywe ( ).

great Never mind What time Sorry 1 It’s Sandra’s birthday party.
2 They’ve got some lemonade. __
Shaun There’s a play on at the theatre next 3 They’ve got five pizzas. __
Saturday. 1_____Can you come_____?
2 4 They haven’t got any ham. __
Jenny _______________________.
Shaun Great! 5 Suzy loves sausages. __
Jenny 3_______________________does it start? 6 They want to buy lots of crisps. __
Shaun At half past twelve.
Jenny Oh, 4_______________________, I’m afraid.
It’s my mum’s birthday, and we’re going to Writing
her favourite restaurant for lunch.
Shaun 5_______________________. I hope you 9 Przeczytaj notatki i napisz e-maila z
enjoy your lunch! zaproszeniem dla kolegów i koleżanek na twoje
Jenny _______________________! Next time, przyjęcie. Użyj określeń czasu zawierających at,
perhaps. in i on.
My birthday party
Reading When: Sunday 14th April
Where: my house
7 Przeczytaj tekst. Potem uzupełnij poniższe When: the morning
zdania wyrazami z tekstu. What time: half past 10
Bring: some lemonade
Hi, my name is Ross. One of my favourite
lessons at school is cooking. Our teacher Please come to my birthday party. It’s …_____
teaches us how to make lots of delicious meals, _________________________________________
and she gives us lots of information about food, _________________________________________
too. We learn about food from different
countries – where it grows and how much it
costs. We learn how to prepare different kinds of _________________________________________
food, and we also learn about food that is _________________________________________
healthy, like fruit and vegetables, and food that is 5
unhealthy, like cakes and biscuits!
I think it’s very important to learn how to cook Total 45
well, so that we can make good meals. Fresh
food is much tastier and healthier than fast food.
My cousin Sam lives in Scotland, and he’s
learning how to make haggis in his cooking class.
The problem is that he prefers chips
and pizzas!

1 Ross’s _favourite_ lesson is cooking.

2 In the lessons, the students __________ how
to cook.
3 They learn how __________food in other
countries costs.
4 They learn about __________ and unhealthy
5 Ross prefers __________ food to fast food.
6 Sam lives in __________.

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Unit 4 Test B

10 Uzupełnij brakujące litery.
1 Lots of people buy o r g a n i c food.
2 Can I t _ _ t _ some of that cheese?
3 We’re using lights to d _ c _ _ _ t _ the house.
4 Żurek is a t _ _ d _ t _ o _ _ l Polish dish.
5 I’ll ask the w _ _ t _ _ s _ for more lemonade.
6 This melon and beef pie is h _ _ r _ _ l _!
11 Napisz daty z ramki wyrazami. Zapisz je we
właściwej kolejności.

21/3 15/8 10/4 2/9 1/5 28/12

1 __the twenty-first of March______ _

2 _______________________
3 _______________________
4 _______________________
5 _______________________
6 _______________________

Total 55

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