تعابير انقلش101

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Write a paragraph of 150-180 words on a morning person or a night person.

Select one
topic. Follow the instructions from chapter 1.

A Morning Person
Morning is the best time for me because every morning is a fresh start.
I wake up early in the morning. The first thing I do is brush my teeth and
wash my face. Then, I check my email, WhatsApp, and Twitter. After that,
I like to go with my sister to watch the sunrise. After that, I do some
exercises for 20 minutes, such as walking and cardio workout. It makes me
feel better. Then, I take a shower. Also, I like to drink coffee and listen to a
podcast. After that, I eat my breakfast and get ready to go to college. I go
and enjoy my time there. After I finish college, I go back to the house and I
like to have snacks. Then I start studying and doing my homework. After
that, I usually take a nap for an hour. l like the morning because it gives me
a sense of completion.
My Older Brother

An important person in my life is my older brother Khalid. He is twenty years old, and

the eldest in my family. He is tall and about 160cm, 55kg in weight, so he has a, therefore,

harmonious body. He is white with skin. His eyes are wide and black. My brother's hair is

soft, short, and black. He has a beard. His face is long, and he looks handsome. He goes to

college every day, and he enjoys his time there. In his free time, he likes playing football and

swimming. If he does not have time to go outside, he prefers to play video games, for

example, FAFA or PUBG. Sometimes, he watches movies, especially action movies, for

example, Missions Impossible. His favorite drink is a combination of coffee and coconut milk.

When I have terrible days, I try to speak to him. He makes me happy. He has a good sense

of humor, and he spends a lot of time with friends because he is funny and outgoing. Also,

he is very ambitious and smart. He wants to get a higher degree in his major and get a good

job. He is so kind to me and helps me all the time whenever I need help. I love to be like him,

superior, cooperative, cheerful, and I hope my brother will have a good future.

The number of words : 230

Friday is the best day of the week for me. I usually wake up early in the
morning. That is a very enjoyable time for me. The first thing I do is brush
my teeth and wash my face. After that, I like to go watch the sunrise. At
seven o'clock, I do some exercises for 25 minutes. It keeps me fresh and
makes me feel energetic the whole day. Then, I take a shower. After that, I
eat my breakfast and listen to a podcast. In the afternoon, I start studying
and doing my homework. After that, I eat lunch with my family. In the
evening, I go to the mall to buy clothes. After that, I usually eat dinner at a
restaurant. Then I go back to the house, where I call my friend and we talk
about what happened during the week. At midnight, I like to watch some
series with my sister, especially comedy series. For example, Modern
Family. And I occasionally play video games with my brother, such as
PUBG. Then, I go to my room, read my favorite book, and get ready for
bed. Finally, that is why my favorite day is Friday.

The number of words 200

A Bad Experience
Bad things happened to me during my last summer vacation. My family rented a
home for the whole vacation. One day, my family went shopping, but my sister and I
stayed home. After that, I felt bored, so my sister invited me to watch a movie. The movie
was about a family that was looking for a new home. The home they rented was full of
ghosts. Before the movie started, the electricity went off in my house, and I heard strange
sounds in my bedroom. I asked my sister if she heard any sounds. She answered, "No." I
decided to go to my room to see where the sound was coming from. When I opened the
door, I saw an old man, and his face looked terrible. Then, I closed the door. I shouted to
my sister to come. After a few seconds, someone caught my neck and asked, "Who are
you?" At that moment, I got scared, and then I fainted. After two hours, I woke up and
found myself in my bed. My family and my sister were next to me. They told me that it
was a prank, and they apologized. I hope they won't do that to me again in the future
because it was very terrible.

The number of words: 212

Social Media has Made our Lives Better

I believe that social media has made our lives better. Life has become
easier with social media if used properly. First of all, it helps you as a way
to stay in touch with relatives and friends who live far away. For example,
you can be in touch with friends, family, and co-workers anywhere at any
time. Second, you can find some inspiring people on social media and learn
about their lives and hard work. You can then connect with them, follow
them, talk to them, learn from them, etc. In addition, you can make money
and gain knowledge with social media. You can use all the social media
platforms for your personal development and gain knowledge about your
career and money-making. Fourth, you can easily access the latest events
and news. You have fast and easy access to information. You can read
newspapers on your iPhone. You do not need to go to a supermarket to buy
them anymore. You can use social media like Twitter to read the news. For
all these reasons, I think that social media is really useful if used in the
right way.
The number of words:189

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