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It is widely believed that earning money is better than enjoying their jobs.

However, is
this really true?

Firstly, it should be considered how much time they spent at work. If someone makes
a lot of money, it would be mainly because they are at their job all the time. Whereas,
at the more pleasant jobs people work less hours.

Secondly, the type of work which is done is an important point to mention. Some
professions offer a high amount of money per month, but the majority of these are
very sacrificed. On the other hand, the enjoyable ones are more likely to have a low

Last but not least, mental health is another aspect that should be analyzed. Although
people earn a lot of money at some jobs, it is very stressful so it could be unpleasant
for mental health.However, if you enjoy your job it would be greatly beneficial for your

On the whole, i strongly feel that people are not considering if their job is disturbing
aspects such as time and health. This is a complex situation which is increasing
every day, time is money and people are not prioritizing spending time with their
closest ones and their own health.

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