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Determinant of an Operator and of a Matrix


F denotes either R or C.

V denotes a finite-dimensional nonzero vector space over F.

Definition of Determinant of an Operator

Definition: determinant of an operator,

det T
Suppose T ∈ L(V).
If F = C, then the determinant of T is the
product of the eigenvalues of T, with each
eigenvalue repeated according to its
If F = R, then the determinant of T is the
product of the eigenvalues of TC , with
each eigenvalue repeated according to its
The determinant of T is denoted by det T.
Definition of Determinant of an Operator

Definition: determinant of an operator, If λ1 , . . . , λm are the distinct

det T eigenvalues of T (or of TC if V is a real
vector space) with multiplicities
Suppose T ∈ L(V).
d1 , . . . , dm , then the definition implies
If F = C, then the determinant of T is the
product of the eigenvalues of T, with each det T = λd11 · · · λdmm .
eigenvalue repeated according to its
If F = R, then the determinant of T is the
product of the eigenvalues of TC , with
each eigenvalue repeated according to its
The determinant of T is denoted by det T.
Definition of Determinant of an Operator

Definition: determinant of an operator, If λ1 , . . . , λm are the distinct

det T eigenvalues of T (or of TC if V is a real
vector space) with multiplicities
Suppose T ∈ L(V).
d1 , . . . , dm , then the definition implies
If F = C, then the determinant of T is the
product of the eigenvalues of T, with each det T = λd11 · · · λdmm .
eigenvalue repeated according to its
multiplicity. Or if you prefer to list the eigenvalues
If F = R, then the determinant of T is the with each repeated according to its
product of the eigenvalues of TC , with multiplicity, then the eigenvalues could
each eigenvalue repeated according to its be denoted λ1 , . . . , λn (where the index
multiplicity. n equals dim V) and the definition
The determinant of T is denoted by det T.
det T = λ1 · · · λn .

Definition: determinant of an operator,

det T
Suppose T ∈ L(V).
If F = C, then the determinant of T is the
product of the eigenvalues of T, with each
eigenvalue repeated according to its
If F = R, then the determinant of T is the
product of the eigenvalues of TC , with
each eigenvalue repeated according to its
The determinant of T is denoted by det T.

Definition: determinant of an operator, Example: det I = 1

det T
Suppose T ∈ L(V).
If F = C, then the determinant of T is the
product of the eigenvalues of T, with each
eigenvalue repeated according to its
If F = R, then the determinant of T is the
product of the eigenvalues of TC , with
each eigenvalue repeated according to its
The determinant of T is denoted by det T.

Definition: determinant of an operator, Example: det I = 1

det T
Example: Suppose T ∈ L(F3 ) is the
Suppose T ∈ L(V). operator whose matrix is
If F = C, then the determinant of T is the
3 −1 −2
 
product of the eigenvalues of T, with each  3 2 −3  .
eigenvalue repeated according to its
1 2 0
If F = R, then the determinant of T is the
product of the eigenvalues of TC , with
each eigenvalue repeated according to its
The determinant of T is denoted by det T.

Definition: determinant of an operator, Example: det I = 1

det T
Example: Suppose T ∈ L(F3 ) is the
Suppose T ∈ L(V). operator whose matrix is
If F = C, then the determinant of T is the
3 −1 −2
 
product of the eigenvalues of T, with each  3 2 −3  .
eigenvalue repeated according to its
1 2 0
Then the eigenvalues of T (or TC ) are
If F = R, then the determinant of T is the
1, 2 + 3i, and 2 − 3i, each with
product of the eigenvalues of TC , with
multiplicity 1.
each eigenvalue repeated according to its
The determinant of T is denoted by det T.

Definition: determinant of an operator, Example: det I = 1

det T
Example: Suppose T ∈ L(F3 ) is the
Suppose T ∈ L(V). operator whose matrix is
If F = C, then the determinant of T is the
3 −1 −2
 
product of the eigenvalues of T, with each  3 2 −3  .
eigenvalue repeated according to its
1 2 0
Then the eigenvalues of T (or TC ) are
If F = R, then the determinant of T is the
1, 2 + 3i, and 2 − 3i, each with
product of the eigenvalues of TC , with
multiplicity 1.
each eigenvalue repeated according to its
The determinant of T is denoted by det T. det T = 1 · (2 + 3i) · (2 − 3i)
= 13.
Determinant and Characteristic Polynomial

Determinant and
characteristic polynomial

Suppose T ∈ L(V). Let n = dim V.

Then det T equals (−1)n times the
constant term of the characteristic
polynomial of T.
Determinant and Characteristic Polynomial

Determinant and Proof Suppose λ1 , . . . , λn are the

characteristic polynomial eigenvalues of T (or of TC if V is a real
vector space) with each eigenvalue
Suppose T ∈ L(V). Let n = dim V. repeated according to its multiplicity.
Then det T equals (−1)n times the
constant term of the characteristic
polynomial of T.
Determinant and Characteristic Polynomial

Determinant and Proof Suppose λ1 , . . . , λn are the

characteristic polynomial eigenvalues of T (or of TC if V is a real
vector space) with each eigenvalue
Suppose T ∈ L(V). Let n = dim V. repeated according to its multiplicity.
Then det T equals (−1)n times the Then the characteristic polynomial of T
constant term of the characteristic equals
polynomial of T.
(z − λ1 ) · · · (z − λn ).
Determinant and Characteristic Polynomial

Determinant and Proof Suppose λ1 , . . . , λn are the

characteristic polynomial eigenvalues of T (or of TC if V is a real
vector space) with each eigenvalue
Suppose T ∈ L(V). Let n = dim V. repeated according to its multiplicity.
Then det T equals (−1)n times the Then the characteristic polynomial of T
constant term of the characteristic equals
polynomial of T.
(z − λ1 ) · · · (z − λn ).
Expand the polynomial above to write the
characteristic polynomial of T in the form
zn −(λ1 +· · ·+λn )zn−1 +· · ·+(−1)n (λ1 · · · λn ).
The expression above gives the desired
Invertible is Equivalent to Nonzero Determinant

T invertible ⇐⇒ det T 6= 0
An operator on V is invertible if and only
if its determinant is nonzero.
Invertible is Equivalent to Nonzero Determinant

T invertible ⇐⇒ det T 6= 0
An operator on V is invertible if and only
if its determinant is nonzero.

Proof First suppose V is a complex

vector space and T ∈ L(V).
Invertible is Equivalent to Nonzero Determinant

T invertible ⇐⇒ det T 6= 0
An operator on V is invertible if and only
if its determinant is nonzero.

Proof First suppose V is a complex

vector space and T ∈ L(V).
The operator T is invertible if and only
if 0 is not an eigenvalue of T.
Invertible is Equivalent to Nonzero Determinant

T invertible ⇐⇒ det T 6= 0
An operator on V is invertible if and only
if its determinant is nonzero.

Proof First suppose V is a complex

vector space and T ∈ L(V).
The operator T is invertible if and only
if 0 is not an eigenvalue of T.
Clearly this happens if and only if the
product of the eigenvalues of T is not 0.
Thus T is invertible if and only if
det T 6= 0, as desired.
Invertible is Equivalent to Nonzero Determinant

T invertible ⇐⇒ det T 6= 0
An operator on V is invertible if and only
if its determinant is nonzero.
Now consider the case where V is a real
Proof First suppose V is a complex vector space and T ∈ L(V).
vector space and T ∈ L(V).
The operator T is invertible if and only
if 0 is not an eigenvalue of T.
Clearly this happens if and only if the
product of the eigenvalues of T is not 0.
Thus T is invertible if and only if
det T 6= 0, as desired.
Invertible is Equivalent to Nonzero Determinant

T invertible ⇐⇒ det T 6= 0
An operator on V is invertible if and only
if its determinant is nonzero.
Now consider the case where V is a real
Proof First suppose V is a complex vector space and T ∈ L(V).
vector space and T ∈ L(V).
Again, T is invertible if and only if 0 is not
The operator T is invertible if and only an eigenvalue of T, which happens if and
if 0 is not an eigenvalue of T. only if 0 is not an eigenvalue of TC
Clearly this happens if and only if the (because TC and T have the same real
product of the eigenvalues of T is not 0. eigenvalues).
Thus T is invertible if and only if
det T 6= 0, as desired.
Invertible is Equivalent to Nonzero Determinant

T invertible ⇐⇒ det T 6= 0
An operator on V is invertible if and only
if its determinant is nonzero.
Now consider the case where V is a real
Proof First suppose V is a complex vector space and T ∈ L(V).
vector space and T ∈ L(V).
Again, T is invertible if and only if 0 is not
The operator T is invertible if and only an eigenvalue of T, which happens if and
if 0 is not an eigenvalue of T. only if 0 is not an eigenvalue of TC
Clearly this happens if and only if the (because TC and T have the same real
product of the eigenvalues of T is not 0. eigenvalues).
Thus T is invertible if and only if Thus again we see that T is invertible if
det T 6= 0, as desired. and only if det T 6= 0.
Characteristic Polynomial of T Equals det(zI − T)
Characteristic polynomial of T
= det(zI − T)

Suppose T ∈ L(V). Then the characteristic

polynomial of T equals det(zI − T).
Characteristic Polynomial of T Equals det(zI − T)
Characteristic polynomial of T
= det(zI − T)

Suppose T ∈ L(V). Then the characteristic

polynomial of T equals det(zI − T).

Proof First suppose F = C.

Characteristic Polynomial of T Equals det(zI − T)
Characteristic polynomial of T
= det(zI − T)

Suppose T ∈ L(V). Then the characteristic

polynomial of T equals det(zI − T).

Proof First suppose F = C. If λ, z ∈ C, then

−(T − λI) = (zI − T) − (z − λ)I.
Characteristic Polynomial of T Equals det(zI − T)
Characteristic polynomial of T
= det(zI − T)

Suppose T ∈ L(V). Then the characteristic

polynomial of T equals det(zI − T).

Proof First suppose F = C. If λ, z ∈ C, then

−(T − λI) = (zI − T) − (z − λ)I.
Thus λ is an eigenvalue of T if and only if
z − λ is an eigenvalue of zI − T.
Characteristic Polynomial of T Equals det(zI − T)
Characteristic polynomial of T
= det(zI − T)

Suppose T ∈ L(V). Then the characteristic

polynomial of T equals det(zI − T).

Proof First suppose F = C. If λ, z ∈ C, then

−(T − λI) = (zI − T) − (z − λ)I.
Thus λ is an eigenvalue of T if and only if
z − λ is an eigenvalue of zI − T. Raising both
sides of this equation to the dim V power
and then taking null spaces of both sides
shows that the multiplicity of λ as an
eigenvalue of T equals the multiplicity of
z − λ as an eigenvalue of zI − T.
Characteristic Polynomial of T Equals det(zI − T)
Characteristic polynomial of T Let λ1 , . . . , λn denote the eigenvalues of T,
= det(zI − T) repeated according to multiplicity.

Suppose T ∈ L(V). Then the characteristic

polynomial of T equals det(zI − T).

Proof First suppose F = C. If λ, z ∈ C, then

−(T − λI) = (zI − T) − (z − λ)I.
Thus λ is an eigenvalue of T if and only if
z − λ is an eigenvalue of zI − T. Raising both
sides of this equation to the dim V power
and then taking null spaces of both sides
shows that the multiplicity of λ as an
eigenvalue of T equals the multiplicity of
z − λ as an eigenvalue of zI − T.
Characteristic Polynomial of T Equals det(zI − T)
Characteristic polynomial of T Let λ1 , . . . , λn denote the eigenvalues of T,
= det(zI − T) repeated according to multiplicity.
Thus for z ∈ C, the eigenvalues of zI − T
Suppose T ∈ L(V). Then the characteristic are z − λ1 , . . . , z − λn , repeated according
polynomial of T equals det(zI − T). to multiplicity.

Proof First suppose F = C. If λ, z ∈ C, then

−(T − λI) = (zI − T) − (z − λ)I.
Thus λ is an eigenvalue of T if and only if
z − λ is an eigenvalue of zI − T. Raising both
sides of this equation to the dim V power
and then taking null spaces of both sides
shows that the multiplicity of λ as an
eigenvalue of T equals the multiplicity of
z − λ as an eigenvalue of zI − T.
Characteristic Polynomial of T Equals det(zI − T)
Characteristic polynomial of T Let λ1 , . . . , λn denote the eigenvalues of T,
= det(zI − T) repeated according to multiplicity.
Thus for z ∈ C, the eigenvalues of zI − T
Suppose T ∈ L(V). Then the characteristic are z − λ1 , . . . , z − λn , repeated according
polynomial of T equals det(zI − T). to multiplicity. The determinant of zI − T is
the product of these eigenvalues.
Proof First suppose F = C. If λ, z ∈ C, then
−(T − λI) = (zI − T) − (z − λ)I.
Thus λ is an eigenvalue of T if and only if
z − λ is an eigenvalue of zI − T. Raising both
sides of this equation to the dim V power
and then taking null spaces of both sides
shows that the multiplicity of λ as an
eigenvalue of T equals the multiplicity of
z − λ as an eigenvalue of zI − T.
Characteristic Polynomial of T Equals det(zI − T)
Characteristic polynomial of T Let λ1 , . . . , λn denote the eigenvalues of T,
= det(zI − T) repeated according to multiplicity.
Thus for z ∈ C, the eigenvalues of zI − T
Suppose T ∈ L(V). Then the characteristic are z − λ1 , . . . , z − λn , repeated according
polynomial of T equals det(zI − T). to multiplicity. The determinant of zI − T is
the product of these eigenvalues. Thus
Proof First suppose F = C. If λ, z ∈ C, then
det(zI − T) = (z − λ1 ) · · · (z − λn ).
−(T − λI) = (zI − T) − (z − λ)I.
Thus λ is an eigenvalue of T if and only if
z − λ is an eigenvalue of zI − T. Raising both
sides of this equation to the dim V power
and then taking null spaces of both sides
shows that the multiplicity of λ as an
eigenvalue of T equals the multiplicity of
z − λ as an eigenvalue of zI − T.
Characteristic Polynomial of T Equals det(zI − T)
Characteristic polynomial of T Let λ1 , . . . , λn denote the eigenvalues of T,
= det(zI − T) repeated according to multiplicity.
Thus for z ∈ C, the eigenvalues of zI − T
Suppose T ∈ L(V). Then the characteristic are z − λ1 , . . . , z − λn , repeated according
polynomial of T equals det(zI − T). to multiplicity. The determinant of zI − T is
the product of these eigenvalues. Thus
Proof First suppose F = C. If λ, z ∈ C, then
det(zI − T) = (z − λ1 ) · · · (z − λn ).
−(T − λI) = (zI − T) − (z − λ)I.
The right side of the equation above is, by
Thus λ is an eigenvalue of T if and only if definition, the characteristic polynomial
z − λ is an eigenvalue of zI − T. Raising both of T, completing the proof when F = C.
sides of this equation to the dim V power
and then taking null spaces of both sides
shows that the multiplicity of λ as an
eigenvalue of T equals the multiplicity of
z − λ as an eigenvalue of zI − T.
Characteristic Polynomial of T Equals det(zI − T)
Characteristic polynomial of T Let λ1 , . . . , λn denote the eigenvalues of T,
= det(zI − T) repeated according to multiplicity.
Thus for z ∈ C, the eigenvalues of zI − T
Suppose T ∈ L(V). Then the characteristic are z − λ1 , . . . , z − λn , repeated according
polynomial of T equals det(zI − T). to multiplicity. The determinant of zI − T is
the product of these eigenvalues. Thus
Proof First suppose F = C. If λ, z ∈ C, then
det(zI − T) = (z − λ1 ) · · · (z − λn ).
−(T − λI) = (zI − T) − (z − λ)I.
The right side of the equation above is, by
Thus λ is an eigenvalue of T if and only if definition, the characteristic polynomial
z − λ is an eigenvalue of zI − T. Raising both of T, completing the proof when F = C.
sides of this equation to the dim V power
and then taking null spaces of both sides Now suppose F = R. Applying the
shows that the multiplicity of λ as an complex case to TC gives the desired
eigenvalue of T equals the multiplicity of result.
z − λ as an eigenvalue of zI − T.
Definition: permutation, perm n

A permutation of (1, . . . , n) is a
list (m1 , . . . , mn ) that contains
each of the numbers 1, . . . , n
exactly once.
The set of all permutations of
(1, . . . , n) is denoted perm n.
Definition: permutation, perm n Definition: sign of a permutation

A permutation of (1, . . . , n) is a The sign of a permutation (m1 , . . . , mn ) is

list (m1 , . . . , mn ) that contains defined to be 1 if the number of pairs of
each of the numbers 1, . . . , n integers (j, k) with 1 ≤ j < k ≤ n such that
exactly once. j appears after k in the list (m1 , . . . , mn ) is
The set of all permutations of even and −1 if the number of such pairs
(1, . . . , n) is denoted perm n. is odd.
Definition: permutation, perm n Definition: sign of a permutation

A permutation of (1, . . . , n) is a The sign of a permutation (m1 , . . . , mn ) is

list (m1 , . . . , mn ) that contains defined to be 1 if the number of pairs of
each of the numbers 1, . . . , n integers (j, k) with 1 ≤ j < k ≤ n such that
exactly once. j appears after k in the list (m1 , . . . , mn ) is
The set of all permutations of even and −1 if the number of such pairs
(1, . . . , n) is denoted perm n. is odd.

In other words, the sign of a permutation

equals 1 if the natural order has been
changed an even number of times and
equals −1 if the natural order has been
changed an odd number of times.
Definition: permutation, perm n Definition: sign of a permutation

A permutation of (1, . . . , n) is a The sign of a permutation (m1 , . . . , mn ) is

list (m1 , . . . , mn ) that contains defined to be 1 if the number of pairs of
each of the numbers 1, . . . , n integers (j, k) with 1 ≤ j < k ≤ n such that
exactly once. j appears after k in the list (m1 , . . . , mn ) is
The set of all permutations of even and −1 if the number of such pairs
(1, . . . , n) is denoted perm n. is odd.

In other words, the sign of a permutation

Interchanging two entries in a equals 1 if the natural order has been
permutation changed an even number of times and
equals −1 if the natural order has been
Interchanging two entries in a per-
changed an odd number of times.
mutation multiplies the sign of the
permutation by −1.
Definition of Determinant of a Matrix

Definition: determinant of a matrix, det A

Suppose A is an n-by-n matrix

A1,1 . . . A1,n
 

A =  ... ..  .

. 
An,1 . . . An,n
The determinant of A, denoted det A, is defined by
det A = sign(m1 , . . . , mn ) Am1 ,1 · · · Amn ,n .

(m1 ,...,mn )∈perm n

Definition of Determinant of a Matrix
Example: Suppose
Definition: determinant of a matrix, det A
 

Suppose A is an n-by-n matrix A=
 .. .

A1,1 . . . A1,n 0 An,n
 

A =  ... ..  .

. 
An,1 . . . An,n
The determinant of A, denoted det A, is defined by
det A = sign(m1 , . . . , mn ) Am1 ,1 · · · Amn ,n .

(m1 ,...,mn )∈perm n

Definition of Determinant of a Matrix
Example: Suppose
Definition: determinant of a matrix, det A
 

Suppose A is an n-by-n matrix A=
 .. .

A1,1 . . . A1,n 0 An,n
 

A =  ... ..  .
The permutation (1, 2, . . . , n) has

. 
An,1 . . . An,n sign 1 and thus contributes a term
of A1,1 · · · An,n to the sum defining
The determinant of A, denoted det A, is defined by
X det A.
det A = sign(m1 , . . . , mn ) Am1 ,1 · · · Amn ,n .

(m1 ,...,mn )∈perm n

Definition of Determinant of a Matrix
Example: Suppose
Definition: determinant of a matrix, det A
 

Suppose A is an n-by-n matrix A=
 .. .

A1,1 . . . A1,n 0 An,n
 

A =  ... ..  .
The permutation (1, 2, . . . , n) has

. 
An,1 . . . An,n sign 1 and thus contributes a term
of A1,1 · · · An,n to the sum defining
The determinant of A, denoted det A, is defined by
X det A. All other permutations
det A = sign(m1 , . . . , mn ) Am1 ,1 · · · Amn ,n . (m1 , . . . , mn ) ∈ perm n contain at

(m1 ,...,mn )∈perm n least one mj > j, which means that

Amj ,j = 0 . Thus all the other terms
in the sum make no contribution.
Definition of Determinant of a Matrix
Example: Suppose
Definition: determinant of a matrix, det A
 

Suppose A is an n-by-n matrix A=
 .. .

A1,1 . . . A1,n 0 An,n
 

A =  ... ..  .
The permutation (1, 2, . . . , n) has

. 
An,1 . . . An,n sign 1 and thus contributes a term
of A1,1 · · · An,n to the sum defining
The determinant of A, denoted det A, is defined by
X det A. All other permutations
det A = sign(m1 , . . . , mn ) Am1 ,1 · · · Amn ,n . (m1 , . . . , mn ) ∈ perm n contain at

(m1 ,...,mn )∈perm n least one mj > j, which means that

Amj ,j = 0 . Thus all the other terms
in the sum make no contribution.
det A = A1,1 · · · An,n .
Determinant is Multiplicative

Determinant is multiplicative

Suppose A and B are square matrices of the

same size. Then
det(AB) = det(BA) = (det A)(det B).
Determinant is Multiplicative

Determinant is multiplicative

Suppose A and B are square matrices of the

same size. Then
det(AB) = det(BA) = (det A)(det B).

Determinant of matrix of operator does

not depend on basis

Let T ∈ L(V). Suppose u1 , . . . , un and

v1 , . . . , vn are bases of V. Then
det M T, (u1 , . . . , un ) = det M T, (v1 , . . . , vn ) .
Determinant is Multiplicative

Determinant is multiplicative
Suppose A and B are square matrices of the A = M I, (u1 , . . . , un ), (v1 , . . . , vn ) .

same size. Then
det(AB) = det(BA) = (det A)(det B).

Determinant of matrix of operator does

not depend on basis

Let T ∈ L(V). Suppose u1 , . . . , un and

v1 , . . . , vn are bases of V. Then
det M T, (u1 , . . . , un ) = det M T, (v1 , . . . , vn ) .
Determinant is Multiplicative

Determinant is multiplicative
Suppose A and B are square matrices of the A = M I, (u1 , . . . , un ), (v1 , . . . , vn ) .

same size. Then Then
det(AB) = det(BA) = (det A)(det B). det M T, (u1 , . . . , un )

= det A−1 M T, (v1 , . . . , vn ) A
Determinant of matrix of operator does
not depend on basis

Let T ∈ L(V). Suppose u1 , . . . , un and

v1 , . . . , vn are bases of V. Then
det M T, (u1 , . . . , un ) = det M T, (v1 , . . . , vn ) .
Determinant is Multiplicative

Determinant is multiplicative
Suppose A and B are square matrices of the A = M I, (u1 , . . . , un ), (v1 , . . . , vn ) .

same size. Then Then
det(AB) = det(BA) = (det A)(det B). det M T, (u1 , . . . , un )

= det A−1 M T, (v1 , . . . , vn ) A
Determinant of matrix of operator does
not depend on basis

Let T ∈ L(V). Suppose u1 , . . . , un and

v1 , . . . , vn are bases of V. Then
det M T, (u1 , . . . , un ) = det M T, (v1 , . . . , vn ) .
Determinant is Multiplicative

Determinant is multiplicative
Suppose A and B are square matrices of the A = M I, (u1 , . . . , un ), (v1 , . . . , vn ) .

same size. Then Then
det(AB) = det(BA) = (det A)(det B). det M T, (u1 , . . . , un )

= det A−1 M T, (v1 , . . . , vn ) A
Determinant of matrix of operator does  
= det M T, (v1 , . . . , vn ) AA−1

not depend on basis

Let T ∈ L(V). Suppose u1 , . . . , un and

v1 , . . . , vn are bases of V. Then
det M T, (u1 , . . . , un ) = det M T, (v1 , . . . , vn ) .
Determinant is Multiplicative

Determinant is multiplicative
Suppose A and B are square matrices of the A = M I, (u1 , . . . , un ), (v1 , . . . , vn ) .

same size. Then Then
det(AB) = det(BA) = (det A)(det B). det M T, (u1 , . . . , un )

= det A−1 M T, (v1 , . . . , vn ) A
Determinant of matrix of operator does  
= det M T, (v1 , . . . , vn ) AA−1

not depend on basis

Let T ∈ L(V). Suppose u1 , . . . , un and

v1 , . . . , vn are bases of V. Then
det M T, (u1 , . . . , un ) = det M T, (v1 , . . . , vn ) .
Determinant is Multiplicative

Determinant is multiplicative
Suppose A and B are square matrices of the A = M I, (u1 , . . . , un ), (v1 , . . . , vn ) .

same size. Then Then
det(AB) = det(BA) = (det A)(det B). det M T, (u1 , . . . , un )

= det A−1 M T, (v1 , . . . , vn ) A
Determinant of matrix of operator does  
= det M T, (v1 , . . . , vn ) AA−1

not depend on basis
= det M T, (v1 , . . . , vn ) .

Let T ∈ L(V). Suppose u1 , . . . , un and
v1 , . . . , vn are bases of V. Then
det M T, (u1 , . . . , un ) = det M T, (v1 , . . . , vn ) .
Determinant is Multiplicative

Determinant is multiplicative
Suppose A and B are square matrices of the A = M I, (u1 , . . . , un ), (v1 , . . . , vn ) .

same size. Then Then
det(AB) = det(BA) = (det A)(det B). det M T, (u1 , . . . , un )

= det A−1 M T, (v1 , . . . , vn ) A
Determinant of matrix of operator does  
= det M T, (v1 , . . . , vn ) AA−1

not depend on basis
= det M T, (v1 , . . . , vn ) .

Let T ∈ L(V). Suppose u1 , . . . , un and
v1 , . . . , vn are bases of V. Then The last equality completes the proof.
det M T, (u1 , . . . , un ) = det M T, (v1 , . . . , vn ) .
Determinant of Operator Equals Determinant of Its Matrix

Determinant of operator equals

determinant of its matrix
Suppose T ∈ L(V). Then det T =
det M(T).
Determinant of Operator Equals Determinant of Its Matrix

Determinant of operator equals

determinant of its matrix
Suppose T ∈ L(V). Then det T =
det M(T).

Proof To show that det T = det M(T) for

every basis of V, we need only show that
the result holds for some basis of V.
Determinant of Operator Equals Determinant of Its Matrix

Determinant of operator equals

determinant of its matrix
Suppose T ∈ L(V). Then det T =
det M(T).

Proof To show that det T = det M(T) for

every basis of V, we need only show that
the result holds for some basis of V.
If F = C, then choosing the basis given by
the Decomposition Theorem gives the
desired result.
Determinant of Operator Equals Determinant of Its Matrix

Determinant of operator equals

determinant of its matrix
Suppose T ∈ L(V). Then det T =
det M(T).

Proof To show that det T = det M(T) for

every basis of V, we need only show that
the result holds for some basis of V.
If F = C, then choosing the basis given by
the Decomposition Theorem gives the
desired result.
If F = R, then applying the complex case to
the complexification TC gives the desired
Determinant of Operator Equals Determinant of Its Matrix

Determinant of operator equals

determinant of its matrix Determinant is multiplicative
Suppose T ∈ L(V). Then det T = Suppose S, T ∈ L(V). Then
det M(T).
det(ST) = det(TS) = (det S)(det T).
Proof To show that det T = det M(T) for
every basis of V, we need only show that
the result holds for some basis of V.
If F = C, then choosing the basis given by
the Decomposition Theorem gives the
desired result.
If F = R, then applying the complex case to
the complexification TC gives the desired
Determinant of Operator Equals Determinant of Its Matrix

Determinant of operator equals

determinant of its matrix Determinant is multiplicative
Suppose T ∈ L(V). Then det T = Suppose S, T ∈ L(V). Then
det M(T).
det(ST) = det(TS) = (det S)(det T).
Proof To show that det T = det M(T) for
every basis of V, we need only show that Proof Choose a basis of V.
the result holds for some basis of V.
If F = C, then choosing the basis given by
the Decomposition Theorem gives the
desired result.
If F = R, then applying the complex case to
the complexification TC gives the desired
Determinant of Operator Equals Determinant of Its Matrix

Determinant of operator equals

determinant of its matrix Determinant is multiplicative
Suppose T ∈ L(V). Then det T = Suppose S, T ∈ L(V). Then
det M(T).
det(ST) = det(TS) = (det S)(det T).
Proof To show that det T = det M(T) for
every basis of V, we need only show that Proof Choose a basis of V. Then
the result holds for some basis of V. det(ST) = det M(ST)
If F = C, then choosing the basis given by
the Decomposition Theorem gives the
desired result.
If F = R, then applying the complex case to
the complexification TC gives the desired
Determinant of Operator Equals Determinant of Its Matrix

Determinant of operator equals

determinant of its matrix Determinant is multiplicative
Suppose T ∈ L(V). Then det T = Suppose S, T ∈ L(V). Then
det M(T).
det(ST) = det(TS) = (det S)(det T).
Proof To show that det T = det M(T) for
every basis of V, we need only show that Proof Choose a basis of V. Then
the result holds for some basis of V. det(ST) = det M(ST)

If F = C, then choosing the basis given by = det M(S)M(T)
the Decomposition Theorem gives the
desired result.
If F = R, then applying the complex case to
the complexification TC gives the desired
Determinant of Operator Equals Determinant of Its Matrix

Determinant of operator equals

determinant of its matrix Determinant is multiplicative
Suppose T ∈ L(V). Then det T = Suppose S, T ∈ L(V). Then
det M(T).
det(ST) = det(TS) = (det S)(det T).
Proof To show that det T = det M(T) for
every basis of V, we need only show that Proof Choose a basis of V. Then
the result holds for some basis of V. det(ST) = det M(ST)

If F = C, then choosing the basis given by = det M(S)M(T)
the Decomposition Theorem gives the = det M(S) det M(T)
desired result.
If F = R, then applying the complex case to
the complexification TC gives the desired
Determinant of Operator Equals Determinant of Its Matrix

Determinant of operator equals

determinant of its matrix Determinant is multiplicative
Suppose T ∈ L(V). Then det T = Suppose S, T ∈ L(V). Then
det M(T).
det(ST) = det(TS) = (det S)(det T).
Proof To show that det T = det M(T) for
every basis of V, we need only show that Proof Choose a basis of V. Then
the result holds for some basis of V. det(ST) = det M(ST)

If F = C, then choosing the basis given by = det M(S)M(T)
the Decomposition Theorem gives the = det M(S) det M(T)
desired result. = (det S)(det T).
If F = R, then applying the complex case to
the complexification TC gives the desired
Determinant of Operator Equals Determinant of Its Matrix

Determinant of operator equals

determinant of its matrix Determinant is multiplicative
Suppose T ∈ L(V). Then det T = Suppose S, T ∈ L(V). Then
det M(T).
det(ST) = det(TS) = (det S)(det T).
Proof To show that det T = det M(T) for
every basis of V, we need only show that Proof Choose a basis of V. Then
the result holds for some basis of V. det(ST) = det M(ST)

If F = C, then choosing the basis given by = det M(S)M(T)
the Decomposition Theorem gives the = det M(S) det M(T)
desired result. = (det S)(det T).
If F = R, then applying the complex case to
the complexification TC gives the desired
Determinant of Operator Equals Determinant of Its Matrix

Determinant of operator equals

determinant of its matrix Determinant is multiplicative
Suppose T ∈ L(V). Then det T = Suppose S, T ∈ L(V). Then
det M(T).
det(ST) = det(TS) = (det S)(det T).
Proof To show that det T = det M(T) for
every basis of V, we need only show that Proof Choose a basis of V. Then
the result holds for some basis of V. det(ST) = det M(ST)

If F = C, then choosing the basis given by = det M(S)M(T)
the Decomposition Theorem gives the = det M(S) det M(T)
desired result. = (det S)(det T).
If F = R, then applying the complex case to Interchanging S and T gives
the complexification TC gives the desired
det(TS) = (det T)(det S)
Determinant of Operator Equals Determinant of Its Matrix

Determinant of operator equals

determinant of its matrix Determinant is multiplicative
Suppose T ∈ L(V). Then det T = Suppose S, T ∈ L(V). Then
det M(T).
det(ST) = det(TS) = (det S)(det T).
Proof To show that det T = det M(T) for
every basis of V, we need only show that Proof Choose a basis of V. Then
the result holds for some basis of V. det(ST) = det M(ST)

If F = C, then choosing the basis given by = det M(S)M(T)
the Decomposition Theorem gives the = det M(S) det M(T)
desired result. = (det S)(det T).
If F = R, then applying the complex case to Interchanging S and T gives
the complexification TC gives the desired
det(TS) = (det T)(det S)
= (det S)(det T).
Linear Algebra Done Right, by Sheldon Axler

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