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Revision Notes

Class 3: English
Chapter 1: The Magic Garden

The Magic Garden Summary

 The magic garden tells the story of a magical garden in a school.
 In this garden, all the students of the school loved to water and care for all
the beings present there.
 It's a lovely garden full of golden sunshine, with lovely flowers like
pansy, sunflower, rose, poppy and marigold.
 The flowers are very happy and dance cheerfully when they see children.
 The students take care by digging the ground, watering the thirsty roots of
the flowers, and feeding bread to the birds.
 Well-fed and cared for, the flowers and birds are happy.
 They are always happy when the children visit.
 The fairies with the flower dress and sunshine wings also came to talk
and sing for the children.
 All flowers, birds and plants of the magical garden were looking forward
to playing with the kids the next morning!

Moral of The Magic Garden

 The Magic Garden is a beautiful poem with many lessons about caring
for others and enjoying nature.
 We should take care of all living beings be it birds and animals or trees
and plants.
 When all the beings in the world around us are happy they provide the
best for us.
 A happy place becomes a magical place just like the magic garden where
due to the actions of the children has become.

New Words Meaning with Examples

Word Meaning Examples

Class III English 1

Magic Tricks that appear impossible I love watching Harry Potter
because of the magic.

Garden a plot of land where flowers, fruits, The garden in society needs
and vegetables can be grown. more flowers.

Gardeners Someone who looks after a garden. The gardener is pouring

water over all the plants.

Playground It is an outdoor space where I want to go to the

children play. playground with my friends

Sunshine The shine due to the bright light I love the warmth of
from the sun sunshine on cold mornings.

Golden That's shining like gold. My pet cat has golden eyes.

Dreaming While sleeping, you may have What are you dreaming
thoughts or images that come to about?

The Magic Garden NCERT Questions and Answers

Reading is Fun
1. Why did the flowers love the little children?
Ans: Little children bring watering cans to the flowers, which they use to water
their thirsty roots.

2. Why did the birds love the children?

Ans: The birds adore the kids because they offer them bread.

3. Name five flowers growing in the magic garden.

Class III English 2
Ans: The five flowers that grew in the magical garden were marigolds, roses,
sunflowers, pansies and poppies.

4. What sounds could the children hear in the garden?

Ans: The children could hear the fairies' lovely singing in the garden.

Solved Practice Questions

1. What is your way of taking care of nature?
Ans: I love going to the nursery every Sunday with my mother and watering the
plants there. We love to enjoy a green day in nature.

2. Do you have a garden?

Ans: There is a huge garden in our backyard. It was first started by my
grandmother who still takes great care of it and always encourages me to do the

3. What is your favourite flower and why?

Ans: My favourite flower is Jasmine. I love Jasmine because they have the most
beautiful scent and every morning my mother offers jasmine flowers to the

4. Name two flowers that are yellow, red and white.

Ans: Yellow flowers- Sunflower and Pansy
Red flowers- Marigold and Roses
White flowers- Lily and Daisy

5. What was the origin of the name "Magic Garden"?

Class III English 3

Ans: It was a magical garden because it also had fairies. Only the children
could hear them dance and sing pleasant tunes. After some while, the fairies
appeared and danced with the children too.

Class III English 4

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