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ELVIS DUODU - 0159753

Day 1

This lecture discussion introduced us to Paul’s letter to the Galatians and the theological

expositions in the Letter. The first information learnt was that there are at least between 2I/22

different kinds of epistles. I knew Galatians is an epistle, but I understood today that considering

the form of Galatians makes it one of the ancient letters that needs not to be interpreted anyhow.

Therefore, to be able to interpret Galatians in the New Testament, there are some hermeneutical

principles that needs observation. Epistles were written under certain circumstances, and it

usually responded to specific situations. This means that we need to understand the

circumstances to be able to understand the letter. Even though we do not see the other side of

argument Paul was making in Galatians, we could carefully reconstruct Paul’s argument to

understand what might have occurred in Galatian church. This act of reconstruction is what we

could term as mirror reading. This was a new term I understood as our discussion progressed.

A great question came up for discussion and I was impressed by the various contribution

we reviewed. The question was what can we could glean from theology? The answers given

indicated to me that in theology, we see God’s plan, purpose, and truth about God that are

enduring for us. Under such discussions, I understood the most important fruit in epistles is

theology, the sense of how we live, worship. All these is to assist us know God, his love,

provision, plan and hope for his people on earth. When was Galatians written? I realized that two

schools of taught debated on this question. The first group of scholars argued that Galatians was

written AD 50 at Paul’s first missionary journey when the apostle prayed and sent them out in

Act 13. As at that time, they believed that the Jerusalem Council had not decide on the issue

relating to circumcision of Gentiles. The other scholar argues at Paul might have written

Galatians at AD 51-53, the same time he wrote 1and 2 Thessalonians by which time the
ELVIS DUODU - 0159753

Jerusalem Council had taken a stance on whether to require gentiles to circumcise before

acceptance salvation. Considering the two arguments, I am tempted to have a firm stance that

Galatians was written before the Jerusalem Council. This is because, if it was before the Council

at Jerusalem, Paul would have referenced all or some part of it to indicate that a decision had

already been taken. That would have made his writings even easier because of that decision.

It was interesting to have learnt that Paul wrote Galatians to people who were at danger

of corrupting their faith of false doctrines at that time. Another information I received was that to

be accepted into mainstream people of God, you must be circumcised. This was a strong stand of

the Jews, outside of this meant that you could not be saved to be part of God’s people. How

about females who could not be physically circumcised? The answer to this was that females are

not part of the circumcision, but by association with the males Jews either through marriage or

birth. What an benightment to the writer to have understood the background of the Jews and their

social and physical practices. I understood the word proselyte to refer a gentile who has been

circumcised to be part of God’s people. That was the only way a gentile could be part of God’s

people. God has broken away this cultural limitation and barriers by means of Christ and the

Holy Spirit. During the last part of our discussion, we centered on Rhetoric. I understood that

this word is the art of speaking persuasively, and was employed effectively during the Roman

empire. A composition of persuasive speech or letter was considered as the presence of the

writer. My memories took me back to when we use to write letter to depict our presence those

days. A comparison was drawn between the English word rhetoric and the ancient use of

Rhetoric. The word rhetorical question is a question that demands no answer but meant to

emphasize a point. However, Rhetoric as used in the ancient writing transcends how it is used in

English. It uses in the ancient time is meant for its effect of persuading by appealing to audience.
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Paul used this too to appeal to logos, ethos, and pathos. This same as reason, credibility and

emotions respectively. A question that continues to battle me is that if Paul makes an appeal in

these areas as discussed above, why would he call the Galatians foolish? Could Paul have used

another word except insult?

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Day 2

Our discussion continued with the Rhetoric as used in the ancient letter writings. It

centered on the strategies as well as the principles Paul used in Galatians. I leant that basically

three types of Rhetorics that have that aims to convince different audiences. The first I got to

know was Judicio which is forensic in nature. This type is written to mainly convince a judge to

deal with a case. The second type was Epideictic, that is, to convince someone that he is worthy

of honor. The third part is what is termed as Delibratio which Paul used extensively in Galatians.

Interestingly, most Rhetoric started with exordium. This was one of the principles that

that Paul used. This principle was design to attract the attention of audience. It was a way to start

a speech with relevant information that will catch the attention at an instance. I understood that

this principle is brief but intense in words. The Narration as another principle, dealt with history

and information presented as background for the Rhetoric. In this section also the Rhetor defines

his theme.

Paul’s other principle was the use of probatio- where he presents his proof and arguments

for position and an apostle, and convincing argument for his theology on circumcision,

righteousness, justification and works of the law which goes to the very heart of becoming part

of the people of God. Considering these principles, I realized that Paul from Galatians 1:1-2 we

see Paul defend his apostolic office to the extent that he qualifies his apostolic credentials that he

is not sent from man, but by Jesus. Galatians 1:11-15, we could clearly conclude that Paul starts

his narration from there, and goes on into his own credibility as an apostle, an expert in Judaism

to defend his own ministry. Paul makes profound statements one of which is found in Galatians

1:14-15. It was God’s plan to change Paul from being an enemy of the Jesus and the church into

an influential apostle even from his mother’s womb.

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When we consider the mirror reading of his defends, we could deduce that perhaps, the

Jews doubted his apostleship and authority to preach and teach. We could also infer that the

people believed that being a sinner was positively related to uncircumcision which Paul rebuts in

his argument. Paul indicated in verse 12 of chapter 1that he did not consult any man for his

gospel, neither was he taught. He concludes that he received it by revelation. Does that mean that

the call of God on any man needs no training or education? My simple answer was that once

Paul indicates that it pleased God to reveal his son in him, it meant that Paul allowed God to use

him regardless of his former education or training. God was ready to use him anyway whether

with education or not because Paul was ready to allow God do it. That is not to discount the

value and importance of education. It depends on the individual if such a person can receive

formal education. If the individual can, then subject yourself to it. If you cannot, then allow the

Holy Spirit’s power to train you through life experiences and direct guidance from him. He will

definitely lead and guide you to do exactly what will conform to his written word.

Though, Paul narrates that the apostles did not teach him, they accepted his message and

ministry and advised him to do good to the poor. The apostle’s validation of Paul’s ministry and

message did not mean that he preached Jerusalem version of the gospel of circumcision .

Therefore, no one can say that he wants to go solo because the Holy Spirit teaches him, as such,

there is no need to undergo training or be educated for the ministry to which you have been


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