Extreme Sports Too Dangrous For Kids

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O p in io n W riting

D e b a te
Directions: Read the article. Study the facts.
Decide what you think. Write an opinion essay.

Extremely Dangerous
Extreme sports are
high-intensity activities
that involve both speed
and stunts. For kids,
these activities include
snowboarding, snowmobiling,
skateboarding, BMX biking,
skiing, and motocross.
These sports pack big
thrills. But they have also
caused more than 4 million
injuries since 2000. Many of
these are simple fractures and
cuts, but more serious injuries
are disturbingly common.
Two winters ago, snowmobiler
Caleb Moore was killed after
a horrific crash. In 2009,
Olympic-bound snowboarder
Kevin Pearce suffered a
permanent brain injury after a
Some kids have a need for fall during a practice run.
speed. But is the thrill worth it? These sports are dangerous at any age. But
experts worry that young extreme athletes
hey fly down mountains on BMX face special hazards. Part of the problem is

bikes, flip and twist in the air on that young people are less likely than adults to
their skateboards, and soar off ski consider risks. “Kids tend to think about what is

jumps on their snowboards. They happening this minute, not what could happen
are extreme athletes— and there are an hour from now,” says psychologist Jesse
more of them than ever before. Matthews. Inspired by video games or YouTube
There’s no doubt that extreme sports are clips, many beginners attempt stunts that are
thrilling for many young athletes. The problem way beyond their skill level. Little wonder that
is that the thrills come at a high price: danger. one third of all skateboarding injuries happen
In fact, a growing number of experts feel to kids who have been skateboarding for just
that some of these sports should be off-limits to three weeks or less.
kids. But would that be going too far? Unlike team sports, many extreme athletes

28 sT O RY W O R K S
practice without the guidance of coaches, in don’t enjoy team sports. According to Matthews,
skate parks and on mountains far from adult eyes. extreme sports can let kids be more imaginative
A nother problem is that helmets, which are than sports like football or soccer. They are
routine in some extreme sports, are not required free to experiment and invent stunts of
for skateboarders. As a result, these athletes are their own.
far more likely to suffer serious head injuries Extreme sports can also build confidence and
in a fall. discipline. A nd like any sport, these activities
help kids stay fit.
Worth the Risk Experts emphasize ways to make these
W hen so much could go wrong, why would sports less risky. Wearing proper helmets and
anyone want to participate in extreme sports? pads is critical. So is learning from skilled
O f course there are the obvious thrills of experts and not attempting to become Tony
flying down a mountainside at 60 miles an hour, Hawk on the first run down the half-pipe. The
or soaring high on a trusted skateboard. bottom line: The right precautions could make
But it’s not all about the thrills. Extreme extreme sports a little less extreme, especially
sports offer opportunities to millions of kids who for young athletes. ■

Should kids participate in extreme sports?

DO 1} G o b a c k to th e a rtic le a n d fin d in fo rm a tio n to s u p p o rt e a c h s id e . W rite th e
T J U ****^ * in fo rm a tio n on th e lin e s b elo w .

f P | They're great They're too

H JyiifeP activities! JLw dangerous!
1 1

2 2

3 3

Study the points on both sides of the argument—and think about your
own opinion. S ta te y o u r o p in io n in o n e s e n te n c e b elow . It can b e c o m e th e th e s is jE E ijB Q k .
s ta te m e n t fo r an o p in io n e s s a y on th is to p ic .


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