Causes of My Happines

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Causes of My Happines

A feeling of enjoyment, pleasure, and contentment is what people

mean when they talk about happiness. It's a state of mind that
everyone aspires to. I suppose there are three main things that make
me happy: work, family, and health. The family will give you peace and
power; your life will be meaningless without health, and working can
make you feel good about yourself and improve your life.
First and foremost, everybody has to have a family to be happy. Even
though many people are unaware of this, having a family can make you
happy. Whatever I do and wherever I go, I could manage quite well
without my family over time. When I meet someone new or face
something new, I need someone to give me more strength or courage.
My family, in my opinion, is the driving force in my life.
Second, health is another critical thing that makes me happy.
According to a number of studies listed, happiness is linked to
improved health; others only suggest a correlation between the two—
perhaps happiness is caused by good health rather than the other way
around. It's possible that health and happiness work in tandem. One of
the ways that I maintain my health is to exercise, especially cardio
exercises, which immediately increase my level of happiness. When I'm
healthy, I can do my best at work and become more focused and
productive, which makes me happy.
Finally, people need to work in order to have a happy life. I have a
good mood when I work. I can have anything I want if I work hard and
earn money. Having a job, no matter what it is, can also help me build
a strong sense of self-worth and confidence. When I get my job done, it
makes me feel good and proud of myself.
In conclusion, to live a happy life, I believed, you should have a close
relationship with your family, work, and try to stay healthy. because
you can rest assured that your family will always be there for you. And
working can enhance your life and boost your self-esteem.

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