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EOS 2.0.


Release Date – 20th Jan 2024

Ocean Network Express

Reject estimate without part number

In this latest release, we've implemented a new feature that enables the system to automatically reject
estimates when a missing part number is detected, taking into account the repair code, location code, and
amount. This configuration can be set at the depot level. Previously, EOS only highlighted such estimates
with an icon on the Pending tab.

Invoice currency for the disbursement invoice

EOS will now extract the invoice currency for disbursements reports from the depot configuration screen.
We have incorporated a currency selection option corresponding to each leasing company. Previously, the
currency was sourced from the depot's profile.

Add quick Search field.

We have implemented a quick search feature on the dashboard, allowing users to efficiently locate any units
currently within the EOS system. This enhanced search functionality is specifically designed to operate based
on the equipment number. Additionally, the quick search box will display distinct colours corresponding to
the estimate status.

 Open Status - Red

 Pending Status - Yellow
 Review Status - Orange
 In Survey Status - Blue
 Closed Status - Green

EOS Release Notes Equipment Optimization Solutions © 2024 1


Release Date – 9th Dec 2023

Ocean Network Express

Additional columns in reports

Two new fields have been added in Reports:

 Estimate status.
 Survey assignment date

PTI icon changes

EOS will now display a red 'P' icon if the first estimate for a unit without a PTI date has a 'PI' line, and the
difference between the estimate date and manufacturing date is less than or equal to the Long PTI days
setting. Otherwise, a green 'P' icon will be displayed. The same logic applies to the 'MR' line, where EOS
compares the date difference to the set short PTI alert days

Add Owner column to grid on the 3 tabs & Search

We have incorporated the owner's name into all three grids—Pending, In Survey, and Review. The same
column has also been included in the export Excel option for consistency and comprehensive data

Labor Rate - Manual input restrictions

Customers can now restrict labor rate changes or overrides by depots entering estimates manually. When
this feature is activated and rates are set in the Labor Rate Configuration page, rates will be automatically

EOS Release Notes Equipment Optimization Solutions © 2024 2

populated and cannot be changed by depot inputting manually. Customer users will have the ability to
modify or edit the rules for each depot. This restriction specifically applies to the Add Estimate page in the
open status. However, in the Pending, In Survey, and Review stages, customer users can edit line-level rates
using the edit pencil and add new line functionality.

Changes to the Estimate Summary report

We have incorporated two additional tabs into the current Estimate Summary report and expanded the
functionality of the grid filters. The newly introduced tabs are as follows:

a) Estimate Off-Hire Summary

Provides a summarized view of the number of estimates received, categorized by leasing companies. Header
filters can be utilized to obtain details based on the submission type or the submitting entity.

b) Estimate Type Summary

Presents a summary of estimates received based on their types. Users can also access details on the closure
of estimates, including the method used (Batch/Single).

Enhance Repeat Flag For rejection.

EOS can now reject an estimate in the event of repeated lines (previously, it displayed an icon indicating the
presence of repeat lines and highlighted the corresponding estimate). This feature can be configured based
on various parameters, including depot, repair job, equipment type, and estimate type. The number of days
is customizable for each depot/code combination.

EOS Release Notes Equipment Optimization Solutions © 2024 3


Release Date – 28th October 2023

Ocean Network Express

Add column for leasing company in main grids.

In order to facilitate the filtering of estimates from a specific leasing company, we have introduced a new
column in the 'Pending' tab. Users can utilize this column to filter and identify the name of the leasing

Repeats mandatory for Fuel and freon recharge.

We have now made the 'Repeats' field mandatory for the fuelling jobs. Users are required to enter a
minimum of four repeats. Previously, this field was optional. This change has been implemented for both
manual input and EDI files.

Photo Link in WESTIM File Note field

When exporting records from EOS into WESTIM files, if an estimate contains photos, we create a link to
these photos and place it within the notes field in the exported WESTIM file from EOS. The receiving
system/user can access the same link, allowing users to open and download the photos.

EOS Release Notes Equipment Optimization Solutions © 2024 4

Allowing opening of invoiced estimates

We have implemented a feature that, when enabled, prevents the reopening of invoiced estimates
generated from any of the invoice functions in EOS. However, if this feature is disabled, the 'Reopen' button
will be made available for cases in which an estimate has been invoiced.

POD integration (International Longshoremen's Association)

EOS has developed the capability of sending a CSV file to POD system whenever an estimate is approved in
the system. EOS will send one file daily but (frequency can be adjusted) with all the estimates approved
estimates. Below are the columns which are included in it:

 Unit Prefix,
 Unit Number
 Approval Date
 Repair Shop
 Unit Type (optional)

Added Batch Estimate Input Capability for Fuel Pricing

Now users who input estimates directly in EOS, can input multiple estimates in batch regarding fuelling job.

EOS Release Notes Equipment Optimization Solutions © 2024 5


Release Date – 30th September 2023

Ocean Network Express

Changes Print Page/ Add total column in print page

Users now have the capability to generate printouts of the estimate based on the type of repair, specifically
distinguishing between structural and mechanical estimates. We have introduced an additional radio button
for this option, as depicted in the screenshot below:

Genset PM hours

EOS will now automatically update the PM hours information from a previous estimate. When the
equipment type is identified as "GEN" and:
 the repair line is VM
 the estimate is approved
 repair date has been added

EOS will adjust the Last PM Date using the repair date from the current estimate, and the current hours. The
fields to be updated are:

 Last PM Date
 Hours at Last PM
 Current hours

Contract number from UNH segment

EOS Release Notes Equipment Optimization Solutions © 2024 6

Contract numbers can now been updated in the estimate from UNH segment for non-fleet customers.

Gate in/out functionalities

EOS has previously incorporated gate in/out recording functionality into the mobile app, and we have now
expanded this capability to the website as well. Users can now input EIR (Equipment Interchange Receipt)
details from the website, and these entries can be searched and viewed under the ECMS > Movements
menu. All gate in entries that have been inputted through the mobile app are now searchable and viewable
on the EOS website.

Additional columns in Reports

Two additional columns have been added to Reports:

 count of the docs
 survey report uploaded against particular estimate.

EOS Release Notes Equipment Optimization Solutions © 2024 7


Release Date – 2nd September 2023

Ocean Network Express

Restricting duplicate Estimate Number

Customers now have the option to exclude duplicate estimate numbers previously used by a depot. If this
setting is used vendors can use the same estimate number for different customers, but duplicates will not
be allowed for the same customer.

Allocation codes based on repair code

Allocation codes can now be auto-assigned to repair codes. This configuration can be customized for each
customer. Please contact Akash for more information and

Introduced new fields in reports

The following fields have been added in Reports.

1. Original Material Cost

2. Original Material Cost(USD)
3. Original Labor Cost
4. Original Labor Cost (USD)
5. Equipment Age

Name of user on Revision icon

The revised estimate icon now displays the user that requested the revised estimate. Note: the user name
will only be given on estimates revised after Release 1.0.96. For revisions prior to the release the user name
will show as “Undefined.”

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Overseas Damage

A new checkbox on the View Details tab allows the user to identify uncollectable third-party damage costs.
We have also incorporated this column into the filter options available on the main grids and the Search
page. Users can also generate reports to determine the cost within this category.

Advanced Filter capability added to Reports

A new "Advanced Filter" feature has been added to the Report Configuration page to allows specific outputs
based on repair codes/combinations. When a user clicks on this button, an additional panel will expand,
allowing them to set Inclusion or Exclusion filters (refer to the screenshot below for a visual reference).

The Inclusion option allows users to define a list of repair codes, with the report including estimates that
have all the selected repair codes. Users can also add up to four additional codes or code groups. These
additional groups will work on an “OR” basis. Referring to the screenshot below, this will mean the report
will include estimates with codes in Repair Code 1 or Repair 2.

If the user chooses the Exclusion filter, the selection of repair code(s) can be made as in the Inclusion
configuration. However, in the Exclusion case the output will NOT include the codes or code combinations
defined in Repair Code 1, Repair Code 2, etc.

EOS Release Notes Equipment Optimization Solutions © 2024 9


Release Date – 29th July 2023

Ocean Network Express

Accepting additional information from EDIFACT

As per the IICL standards, there are no provisions for transmitting this information. Consequently, we have
made a few adjustments on our end and introduced new qualifiers to accommodate the submission of part
numbers and damage descriptions or photo hyperlinks. The following are the updated qualifiers:

To submit the part number, kindly use the qualifier "PRT" (Part number).
To provide the damage description, vendors are required to use the qualifier "DESC" (Damage Description).
For submitting a photo URL, vendors should use the qualifier "LINK" (Photo URL).

DAM+01+MVNN+EPL+BR+SU+PRT:22-02378-00 +DESC: Damage Description- Steam clean is required,

water wash will not be sufficient’.

EOS Release Notes Equipment Optimization Solutions © 2024 10

Cost code changes

We have made below cost changes in this release.

 CZ has been taken off from the cost code MRRURCNR due to direct conflict.
 Now we are also restricting component code MRM code from the below cost code combination
 We have introduced two new cost code as per below

Cost Code Description Equi type Location Component Damage Repair
Reefer RMS Retrofit
MRDROHRO Reefer RMS Misc any REF INS MRM Any except IN, RR, RP, EX

Adding Validation to Component and Damage location

Starting from this release, we will implement a filtering process for the component codes and location
codes, which will be dependent on the equipment type. Specifically, if a vendor submits an estimate for a
dry unit, we will only accept structural component and location codes. Any reefer component or location
codes included in the EDI file will lead to the rejection of the submission.

This filtering mechanism will also be applied to the manual input side, ensuring that users cannot provide
incorrect information based on the criteria mentioned above. Thus, our system will strictly enforce the
proper selection of component and location codes based on the relevant equipment type to maintain data
accuracy and consistency.


Release Date – 24th June 2023

EOS Release Notes Equipment Optimization Solutions © 2024 11

Ocean Network Express

Labor Rate Changes in Header

We have introduced an extra column within the Labor Rate matrix. This column will incorporate a checkbox
option, allowing the selection of a default rate based on the customer and depot.

Changes to Reports screens

We have revamped the appearance and layout of the report configuration changes. Many of the filters have
been converted into drop-down menus, resulting in an overall improvement in the user-friendliness. This
should also resolve any viewing issues related to browser settings.

New field added on Add Estimate page

A new field is now available in the header section for Machinery Type.

Equipment Group multiselect for AA and Alert

Users can now define a single rule for multiple equipment groups. Previously, individual AAs and Alerts were
required for each equipment group. This multi-select option allows the same rule to apply to multiple
equipment groups.

Change to Repair Invoice grid filter

We have modified the behaviour of the column header filter on the repair invoice page. Previously, it only
performed an exact match check, but now users can filter records based on their content, allowing for more
flexible and precise filtering.

Exclude estimates with final total as 0.00

From now on, all estimates with a final total of 0.00 will be excluded from repair invoices. Previously, we
included all records with a final total of 0.00, but this behaviour has been changed.

EOS Release Notes Equipment Optimization Solutions © 2024 12


Release Date – 20th May 2023

Ocean Network Express

Changes in auto approval alert popup

The alert pop-up now displays line items that have failed the rule and the line item details from the estimate
are part of the alert, eliminating the need for users to open the estimate hyperlink to access the details.

Reject estimate if Invalid Labour Rate

EOS can reject estimate based when labour rates do not match approved or contracted rates. Rejections will
inform the vendor through email.

Auto populate email ids

Email ids will auto-populate in new areas of EOS, for example.

 Estimate hyperlink
 Photo request
 Additional request & part request

New Fuel Price table

Users now can customize fuel rates by incorporating mark-up costs specific to each vendor. The system will
utilize this configured table to validate fuel costs and issue corresponding alerts accordingly.

EOS Release Notes Equipment Optimization Solutions © 2024 13


Release Date – 15th April 2023

Ocean Network Express

Accept Genset Hours from EDI

Genset hours can be transmitted to EOS within the EDI framework using the CUI. For
more information please contact EOS customer support.

Contract Number and Contract Type

Two additional fields, Contract Number and Contract Type, have been incorporated into
both the depot Add Estimate page and the View Details page.

Exact Match Results with Unit and Estimate Number Filters on Search Page

Estimate and Unit Number lookups from Search are now executed on an exact match basis
to provide more accurate and faster results.

Additional Information retrieved from fleet files

As of this release EOS be recording the following additional fields from the GENSET fleet file
that is currently processed.

 Machine Serial Number

 Model Number
 Agreement Number
 Reference Number
 Last PM date
 Last PM Hours

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Condition/Grade Information

An additional field on the estimate screen allows users to include the equipment's

Report Filters: Exact Match for Equipment and Estimate Numbers

When the Equipment Number and Estimate Number filters are used in Reports, EOS will
return results on an exact match basis.

Streamlining Off-Hire Identification: Utilizing ONE leasing and DPP Files

OPUS provides leasing and DPP files, which EOS will use to identify display units for possible
off-hire. Users will see a icon on the estimate tabs.

New Responsibility Party Code 'W' for Warranty Cases

An additional party code has been added to handle warranty items. Costs for line items
marked as W will not be included in the Final Total of the estimate. W is supported for
manual input, EDI and API.

Added chassis and trailer data

The following fields have been included added the Chassis / Trailer popup.

a) Truck License plate

b) Truck SCAC code
c) 8 Tread depths( eight tires, front inner, outer etc.

EOS Release Notes Equipment Optimization Solutions © 2024 15


Release Date – 4th March 2023

Ocean Network Express

TPC Processing on Closed / Invoiced

With this latest release users will have ability to do TPC process for estimates which are already invoiced.
Earlier TPC processing was restricted to statuses prior to invoiced.

TPC tab enabled for RU user

The TPC tab has now been enabled for Review-only user (RU) to check the TPC details.

Clear OPEN tab after x days

To help keep the number of unfinished estimates to a minimum, OPEN estimates will now auto-deleted
according to the number of days configured for the customer. These estimates will be hard deleted from EOS.

EOS Release Notes Equipment Optimization Solutions © 2024 16

Negative values in saving columns.

In Reports, for estimates where the final total is greater than the original total, Savings will now show as
negative values. The is at the header and line-item level.

Agreement & Contract Number from ONE Fleet file

The contract number has been added to the ONE fleet file and is now available in estimates and Reports.

Labor rate report for Customer User (CU)

A report has been added for the customer user (CU) to check the labor rates for each depot. The Labor Rate
matrix is available to CUs on the Reports menu.

Auto set equipment type based on equipment code.

Equipment type will be auto-set based the equipment code. For example, 45R1 is selected as the equipment
code equipment type will be set as REF.

EOS Release Notes Equipment Optimization Solutions © 2024 17


Release Date – 28th January 2023

Ocean Network Express

Multiple tab support for estimates

Users can view multiple estimates in different browser tabs from the ‘Pending’ tab and from the Search

page by clicking the icon.

Snapshot summary to show pending estimate.

This feature allows users to get a summary of estimates on a depot basis. Check out the Reports menu to
explore this feature.

EOS Release Notes Equipment Optimization Solutions © 2024 18

Auto-Approval Subsystem For highlighting Estimates.
EOS can now be configured to provide an alerts, based on component, damage, repair and by checking
the estimate and line-item totals. The Alert system will highlight estimate if they are not sent correctly
by depots as per the agreed price. The Alert will be visible on the Pending tab.

EOS Comments module changes

When there is new Comment in the estimate chat feature EOS will show the count on the Comment
banner. A Comment icon in green colour will also show on the Pending grid, clicking on the icon will pop
up the Comments.

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Depot code , vendor and yard code on the View Details screen

On the View Details screen the depot code, along with the customer yard code and vendor code, can be
viewed in a new field.

No limit on Long Stay Rejected cases

The days limit has been removed on the Long Stay report, all REJ cases will be reported to the depot.

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Add batch submit from Search page for Review status cases

Batch actions on the Search page can now be performed on estimates in In Survey and Review

New column in reports - Submit Type

A new Submit Type column is available in Reports. This allows users to know whether the estimate is
Closed by a Batch, Individual or Auto Approval action.

EOS Release Notes Equipment Optimization Solutions © 2024 21


Release Date – 17th December 2022

Ocean Network Express

EOS Portal Authentication

Several functions are tied to the EOS portal for non-users to be able to access EOS data. To make the
portal more secure, we are now validating user identity when accessing links. Users will be asked to

EOS Release Notes Equipment Optimization Solutions © 2024 22

enter their mail id to receive an OTP. EOS will keep records of these email ids and IP addresses for
reference purpose.

Component code added to Auto-Approval configurations

Auto-approve rules can now be configured using component code, in addition to and in combination
with repair and damage codes.

Estimate comment in EOS notifications

We have noticed sometimes vendors missed to review the comments from the customer M&R team. To
reduce these cases EOS will show the comments in RED colour and also making the comments bold as

Add filter for repeat Flag & Part Pricing

We have added a filter on the Pending tab and in Search, to be able to refine the grids to see Repeat Flag
and Part Pricing alerts.

Release block on Auto-Approval rule for units in Booking File

Auto-approvals previously blocked by the less-than-days condition will now be released is the unit
number appears in the current customer booking file.

Add DT/DST Double Standard Time in Labor Rate Matrix

New Labor rate type is added in EOS to accommodate DST (Double Standard Time) used in some regions.

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Release Date – 26th November 2022

Ocean Network Express

Summary of estimates assigned to CU

New functionalities allow the CU to see the estimates only assigned to them. A new checkbox has been
added as “My Estimate” on tabs. If it is checked then users will see only those estimates which are
assigned/review to them.

Also, EOS will highlight the counts as well on In Survey and Review tabs.

Block Auto Approval for Non-Photo cases

Auto approvals can now be blocked if photos are not uploaded by the vendor. The block can be set at
the rule level.

Add Result code drop down for auto approval

EOS’s auto approval functionality has also been enhanced with the ability to set additional Result Codes,
Previously auto approve actions defaulted to APPR-Approve. Now additional Result Codes such as FOOD-
Food Grade units can be set.

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Rename Image and Photo buttons
For clarity the “Images” button has been renamed to “Photos” for viewing photos uploaded manually of
via EDI. Photos uplaoded from the EOS Pix™ mobile app can be access using the the “Mobile Photos”

Equipment age displayed in the P icon

The age of the equipment is now shown in the PTI popup:

Repair Invoice changes

Users can now generate invoices for multiple depot codes with same SP code.

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Confirmation number added to the Depot billing Report

Depot Description column has been added to the Depot Turn Time Report

Reefer Part Pricing

EOS now provides alerts for parts costs compared against the price list provided by the customer. On the
main tabs user will see green, pink, and grey icons as per below:

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Green Icon

When material cost inputted by vendor is less than or equal to part cost provided by in the
customer price list

Pink Icon

Icon would be pink in two cases

• if part list price is less than the line item cost

• if part number not found in the master price list Also, EOS will show tool tip as per below:

 tooltip as “Part price error” if list price is less than line item material cost
 if part is missing in master table, then will show “Part number not found”

Grey Icon

• if no part number is given in line item, the grey icon will show at the estimate level (on the
main tabs) and will show tooltip as “Part number missing”

Within the estimate EOS will also highlight the material cost at the line-item level in red if part
price < than line material cost inputted by vendor. The tool tip we will show correct part price
and equipment manufacturer.


Release Date – 29th October 2022

EOS Release Notes Equipment Optimization Solutions © 2024 27

Ocean Network Express

Genset Information

Genset Info button includes new fields, user is able to review more details related to last PM date, total
operating hours etc.

Re-open Mechanism for Estimate

We have changed the logic for how EOS closes an estimate after it gets reopened. To avoid confusion
caused by repeated approvals, user can now choose send a notification to depot or not. If no changes
are made to costs, notification will not be sent to the depot.

Header filters for Estimate type

User can now filter all grids on estimate type i.e. Off-hire and In-service from a new header filter,
available on all three tabs.

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Allow Reject Estimate for all estimate types

User can reject estimate for all estimate types from pending tab and from Search page. Earlier we were
blocking to take any action on those estimates where estimate type was not from INS, PRE, OFF, ADM,

Matching survey type to estimate type

On the Assign Estimate To User pop up the survey type and estimate type will match by default.

EOS Release Notes Equipment Optimization Solutions © 2024 29


Release Date – 24th September 2022

Ocean Network Express

Ability for LU user to add off-hire estimates to EOS

Leasing Users (LUs) can now enter off hire estimates directly into EOS for non-EDI depots.

Add Flag estimate button on Pending tab

The flag estimate button has been added to the Pending tab, earlier it was only present on the View
Detail page.

Download EOS Mobile App from Website

EOS Release Notes Equipment Optimization Solutions © 2024 30

Users can now download the EOS Pix app from the EOS website.

Add Genset hour on print page

The Genset Hours field is now on Print Estimate page.

Photo Link button on view detail

We have introduced Photo Link button on View Detail page; earlier it was on present only on pending

Repair date update capability extended to 120 days from 60 days

Earlier depots were only allowed only to back-date the repair date to a maximum 60 days; this has been
extended to 120 days.

Additional columns in now available in Reports

Original Line Tax
Final Line Tax
Original Line Tax in USD
Final Line Tax in USD TPC
amount in USD
Fuel Price Per Gallon

Sharing EOS estimates to non-EOS users

Users now have the ability to mail a link to an EOS estimate to third parties who do not have access to
EOS. The Send Est Link button will send an email to any part with a secure link. Recipients can then view
the estimate on the EOS Portal.

Below is the sample email:

Dear Recipient,

EOS Release Notes Equipment Optimization Solutions © 2024 31

User[] has sent estimate portal link for below estimate Customer:-EOSS SHIPPING
Estimate Number:-EOSS00114
Equipment Number:-EOSS124567
Depot Code:-USLAFMCNA Comments:-

You can check estimate details for EOSS by accessing the EOS portal at
Estimate - EOSS00114

Add equipment type to the header of Repair Invoice

We have added the equipment type filter on repair invoice that will allow vendors to run the global and
local invoices based on equipment type.

Alerts filter added to the Search page

On the Search page user can now filter on alerts, and export filtered Search results to Excel.


Release Date – 20th August 2022

Ocean Network Express

Added Invoice Number filter in Reports

We have added invoice number filter in report on run the report which will allow user to run the report
based on specific invoice numbers.

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Reset Generated Invoices from repair invoice screen

Now users can clear any generated invoice from the Search batch functionality

Added estimate type in Review Status

Estimate type column is added in the review tab.

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Added PPECB inspection date column on view detail /batch search page-DU/BOU
Now depots can update the PPEC inspection date in EOS, the column is available on view detail page.

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Take out AWAB result code from Repair Invoice

Any estimate which is been closed with result code AWAB will not be included in the Repair Invoice.

Added additional Current Condition/Grade column

We have added a sperate column on estimate header where users can specify the condition/grade of
the equipment.

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EOS Release Notes Equipment Optimization Solutions © 2024 36
Added additional date filter in Report - Action Date

We have added additional date filter on run report page which will allow users to run the report based
on action date.

Long stay report for REJ cases

EOS has developed a capability of sending a long stay report to depots for the rejected cases which are
waiting revision from depot side. This report will be included all rejected cases from last 30 days.

Added Assign functionality to Submit process from main grids

Now users can assign the estimates before submitting any estimate in EOS or doing batch submit

EOS Release Notes Equipment Optimization Solutions © 2024 37

Added REJ and VRFD buttons in Popup

We have added the new buttons on estimate summary pop where user can directly submit and assign
the estimate from the two new button if they want to close an estimate from REJ and VRFD result codes.
a) From Pending tab

b) From Search tab


Release Date – 9th July 2022

EOS Release Notes Equipment Optimization Solutions © 2024 38

Ocean Network Express

Repeat Flag on line item basis

We have added a new functionality where EOS can check and validate the line items and
highlight the repeated lines based on the configuration in the customer profile. Repeat flag can
be set on combination of 3-line codes i.e. Repair, Component and location OR Damage,
Component and Location If any line rule failed, then will highlight the estimate in orange colour
in tabs and search page.

EOS Release Notes Equipment Optimization Solutions © 2024 39

Add Damage Description column in Report

Damage description column was added in the reports.

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Introduce Invoice Filter on Search

This new column will allow users to search units with invoice numbers.

Adding additional filters in Turn around

In Depot Turn Time Report two additional filters added i.e Equip Type and Country/Region

EOS Release Notes Equipment Optimization Solutions © 2024 41


Release Date – 11th June 2022

Ocean Network Express

Add User who input estimate to Reports

We have added a new field in reports Added by, this will specify name of the EOS user who have
entered the estimate in EOS. It is for manual input cases.

Adding batch Submit in NPHY/PHY Status in Survey Tab/Search

Now are allowing to do batch submit in survey tab as well, earlier it was only possible on
pending and review tabs. Also, the same has been implemented on search page as well.

Add New Result Code -VRFD – Verified

We have added new result code Verified which regional offices can use to submit any estimate
after reviewing the damages for an estimate. ONE Singapore users will filter out on this result
code and take necessary actions.

Customer Name on Subject Line

We have added customer name in the approval mails for EOS.

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Allow estimate in DIM after invoiced from Repair Invoice

Earlier we were not allowing any estimate to invoiced if it has invoiced either from Repair
invoice page or DIM page. But even though vendor ran any repair invoice then that estimate will
still be visible on DIM report and if ONE user again run the invoice all the payment details will be

Add Estimate Link column in Report excel

We have added an additional column in reports as estimate link , if user select that column in
reports then by clicking on that link users will be redirected to that particular record on EOS
view detail page.

Sending Approval EDI files to depots with different channels

From this release we have added the functionality where we can directly upload the approval
EDI on to the depot FTP or email. So, vendor does not need to depend on the approval mail.

EOS Release Notes Equipment Optimization Solutions © 2024 43


Release Date – 14th May 2022

Ocean Network Express

1) Redirecting Users on Estimate Tabs

From this release users will be redirecting to the estimate’s tabs rather than on the EOS Dashboard.

2) Suppressed damage flag for FQ damage code

We have restricted the damage flag to OPUS for FQ cases.

3) Zeroed out estimate total for AWAB result codes

As requested, we have made the final total as 0.00 for all estimates which are closed with AWAB result

4) Adding photos in closed status

Now are allowing the photos to be uploaded in closed status earlier this was not allowed.

5) Adding part number in Pending/NPHY/Review

We have allowed this for users to upload this information from EOS portal.

EOS Release Notes Equipment Optimization Solutions © 2024 44

a) Introduced a new Part Request button in photo request pop

b) Once user requested this, depot will receive an email with an hyper link and by clicking on that
they will be redirected to EOS portal and will have an option to upload the part number.

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