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Department of Education

7 National Capital Region


Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health

4th Quarter – Module 1:
Music of Philippine Festival and Theatrical Forms
(Festivals of Aklan, Cebu, Batangas, Marinduque,
Davao and Bicol)

Writer: Reever Son T. Lazaro

Cover Illustrator: Noli L. Bragais

City of Good Character 0


What I Need to Know

This module will help you understand and appreciate some of the festivals of the
Philippines. To strengthen your cultural identity as Filipino. You will be introduced about
the background and origins of the different festivals, features, and its purpose for the
The module contains:
● Lesson 1– Festivals of Aklan, Cebu and Batangas, Marinduque, Davao and Bicol
After going through this module, you are expected to:
● identifies musical characteristics of selected Philippine festivals and theatrical
forms through video or live performances. MU7FT-IVa-g-1
● describes the origins and cultural background of selected Philippine festival/s;
● describes how the music contributes to the performance of the musical
production; MU7FT-IVe-h-4
● improvises music accompaniment in relation to a particular Philippine festival;
● create movements to music of a particular Philippines Festival.

What I Know
Direction: Write the letter of your answer on a sheet of paper.
____1. Ati-atihan is a festival celebrated in _____________.
A. Aklan B. Batangas C. Cebu City D. Davao

___2. Sinulog is a festival celebrated in ___________.

A. Aklan B. Batangas C. Cebu City D. Davao

___3. Sublian is a festival celebrated in __________.

A. Aklan B. Batangas C. Cebu City D. Davao

___4. Moriones festival celebrated in the Island of ___________.

A. Aklan B. Batangas C. Cebu City D. Marinduque

___5. Kadayawan is a festival celebrated in ___________.

A. Aklan B. Batangas C. Cebu City D. Davao
____6. Ibalong is a festival celebrated in ____________.
A. Aklan B. Bicol Region C. Cebu City D. Marinduque

City of Good Character 1


____7. This festival aims to express friendliness, enthusiasm, and good will to all people.
It celebrates epic stories of the three heroes namely Baltog, Handyong, Bantog and other
ancient heroes.
A. Ibalong B. Kadayawan C. Moriones D. Sublian

___8. This festival was named after the natives of Aklan which is held annually on the
third week of January for a week consisting of a tribal dance parade along the streets
with music and costumes complete with indigenous accessories in honor of the Santo
Niňo or the Holy Child Jesus.
A. Ati-atihan B. Kadayawan C. Sinulog D. Sublian

9. It is a festival held every third of July that shows the strong religious ritual of
Batangueňos to the town’s patron Holy Cross in Bauan and Agoncillo, and the Santo
Niňo in Batangas City.
A. Ati-atihan B. Kadayawan C. Sinulog D. Sublian

10. This festival is held on the third Sunday of January in Cebu that commemorates the
rejection by the Filipinos of their former animist belief and the acceptance of
A. Ati-atihan B. Kadayawan C. Sinulog D. Sublian

11. Davao holds this festival to celebrate good harvest with street dancing in colorful
tribal costumes and jewelries together with floats of fresh fruits and flowers.
A. Ibalong or Ibalon B. Kalayaan C. Moriones D. Panagbenga

12. A colorful folk religious festival during holy week with Roman costumes and painted
masks replicating the clothes of biblical Roman soldiers is.
A. Ibalong B. Kadayawan C. Moriones D. Panagbenga

13. The term “Ati-atihan” means ____________

A. Make-Believe Atis C. Make Believe Friend
B. Make Believe Everyone D. Make-Believe Man

14. In the Ati-atihan Festival, the participants shout ___________

A. Hala Bira! C. Tara na!.
B. Kadayawan D. Viva Senor Nazareno

15. This festival features street dancing, harana, indigenous Filipino games, Lupakan,
singing, and dancing in the province of Batangas.
A. Panagbenga B. Kadayawan C. Sinulog D. Sublian

City of Good Character 2


What’s In

ACTIVITY 1: Festival Web! Using the web map below, write down the name of the
festival and its origin that you have witnessed or familiar to you.

Festivals of Aklan, Cebu, Batangas

Marinduque, Davao and Bicol

Don’t you know that Festivals in the Philippines can be religious,

cultural, or both. Several of these are held to honor the local
Roman Catholic patron saint, to commemorate local history and
culture, to promote the community's products, or to celebrate a bountiful harvest.

Here in Marikina City, there are many festivals that are being celebrated
throughout the year. These include Sapatero Festival – a month-long celebration that
showcases the city’s shoe making industry. It aims for world attention as ten craftsmen
from the Marikina Colossal Footwear Foundation create what would be the world’s
biggest pair of shoes in an attempt to break into the Guiness Book of World Records.

Fantastic! I know that you are getting excited to discover and understand more
about Philippine Festivals? Then, keep going!

City of Good Character 3


What’s New
Activity 2: Guess the event What is the celebration shown in these pictures? List down
as many examples of these events as you can .

Activity 3: Locate that Festival! The following word below are some of the different
festivals of the Philippines. Your task is to identify its place of origin into its designated

Activity 4: Music-Dance Observation! Your task is to describe how the music contributes
to festival dance performance.


City of Good Character 4


What is It
This module is an overview of the
festivals of the Philippines. Through the
lesson, you will identify the origin,
background of selected Philippine
Festivals in Aklan, Cebu, Marinduque,
Davao, Bicol, and Batangas.

Festivals of Aklan, Cebu, Batangas Marinduque, Davao and Bicol

Activity 5: “Festival-Facts!”. Read and understand the content of the lesson.

Philippine festivals are celebrations to express gratitude for a good harvest
in honor of the town’s patron saint. Filipinos, especially those living in provincial
areas, go all out to celebrate these festivities to guarantee comfort in the coming
year, believing that the bigger they spend, the more returns they will obtain.

1. Ati-atihan Festival- is known as the wildest of the

Philippine festivals which means “make-believe Atis”
wherein participants portray the natives of Kalibo, Aklan
called, “Ati or Aetas. It is a week-long festival held annually
every third week of January that consists of a tribal dance
parade with drum music, costumes and indigenous
accessories to honor the Santo Niňo or the Holy Child Jesus.

People cheer and shout “Hala Bira” and “Viva Santo Niňo!”
/files/u94114/culture2.jpg to encourage enthusiasm and continuous dancing for the
duration of the festival.

2. The Sinulog Festival is an annual cultural and

religious festival held on the third Sunday of
January in the city of Cebu to honor the Santo Niňo,
commemorate the Filipino rejection of their former
religious views, and acceptance of Christianity. This
festival is famous among local and international
tourists for its grand street parade which imitates
the type of dancing done by the natives of Cebu
before they were baptized as Christians. 6752836623_172e9dae6d.jpg

The petitioners often yell out “Pit Senior”. They flock to the festival for prayer
requests and thanksgiving while dancing, believing that Santo Niňo will hear them.
Different groups of dancers dressed in colorful attire are accompanied by rhythmic
music of the drums, percussions, trumpets, and native gongs.

City of Good Character 5


3. Sublian Festival is an annual celebration on the
twenty third day of July reflecting the Batangueňos
commitment and great love to their town’s patrons,
the Holy Cross of Bauan and Agoncillo, and the Santo
Niňo of Batangas City. It was originally a religious
ceremony that involved praying, eating, dancing the “
Subli” , and singing verses with strict skeletal melody.

The religious commitment was translated to “Subli”, a

nfo/wp- dance local to Batangas. Traditionally, the subli is
performed with chanting and
accompanied by drums. Subli comes from two words:
“subsub” (bending your body forward or downward) and “bali” (broken). Thus,
throughout the dance, male dancers are in a trunk-forward-bend position to give the
impression of broken bodies.

At present, the Sublian festival features street dancing, harana (singing of Filipino
courtship songs), indigenous Filipino games, and Lupakan (Sharing of Nilupak” a
delicacy made from cassava, sweet potato or banana).

4. Moriones Festival – is a colorful folk-religious

festival during holy week in the island known as the
“heart of the Philippines”, the island of Marinduque.
This festival is a reenactment of the story of Saint
Longinus. He was the centurion who pierced the
side of Jesus Christ and regained his vision after
drops of blood and water hit his eyes. He proclaimed
the miracle and because of this he was punished to
great pain and was beheaded under Pontius Pilate’s https://images-wixmp-
order. ed30a86b8c4ca8877735
Participants play the role of Roman soldiers and wear thebd37-2283-425b-bead-
moriones costume so
that no one can identify them. The Motions wear their costumes230156ea8985/d2nqds2-
for an entire week. Only
when they eat or sleep, they take it off. They perceive this as a form of sacrifice as they
must stand and walk around on thin strap slippers under the hot 96a2-sun while wearing the
heavy wooden masks. The Moriones scare children away and court the ladies by singing
and dancing for them. bGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3
5. Kadayawan Festival- is held GQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNh
in Davao every third
week of August in celebration of NWYwZDQxNWVhMGQy
thanksgiving for good
harvest with parade floats of fresh fruits and flowers, and
street dancing with colorful tribal costumes, and
accessories. yMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0
Kadayawan comes from the word “Madayaw” meaning
thanksgiving for nature's gift; warm and friendliness
greeting; and to describe things that are good, valuable,
GgiOiIvZi83N2EyYmQzNy superior, and beautiful. 0yMjgzLTQyNWItYmVhZ
City of Good Character ZDJucWRzMi1kNTRjZGM 6
This celebration originated from tribal festivals of the “Lumad” and Muslim tribes of
Davao in the 70’s featuring the dances and rituals of thanksgiving. It was used to be
called “Apo Duwaling” to promote Davao’s famous icons: the highest peak of the country
“Mt. Apo”; King of fruits “Durian” and queen of orchids “Waling-waling.

6. Ibalong Festival- is held in Bicol region, aims to

express friendliness, enthusiasm, and goodwill to all
people. Bicolanos and tourists celebrate the festival to
commemorate the three heroes of the Bicol epic in the
town of Ibalong namely Baltog, Handyong, and
Bantong. In this festival, the people parade in the
streets wearing masks and costumes like the heroes
and villains of the epic.

What’s More P2jzbkF;_ylu=c2VjA2ZwLWF

Activity 6:Define the following festivals. Compare and describe the music used in each
festival. ( Tell something about the( tempo, rhythm, dynamics….)
Festival Definition Music
Ati-atihan 5CM/Legazpi%252520Albay
Moriones umb%25255B3%25255D.jpg




“Festival viewing”
For you to gain deeper knowledge about the different festivals of the Philippines.
You must watch the video of Philippine Folk Dance -Subli and list down your observations
about the features, similarities and differences into a sheet of paper following the sample
format below.
Video Link Subli:

What can you say about the music used in Subli?Describe the elements of music .

City of Good Character 7


What I Have Learned

The similar features of Philippine Festivals described in the previous pages are:

ACTIVITY 7: “Festival Narration” Instructions: Choose at least 3 among the following

festivals below and narrate the origin and cultural background. Write your answer into a
separate sheet of paper.

What I Can Do

Activity 7: “Family-Fiesta!”
Direction: With the collaboration of your family; using improvised musical instruments,
perform the given rhythmic pattern. Add dance movement and yells accordingly in any of
the following festivals.

A. Ati-atihan E. Kadayawan
B. Sinulog F. Ibalong
C. Sublian G. Other local festivals
D. Moriones

City of Good Character 8


You can take video recordings and pictures as a proof of engagement/document. The
performance will be rated by anyone from the family who is capable and were not included
in the performance activity following the given rubrics below.

Rubrics for Philippine festival :

CATEGORY 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point
The beat is The beat is secure, The beat is The beat is
secure, and and the rhythms somewhat usually erratic,
rhythms are are mostly erratic. Some and rhythms
RHYTHM accurate for accurate. There rhythms are are seldom
the style of are few duration accurate. accurate
music. errors, but these Frequent or
do not detract from repeated
the overall duration errors.
Notes are An occasional A few inaccurate Wrong notes
consistently inaccurate note is notes are played, consistently
NOTE accurate. played but does detracting detract from
ACCURACY not detract from somewhat from the
overall the overall performance.
performance. performance

City of Good Character 9


Create Given a Has great trouble Did not create
CREATING movements in framework, create creating movement to
MOVEMEN various styles movements and movements and the music.
TS showing perform it needs much
creativity correctly. help.
Instrument is Instruments are Instrument is Instrument is
APPEARAN decorated decorated decorated, but not decorated
CE creatively attractively. sort of messy OR is very
within the looking. messy.
Shows Shows adequate Shows fair Shoes little or
OVERALL confidence, confidence. confidence, small
PERFORMA movements Movements are movements lack confidence and
NCE are performed performed full out. energy lack energy.
full out.

Activity 6: Multiple Choices
Direction: Read the questions carefully. Choose the correct letter of your answer inside
the box. Use a separate sheet to answer.
A. Aklan B. Batangas C. Cebu City
D. Davao E. Marinduque F. Bicol Region

____1. Ati-atihan is a festival celebrated in _____________.

____2. Sinulog is a festival celebrated in ___________.
____3. Sublian is a festival celebrated in __________.
____4. Moriones festival celebrated in the Island of ___________.
____5. Kadayawan is a festival celebrated in ___________.
____6. Ibalong is a festival celebrated in ____________.

A. Ibalong B. Kadayawan C. Moriones D. Sublian

E. Ati-atihan F. Moriones G. Sinulog H. Panagbenga

____7. This festival aims to express friendliness, enthusiasm, and good will to all people.
It celebrates epic stories of the three heroes namely Baltog, Handyong, Bantog and other
ancient heroes.
____8. This festival was annually held on the third week of January for a week consisting
of a tribal dance parade along the streets with music and costumes.
____9. It is a festival held every third of July that shows the strong religious ritual of
Batangueňos in Batangas City.
____10. This festival is held on the third Sunday of January in Cebu.

City of Good Character 10


____11. Davao holds this festival to celebrate good harvest with street dancing in colorful
tribal costumes and jewelries together with floats of fresh fruits and flowers.
____12. A colorful folk religious festival during holy week with Roman costumes and
painted masks replicating the clothes of biblical Roman soldiers is.

A. Make-Believe Atis B. Hala Bira! C. Viva Senor Nazareno D. Sublian

E. Ati-atihan F. Moriones G. Sinulog H. Panagbenga

13. The term “Ati-atihan” means ____________

14. In the Ati-atihan Festival, the participants shout ___________
15. This festival features street dancing, harana, indigenous Filipino games, Lupakan,
singing, and dancing in the province of Batangas.

Additional Activities
Activity 7: Festival-Reflection! When music or drum beats are heard, this signals a
celebration. In your own opinion, state different reasons why music is important in

(Use this format in your activity notebook/s)

Music is important in a festival because:

5 points Students answered three (3) or more reasons that are clear
and properly explained.
4 points Students answered two (2) reasons that are clear and properly
3 points Students answered one relevant reason that is clear or
properly explained.
2 points Students answered one relevant reason but not clear or
properly explained
1 point Answer is irrelevant to the question.

City of Good Character 11


Answer Key

15. D 15. D
14. A 14. B
13. A 13. A
12. C 12. F
11. B 11. B
10. C 10. G
9. D 9. D
8. A 8. E
7. A 7. A
6. B 6. F
5. D 5. D
4. D 4. E
3.B 3.B
2.C 2.C
1. A 1. A
(Pre-assessment) Assessment (15 Items)
What I Know



Department of Education, Music and Arts -Grade 7 Learner’s Material. First Edition, 2017Authors: Lourdes
R. Siobal ❿Ma. Honeylet A. Capulong ❿Ledda G. Rosenberger ❿Jeff foreene M. Santos ❿Jenny C. Mendoza
❿Cherry Joy P. Samoy ❿Rabboni C. Roxas ❿Joanna Samantha T. Aldeguer-Roxas

The 21st Century MAPEH in Action -Worktext in Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health Teacher’s
Resource Material
Authors: Gerardo C. Lacia ❿Adelina Pineda-Limos ❿Lualhati Fernando-Callo ❿Chrismarilene Resontoc-
Cabataña ❿Narcisa Valencia-Lim
DepEd Music & Arts 7 First Edition, 2017


City of Good Character 12


Development Team of the Module

Writer: Reever Son T. Lazaro

Editors: Zarah Nisay
Layout Artist: Maria Isabel G. Tutor
Management Team:
Sheryll T. Gayola
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
OIC, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent

Elisa O. Cerveza
Chief, CID
OIC, Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Jovita Consortia Mani


Ivy Coney A. Gamatero


For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Schools Division Office- Marikina City

Email Address:

191 Shoe Ave., Sta. Elena, Marikina City, 1800, Philippines

Telefax: (02) 682-2472 / 682-3989

City of Good Character 13


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