2023 Eos - Du - User

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User Guide for DU User

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Getting Started .....................................................................................................................03

ECMS ...................................................................................................................................06

Add Estimates........................................................................................................................13


Image Uploading....................................................................................................................18

My Profile..............................................................................................................................24


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Getting Started

Registration and user setup:

1) Fill out the depot registration form
2) Scan and email the completed form to support@eosadvantage.com
3) Receive an email from EOS with logon details
4) Login to EOS from https://du.eosadvantage.com/Account/Login.aspx

5) Enter the logon details from the email you received from EOS Support Team and select
customer from below options. So, if you are working for ONE then select customer OCEAN
Network Express or if you are working for other customer than ONE then selects customer

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6) After selecting customer users will always see a top menu with the following options

7) Select My Profile and select Change Password to set a personal password for your account.

You are now ready to begin submitting estimates.

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User Guide for the EOS DU User
Step 1 - Open URL
Step 2 - Log in as DU user using the appropriate credentials.
Step3 – After logging select customer.
Step 3 - After selecting customer, the Search screen will appear with below options:

• Estimates
• Add Estimate
• Search
• Reports
• My Profiles
• Resources
• Logout

By clicking on Estimates user will get below options

• Repair Date Update

• Attach Photos

Repair Date Update

DU user can manually update the repair date for the estimates in last column as shown in screen
shot. To save the Repair date, the user can either hit the Enter key or Tab away from the box.
You can select Customer, Depot code and Country/Region to filter out the data.
You can see estimates which are with repair date by checking up the box at “Include estimates
with repair dates” and if you uncheck the box estimate without repair date will be seen.

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Attached Photos
Users can attach photos from the Attached Photos option.


By clicking on ECMS the user will get the options below.

• Inventory
• Parts Inventory

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To manage the inventory, we have introduced a new sub functionality under ECMS module that
is Inventory management. It contains three types of reports and user will have the ability to
request those reports from depot via email in any given time.
1) Stock
2) Long Stay
3) Repair Projection
4) Damage Inventory
5) Rejected
6) Activity
By double clicking on searched record, it shows stock report. user is able stock for different
equipment group in different status.

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Users can also request stock from this screen by clicking Request Stock.

After sending any request like stock request, long stay request and repair projection request DU
user get mail with link.

By directly clicking on link Du user can update stock record.

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Long Stay
Long stay tab shows units which are approved for over 21 days but still their repair date is not
updated. Users can request long stay by clicking Request Long Stay button.

Users can request long stay by clicking Request Long Stay button.

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Repair Projection
Repair projection tab maintains all information related containers repair timespan. Repair projection
is updated by clicking Update Repair Projection button.

Users can also request repair projections by clicking Request Repair Projection button.

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Damage Inventory
It maintains all the information about damage inventory.


All rejected inventory is maintained in rejected tab.

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Activity tabs maintain all activities of depot.

Parts Inventory
Depots can record parts inventory purchases, and view number of parts or quantities of materials
in stock and keep track as parts are used for repairs.

Depot user can add inventory, upload parts inventory file by clicking import inventory button
also export template of file.

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Add Estimate
Users can insert new estimates in EOS by entering all basic information related to estimates.
Save button save the header of estimate.

After inserting the estimate header, successfully estimate detail information can be added using
Add New Line Item. After creating the header record, the specific repairs can be added using the
standard ISO CEDEX codes.

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Notes on some specific fields:
Units: select the measurement type used in the depot
Party: enter the code for the party that will pay for the repair

• U – User, shipping line (used for Inservice (INS) estimates)

• O– Owner, lessor (used in Offhire (OFF) estimates)
• I – Insurance (used for DPP in Offhire cases)
• T – Third Party Claim (used if the line item is to be billed to a third party)
• D- Depo party
• X – Deleted, used when lien item is deleted by the Customer
• S – Special bill (used in cases of central billing)
• M- Mixed I and T party.
• W-Warranty party
Repeats: enter the number of repairs for this line item
Tax Rule: DU user can select Tax Rule according to estimate specific requirement, as per below:
Tax rules are.

• N=None
• L=Labor only
• M=Material only
• B=Labor and Material.

User needs to click on Send to EOS button to submit the estimate to the EOS.

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Steps to submit batch estimates:
If user want to submit additional estimates to EOS, then they can use Copy Estimate for
Additional Unit button. Normally users click on the send to EOS button but to submit additional
estimates with same line items user need to click on button next to send to EOS.

When user click Copy Estimate for Additional Unit button then below screen will appear. User
can now insert the list of equipment Id for which he wants to submit additional estimates with
same line item. After inserting the unit’s user needs to click on Confirm list button highlighted

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After clicking on the confirm list, all the information in the grid will be filled automatically. User can
enter or edit estimate number, csc date and Note1, estimate date, Gate In Date and Manuf.
Date as per the need since these fields are editable.

Delete button can be used to delete row record. After successfully inserting and updating
information user must click Submit Batch button to submit the estimate to the EOS.
Once this process is completed the user needs to click on the Send to EOS button to submit the
original estimate to the EOS as well.

There are 9 basic filters available by which user can search the data.

• Customer Name (The customer associated with the user shall be shown and it is not
• Depot Code
• Estimate Number
• Equipment ID
• Country/Region
• Date Type
• Date From
• Date To
• Invoice No

Repair date is also updated in batch from search page. It also exports search data in excel.
The Custom Layout button allows users to customize the layout columns.

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There is also a “Refine Filters” option available in the left side. Clicking on further can refine his
search which contains following options:

• Estimate Status
• Estimate Type
• Equipment Code
• Currency
• Surveyor/ Assigned user.
• Survey Type
• Result Code
• Owner/Lessor

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Image Uploading in EOS
Images can be upload one by one from Add Estimate page using photo button. •
Click Photos button

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• Select images by clicking Choose Files button

• After selecting file user need to click Upload button to upload images in EOS. User can
see images in estimate header section.

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To upload images by sending it on email, for this method you just need to rename the images in
the format below.
To attach images, use the file naming protocols as follows:
a) To attach to specific line items: o

• EstimateNumber_LineNumber_unitnumber.jpg
e.g.: ABCD400017272_01_cornerpost01.jpg

b) To attach to estimate header:

• EstimateNumber_00_unitnumber.jpg
e.g.: ABCD400017272_00_EOSU2222222.jpg


By clicking on Estimates user will get below options

• New Report
• Saved Reports
• Depot and Lessor Billing Report
• Repair Invoice

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New Report
Users can generate various reports by selecting appropriate options from given multiple filters in
the screen shot according to user’s requirement.
Below are three steps to generate New Report:

Report Configuration
User can select multiple options according to their requirement.

Set report field and order.

User can select multiple fields and their order with default fields. Users can also give report

Save button save the report in Saved Reports.

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Run Report
Based on date range, date filter and another parameter user can run report. It also provides export
to excel and Export to CSV functionality.

Saved Reports
All reports saved by user shown in Saved Reports with previously selected filters.

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Depot and Lessor Billing Report
Monthly depot billing report can be generated. User can export data into Excel as well as in PDF.

Repair Invoice Report

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My Profile
My Profile represents the User Profile and basic information about the user. [ Note: You are advised
to change your password from “My Profile” when login first time in EOS using your credentials.]

It contains all the important user manual, ISO codes, allocation codes, Result codes and location
code etc. It also contains Messaging examples, EDI file decoding and EOS Post Repair
Inspections (PRI) process.

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