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| ane ef craplee! Qu fecrms — ine feni"g i g! Define Confedent ality ure pnat only the HE » F ns 4 4 ris oe fo ran be Od'e oar who have quthen i 1 unautho” Se vece inform on — Ps p be able +0 View dara cannet unauinonced Indivtdual who is ee em ee . ao ¢ y TeSponsibi |i Hes at ~assyfance, task for a IS_reSponsible ar Over alt/ Informat on Security + | n/n bekween Virus Worms (an YY 2) \tisia piece af | lb is meliesious Code -+thad attach} program that es itself to oe Qutoma colt bother. eo | | fuineudl ama di'fies aro lt does mat pGade™ modi eo code. \t Specifies Steps os fom melts ao eae Cummaulative jpackage luce __one “oy more tes used / a Io Sofkaare product fis program that wake Changes ts Falled on. Computer. ee = i Quy | Wefine- “pfermalion on _ ean | XN ea), |ntes pela Related with genera han - |_meditttation data enh authonsed = || user can be ble to ei oY Change 4 |_informalion Saal Le be L aoe ~ 2) | Account Availability — used _to__enSure that 4 data {6 available fox usec _cohere | authorised user want +o access. — 45 | Expiain Dos With diagram. _— > 4 Denial Service attack iS type _af ) | attack wich con exploit a knoien jNulnerabili by in speahic applicatton ox ( stem ov ma. attack weakness in parchiculars Service. this attack Can be Simpl to target Sysk¢m ox. in Combination ordee to ain : nt hwork. a) By thig. attack, atbackee iS atte, 9 B “Tastin guthowized USE ae B aa 4. | Specific information +o Computer Sysiten_or vw itself: Dal Diagram = Oe Dos as =} SyN- flooding attack — oa | d : ; — Sun | Li ith take )Paddyess) — Response to i} Fake. access, | LEE pa A le psi “example ef AcHve 4 passive attack . | Active attack = | Man-in-the middle || Session - sg re ey \\ | Passive athatk = 6pooking attacls + eptay attack \ ee i\\ "98: Explain critera fox _|nformahon. .classifica- I) bie na 344 ont p A a ly | Walue- based - one ‘most commonly used criteria. for Eee data in joxiva ke ___| Sectov. JF infoarmaHoar is valve able I organizelon need to classify B | i PEM ite, classifica Hon |nformak Jon“ may be lowered if info Value | decrease. over time. 13) | Usefutitife 16 inbeithas been made i a Ne. 0 tn Fo. Important ipo Caribe etka Considere. ciaban = fon iS Sper deen associakd Indiv is _addressec aw then i} may be classified ~2vganitalieninfaroalon = —cénfminte di with: thre — se ging aye ee = List meed § Inf 4 op ntormahion \|mpertence 9 eo State |nfarmabhan last Geer, + \mformation is service that Supports decision making—ithin organization. + Information security — \kis ot all ahout Secuting Information Ffinm_aunauthoize access . -\tis basicaly important because j+ con rotect Con FidenHal information enables the 5 ES function .alSo enable $ the Sa opecation at application. *__\mporkance_of \nfermation classifica Han - 6 ~_| Main yeaSon +o _Classt IS 4+that not al! {nfo have Same level af __impertance +o an ofganizahion =| classification af |hformation js used 4s preven + Unauthoyized disclosure g resultant failure et a confidentiality. —' I crifecia far _|ynfarmation Classificak= e e importante or _yalue +o ergonizabon 7 siftcal’én amnay be lowered jalue decrease over Hime. has been made available Changes +0_infs_can ke done. is. pexsanally _assodiated _ mee 2 Wer authenticator and access ———— Mss 5 | Sede ng @hen an 1 ata [tts similor __procedate— themselves iP 2 Suchaway | et eipesition erie ec Bee ero 2 observe Ox oun See a ee enter n: corveck access Code, ee This ateds _ = 19 bi direct a ae fe Pe iemline mncoor ei agee OVE SO Some Ondiwheiiye eis CHa << Cues 3) . Pass corp ae. i SS a - used "thelr TpesSen rah is ia bin 4 : L oe physical wer. Yoom or | a 7 }#W— 4s s— i ite oua Cosh aap Chiomettic). a -+Th a Ptlan fey! ynaSt © Ube Easy Verificalt on Ibis Us 2 | $ ee i isd ‘ << Speufic_ Comput 4 nto £ _| Because aot Small size low Cost Theil) . bi on used in device : 4 vecord is Toces 3 tetin IL nipondid a2 Fin. geeprin} =to he Se asian dey “aren ave ae 5 =a i Yecordsnie sacle t j| Wore eSecority irs Chet Selgcy operation, 7: D) | Noice pathern:- 7 40. Le. = this type _ BH veri ficobion pecs Speech | 1S ni gquete ¥y In bees bine because? No Hl Sperialised device 7 quired, -__|| Voice. print Miexi Hele on Ve completsty |_ pa %t of, t ete ano tiaies and amalys's | 5lw. - | this mechanism Can be cable te We ic hone based Op pli Goon suchas aoe “tespense system § time oes Feature o] DC access Conte] an oa attows abil es “2 customize _th eit cc ess— Individualiy, nirol iZ SJ I = a n % ~~ Aminigtrol ”) ebligation a a explo! 2) Tacenbra § — Sr achantom ry ote qani2aken Si aggre i data S WES ourcey, SN aOeHRS use olicfey 1) user axle who ther rob | ensure _ _appropricly ‘si | Conn) actess level are gorge a Ree eC COMM ee : Sa Arthen tical’ * «Mechanism = | authenhiab’sy >| Muli fF - authenkcaon ) | One~ Time Passcoord OF- authenKeakion Blomeric_ e | Hai Sie fhe eee Nes vt pees leet 0 a ee \ | [f__useename g psd is iwalid a = ic Pp | lict 4 features “ peas m , | 0 ease Contra] a | 2) Data _“Secuxi hy gi |S) Bacup rn AD Odabitity. Ee *f abl Deline —— = a | Pabpentica Han = rove thot oho dou i a {| & Claim do be. Phter eo tesin a | usexmame —& assword Compu cor — | Cormpare Inpub oe enHx Stere FA {n passiserd file, leg Succes stuf I Pepe or Li be Spies! eae m iis process of ae Sek a . a eX misSsisn os me! Spill si nese | fyi; piasort. ¢ te “siroplest —ond rm << | commonly- “ody kpoon $90, C24} pti 0m = enc pute nage’ ace pPyEs. ° Ss opsti tution pata copie jen Inthe P- 7 = ai by a letter Sone fied ‘odie 1 ee postin tte as pe te Seay ciphox—t fovalves— ma Sees chore brabbets ———- piers 8 pares bsthex — i a eS - peat See 9 ar Stet of sae a spine be: on Boa ea ee im me Ed | En\s i | Gubs a 8 : Enlist Substitution techniques ond explaio-aeyt > uh wate) 4 : | eubotituttoo Tecloeiques:-_10 Substitution technique letters } of pt are__replaced by the thee lettaxs ory no ox by. Symbols q euteoote ried | Substitvtoo techniques ae. _as Fojlou5:- eit | 8) Caesar cipher | 8) Modified _vexston oF Gee Cipher ale c) Mono =alphobefic Cipher. ae ae [ no. t Vigenex'? Cipher. becrkonges Shad 1 cae eT I [t 1s psoposed by Jultus Gssex_|o_Ceyptagacphy || Gaeook Cipher dso knqwn (aS Gesax cipher (coda, — || Shift Ciphes /coda Tk in ore of Ho Smplest # | most cotdoly lense encrypting, techniques: [4 25 a — || type of Substituhon fechnique —in Ghich~ each letter — [Lin tte, pt 16 replaced by a letjor: some fixed || now of poattfor_ dowa the * alphabot. > || F6_example with o shrft of 3, A “woud be xp be become F » f Soon agfhoem, in tha { Tab below: Vesa 00 bh a yy 6 xplain tat: o ro ft a $6. Explatr Datel Signature n “Pepe = Nessage Private by Digital signature M Dtottal 5 Poivate eile S. We iftca: ee Ayostho Ala cetthey Syoature : Volid ox ot Wap “7 SJannkrve 15.0.5 “method cf avthentien ro Clectsanic Fo ag a in des..ness authentication coda. - LC oe hash value > of ==G smessage f._ afc odes eee also ‘Jou arr om phic: ie S$gnatur€ protocol Sete lnk 5 EDS r sed fo Autheo-ticatto eae ro rege en Sendaz +o vay a tn the (ness asthe i spesinns a idivicd ite Ea | as, t= ht Tara fends 40 — Tpetines= a = ap ant tea Bctento, of | message ato ther Secure % Gllod 1 ppt 1) Cxyptol ao tothe cocabination of Cryptonalysis . pa ery ptog mpl f| Explain Stenograghy techoiques_with Suda g aun et Hy . ee | Ts ancysaphy fo the art ond Scfonce of weft i ee sen a a that oo ove, — : apart. from the ‘sender a pthtended mecipiont, |siects ctha‘.existonca oF tho Message. ; | Stegonipemh works by Tedacing bits oPunsless / low dota tn ne eee Files ae 49 Goephics, Sound, PRxt Intend ars even, ae ee with bib of diff, ae hidden _Inf®. con. be, sph. ch 0% Gye) images. Hata Tbigisten Ue by the Gaal" sen then Adta ds Etec Ls ae of particule ‘ k sud: asi A ‘of position 8 = waste _down_steps fn 4 ncrypiton.. 3 4 ~ > “Coes: Cipher: technique tb. proposed bya Twi Gsez. 4 J +e Hts ore of tho simplest and most woldoly known encayption techniques: . FIA $60 type of substitution “technique — finch each letter tn the pt es 0 1 ~Peplaed by a ter some Ftxed no. of = thealphcbet 9th the A ther dao athe ee & ee een te oF 8: _codkd be eplach = become f Sq 5) ae r _cORRE RA eH pt > INFORMATION C+ > LQ|RUPDWLRQ@ Guo | Convert the given p-t into C+ Using. si 2. | columaox technique _Usin fol Mewaing. dota pt: INFORMATION SECURITY | Numbox of Columns + 06 | rocryption key + ee 4 Se Phas N R | (| ara GiOi.R 1) \ | oe | iN te 4 a | ek Cipher jJeyt— IAEY NIC FIU_OoR RN MST mar | 4. Firewall! and )ntrusion a Detection system a 7 “4! Define _firecdiall... Enlist pes iol fixecsal) ©, | Fitecoall can, bes frordware Lseftoare al or .Combinahen both. which motall er Inspect nekwork traffic passing through Po id Bs oither accept 07 weleck = the a message, based: om Seto rules. as _fnlist dy pes od, firewall = — a) Packet filter Pirewal) i a b Dpp\ ication manent fireael/ a ©) Cixcuit lewed qate ay Differentiate.: bet host beaded & network based —1Ds Me i) gsi ; Host based | Nehork based | fe ) \tis hos} dependant . \tI's host independant Ut has loco false posikve, lho hgh False tt | positive aca te L atiack | |t Senses Meboork attack \+ slow down the nlwo that vt \ps_client in Stalled, a N pz. N 33: Explai® » pmz-Stand$: fox demillbized. 4 cant ig. concept “gery Common i}, N | “Pirewsall) tecture — Firewall ¢.- arranged Porm DM2.-. Cel ol 20re- totes) am fa 4 _ + | pais inet external user 4. _ internal nile Bla : RRERED a = Nekoor DM Alice Ld — ——. m —> | Det He fecoa ll & “Ins IV) Frrecwant daesrt ing ee \DS ko ay £PS_a chagt tea fh | “f as 8 Overan nics ol Moman- po Wer 1S i 1 fcin_adminisbstor Bequired +o moana Uaet IS required to ieecoalt. 1 T€snon d fae fiSSued hy IDs (MPa We tae ost | tps ave Vent Visible park al difficult t Speed Wl 4m.“ outs der |) ymin lo @| qupes- nko firewall | Ty pes- mia based 10s | tf ~ interna Fre Host. based: 10S os OO lille oa aateeeen feed. Ripe tron. thot ae Jeveh gatcuons fon Certain an_end-4ts end Tcp one! [Das Pt ienty ieee ——=Honeypots ate innovation. in in pusin —— detection _ ae ii, Application. gabenay- a ich Application.» qaasauy sale lobe. Bicertereses gb 4} proxy} — Serve F-— _: | his “io becouSe the beat g— I —. About | flow a elas a Jeveh tr affrc ? t “ar conbac ee soar cobian Tee Lie Lilien Pp lor HTT. ____— a D 66 pin policies+ conhiqurat-°0 5 lig | firewall " ~“— |: olici es 7 how firewall Should ne t b indicates ce jrofitc fox specie IP “ang } sever al address Tonges, Protect } Spqicaline 4 Contenh type “based | on on eng [nformobOn Secu: Cire faawcll E re i pricy 16 Cre, a form_af rae nal, okde | ois Should be OP te develop ligt : | re types trathic Needed fb eo oa. ea Ee Catnasnies— how ta ™ eo §eceure jncjuding which Pia trafic scars AGuerSe ig ’ ae | packet fis Une _ocy Circuit level = ron - ori '@ Three. confiqurat'on a} ftvemalt- | © Screened ~ host firewoll system b. Single home bastion L [© Screened hos} firewall, double homed | BasHon |@ screened Subnet fires al) Sys keno. + || limite born | Ol, Firewall Can nok protesk aqainst What a has. been authsnzed. barrie lb Cannt stop Sociok eripigemniie® abtads ot -unuantkd purpose 2 — @| Sirewall cannot fix poem adminishotion | prach'ce ace acai desiiqned secuxily a poLicies ‘ Fail State meeds firewaol) = ds zi | 0 Firewall —-p rourde jaro tection Ou inst | outside _ cy be ‘lye ao a Shrel dia you Coraputea —® mn leo rem or ka oor_unnecceSSamt ve _cam als» nreven} malicious acting Corn pater n korn. _ educations . Setting wp -+cao fea} - advantage that you — balana ng, ra Y tovolo. with. Hrew ay al ? eee Saiptastacd Service “a "fai —deniZd Ot Tyree, slack hom the ite ML pzevime beer, G4, Describe host-based im isin a “J i a With Suitable dia 1OhM4 Has+ based moniter Susser >» Cie evidence cf rmoalideus | ¢ . ~gppticaten —ackivbky in oe al ng Oo | requices 8 POCO ny gar eddies eae SoM SA: — ‘ 4 a | 7510 I Desmbe — Ne a) | Network based \ps. — | leis. tres +0 detect malicious achiviby | Guch aS Dos - Posed _8can or even ea +o crack into comp utes lain Scum Lmonitiming, mle Seiad -_ | NDS arx™~ laced at strategic point o spparad cath ne Mla ab Se hagite joer nf 4 Povo] device: ato. —_|| Mason" a Commercial. inbau6ian déececlion Sy Skem cot mle bas ed. fete a a in| Packet Filter Fipecoall ie Ol A. erDL feat is one Fire wer!) usivalle Al packet. a Filtecd he l packet Ussing. oro tes applies on | 1 a a ev incamin. me cet 5 — ecidc feod Yori discard me | Packel a pwork Secuvihy, Cyber lawn a 5B. Networ NM 4 Som plan } con Sas ‘ GI I classify fountuiing Bn ben om'me . > 2) cyber Stalking! “Pais 1S Fad a] oa ae . Barassment ~ whent tin Vi thing tig ft eo barrag-e ay. online eg enh Sebati harressment: \4iBemle@ ¢ berm —~—______| mefees to. moaiseicitise ae ernail +e ® jf sinhimislote icthredan ox ot : LI WIS C 7 ie Ls tha ras ¢: indiutdaal on Oana nizatiay, ° , [ Pee =, ee i *Psceuaill 4 Pii= lprouides 6 d_fos dots hae ! gi 3 p.0% Se Gn bo A ad. ani 4 Gu thentication }Ppackele eds l Htisl:), ne col_}-e, a at cad nema yPreuideS Comtdenw aly a peas Siig hat ae if —= — | j aro Explain —Email secum'! in SMTP a 4 deSceibeS Various jechnigue fom) s wee pcapa Sensitive infernahen in ema) | Comm 4 actount Secure agains] | Unauthorized access 1 loss r | Compram'se_ A aa ~ lit awemains ke Praductivit | _t00\ for gl l sho dass organization as ell as |_ successfull “obltuck vector Fox Cyb er || Ccimniin aS 1 ght Exptain oe a lSerbers. — || Autnent cation seruice Yor AS recive S | request by Client 4 verifies Client - is _ | todeed Computer it Cains te be. me: | This is wore just Sinapie datubase bl | loo kuys af uw ex's JD. p J py D-H || Mast’ iis p adierit ss pee bh Client s dimestamp is created . rent Hm in user gession €xpiration data. _defautt ate af dimestomy Is &hrs. iS then cteated » The ee _dhat @hen §hr9 Hon js Uselens. —— : Date| } ; . | Client decmyats ticket ett Tas i+has | done Go, —&__then Sends _i+s own | encnypte d bey +o __ Service Vo Vee) \ | \sc\eelenhea\ sth aa malces. Sure the « (Gervice deompts Key L dime Stam p ts SHI valid. JFrers | Service contact he dish’ but'on enh __ | 40 oweceive »Sessian— 40 Wien. toc je that ig peturned _tichet. IF key aot sul is _tnitoted ber Chien bay l Y shucture : 69) I Explain public Jnfra c ai = i exacnp\¢ . 2 ~ i Reaeay technology a4 ¢ reer vestanlish Identhes an | encrypt information —4 digitally Sign hey _documents: ~~ a Identities & roanages relations hig» stn ‘elechonic— exchang ee F _ axe cota ? Sexving — twice amen Of — Seca iy — | weeds. se Pea. __tonfedintal! hc oe Gee PCN i ay = ee hn) a rin eee remail dato _ a eis 3 . a asi neta, Baa 88.1 ‘a if, Per aala paar. Riad +o a tee Communication: S—chsiite wit, a_hrewser_ oo —hrusted_ _sitey am (Conn? , ve a _ 2 8 + classy = o nd a a) | eek sv dreiar! aq aims. “government organizahon — 6) Sper Copyright _ InFréngement b Mm @) bitoret ot 22sa11 Stes ob rig _— B50 si thigs : = 2) a against government 7 orqanizalion = |} Fefers to use of cyber 7 attack . such as hacking tymaliaart oF 7 —— _intension 4 Causing — 7 _ dismns Fear or tra to 2 otis entity. ‘These attacle 7 Cun Ferg et gas bk. welsike 2 i. ase 1 Comm” System os 7 Cohical otras buch. 1 Pposing- esiqnificar i. threat © nahonal — 4 Sublic sfc febape othe c prd2 7 eb) | Capyrig ht . Mtr ara emeat! line “f) fm) thse fees te unauthom zed pase ‘ _dishibub'on ox ai | ee ee reguch on — al Copy ne biked mateei ot such as > a er: _ music Se wibhed a} Copyright holder. i S N ¥ 1. Define AS, Ts —wo-2-te herberos L a As- Autheotica hon Server a _. Aserverr that» issues ticket fa : _ desired geruce Winch iare- Ln = ten given Jo user for access — Seng b) Tas- A Server that Issue shicke. ‘ _.. for _desived> Service: Which are ™~ > intuan.given i to.usey fer access p—_—_j teciemiress Theses wsirali.: a ———Mns. on=-Same > host asolengy » + ——_—___ o- —G?_ Explain 4s [ Sut = Se A SESMIP 1S sbopulors ela Be rine e he a pi idl P Communica Han > 1 feet ce teal sca ee BUS. based? 4 Describe CoBIT frame: Werle, with neat Pl tel, e | CoBlT— ‘ ~ * | CoBIT 1S an IT manaqement Framework |-developed _by Isic +o help | business clevetop or ganite & inaplement |_ Stroteqies around. information Management overnance +| Airs treleased™ JrS 1996 Copit was I Inia lty deSiqned 4 wTelatd Set of. \T_cComtrel obsechves +o he|p the finanaal audit Community b etter 7 Nauigabe tho ee ice +n Iqq8 Isc released version 2 Which expand framecark te apply ouBicle the ourckutin g Community $104 Pescucibe — oe ek ee 7 9) | Copyaight :— ie probects original worle g I cof authors hij Stich c's bao Ics eee 4 } 6 sliu- It gives creator exclusive | might te ~ tproduce 1 dishibuls display ox licenses Ne 3 2» protects _invenHon oy ___ 4 arant inven for _ ; pacts pavent other —

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