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Activated Performance

Who is this for?

This 12 Week Conjugate Meet Prep for Raw Lifters is for the intermediate to advanced lifter
looking to try conjugate periodization. In order to have success with this program the lifter will
need to be rock solid in their technique, be able to hold themselves accountable on their max
effort work, and ensure that their dynamic effort work is done with intent.

This program REQUIRES access to bands, chain, and specialty bars. If you do not have access to
these, message us for suggested modifications.

Before beginning this program, we suggest that the lifter has some basic understanding of
conjugate periodization. As a starting point we suggest that they read Seth’s articles published
on EliteFTS:


The goal of any meet prep is three fold:

1.) Achieve the highest total on the platform possible

2.) Do so without accumulating any injuries
3.) Manage fatigue through the prep so that the lifter is able to perform when it counts


Conjugate periodization is a periodization scheme where multiple training means are used to
increase strength within a single microcycle. What does that mean? You will find yourself
training with near maximal intensities, sub max volume, dynamic/speed work, and high rep
hypertrophy work within a single week.

This program utilizes the tried and true four day per week split made famous by Westside
Barbell’s Louie Simmons. Day one will be dynamic effort upper. Day two will be dynamic effort
lower. Day three will be max effort upper. Day four will be max effort lower.

Max Effort Day:

The development of maximal strength is best done training at or above 90% intensity. That is
where max effort day comes in. Special exercises (aka variants of the competition lift) are

12 Week Conjugate Meet Prep 1

Activated Performance

rotated each week to give the lifter a new stimulus, preventing accommodation and allowing
them to stay fresh.

The purpose of max effort day is to move a heavy weight cleanly. Extra emphasis on the cleanly,
here. The goal is to strain under a heavy load, not cheat the movement to use as much weight

Furthermore, max effort day doesn’t have to be an all-out grinder. It is ok to stop at a crisp, yet
heavy, rep and move on, saving more for the next week. We have found that when we are
slightly conservative on our max effort work, we are able to make much better progress long

This program is set up for the majority of max effort day’s top sets falling between an RPE of 8.5
and 9.5. This will allow continued progress throughout the program without the lifter dipping
too far into their reserves.

An experienced lifter who knows their recovery capabilities can use their judgement and
approach a RPE of 10 on select weeks as they see fit. It is the lifters responsibility to ensure that
they are not missing lifts on max effort day.

Note that every third week’s max effort work is prescribed as a 3x5 @ 7RPE. This is there for a
reason, and that reason is to act as a small deload. Adhere to the RPE prescription on these
days, and you’ll thank yourself come meet day.

On max effort day, you will wear what you will wear on meet day. That means that if you are a
wrapped squatter, you will wear wraps on all of your max effort squat days. A belt, wrist wraps,
and knee sleeves are also recommended.

Dynamic Effort Day:

Dynamic effort day isn’t there to make you faster or train your speed. Dynamic effort day is
there for three primary reasons:

1.) Technical practice on the competition lifts

2.) Motor unit recruitment
3.) Accumulation of submaximal volume

It is accomplished by using a submaximal load, and accelerating it as hard as possible. This does
not mean sacrificing form for bar speed. This does not mean allowing yourself to be lazy
because the weight on the bar isn’t heavy.

The goal for dynamic effort day is absolute perfection in technique and in effort. Every rep
should look the exact same. Every rep should be done with every single ounce of effort that you
can muster.

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Activated Performance

Wear what you would wear on meet day for your dynamic effort work, EXCLUDING knee wraps.
That means a belt, wrist wraps, and knee sleeves are fair game.

Accessory Work:

The accessory work is prescribed as 3-4 sets at a given rep range. With this, the first set should
be done light, controlled, and very deliberate. For each additional set weight should be added
so that the final set is an all-out effort.

The rep range decreases over a three-week wave. The goal here is to progress the load on your
accessory work each week. Every three weeks, pick a new exercise to perform for each
accessory movement.

Lower Accessory Work Selections:

- Unilateral—Bulgarian Split Squat, Cossack Squat, Walking Lunge, Reverse Lunge, Step
Up, Single Leg Leg Press, etc.
- Hip Hinge—RDL, Dumbbell RDL, Goodmorning (any bar)
- Hamstrings—Leg Curl (seated, lying, or standing), GHR, Nordic Curl, Inverse Curl
- Quads—Leg Extension, Bottom 2/3 Leg Extension, Heel Elevated Goblet Squat, Sissy
- Low Back—Reverse Hyper, 45 degree back raise (can use SSB, Cambered Bar, or hold
weight), Seated GM (use any bar or band)
- Abs—Rolling Plank, Spread Eagle Situps, GHR Situp, Weighted Plank, Standing Abs

Pull Accessory Work Selections:

- Horizontal Pull—Seated Cable Row (any grip), Seal Row, Chest Supported DB Row,
Machine Row
- Vertical Pull—Lat Pull Down (any grip), Machine Pull Down, Pull Up, Chin Up
- Bicpes—Hammer Curl, Dumbbell Curl, Barbell Curl, Preacher Curl
- Rear Delt—Reverse Pec Deck, Face Pull, Rear Delt Fly, Upright Row

Push Accessory Work Selections

- Overhead- Barbell OHP, Dumbbell OHP, Single Arm DB OHP, Machine Press
- “Heavy” Triceps—JM Press, Tate Press, Rolling DB Extension, Skull Crusher (all can be
done on flat, incline, or the floor)
- “Light” Triceps—Cable Pushdown, Cable Overhead Ext, Single Arm Cable Pushdown,
Single Arm Cable Overhead Ext, Band Pushdown (all can be done with any attachment)
- Side/Front Delts—Front Raise, Side Raise, Plate Raise, Machine Raise, Machine OHP
- Rear Delt—Reverse Pec Deck, Face Pull, Rear Delt Fly, Upright Row

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Activated Performance

Accommodating Resistance

Accommodating resistance will be used throughout the program in the form of bands or chain.
On dynamic effort day the purpose of the accommodating resistance is to force the lifter to
accelerate harder out of the bottom of the lift. On max effort day, the purpose of the
accommodating resistance is to alter the strength curve.

Squat “Regular” Accommodating Resistance Prescriptions:

400-550lbs—Elitefts Light Band OR Two 5/8” Chains Per Side
550-700lbs—Elitefts Average Band OR Three 5/8” Chains Per Side
700lbs and up—Elitefts Strong Band OR Four 5/8” Chains Per Side

Squat “Heavy” Accommodating Resistance Prescriptions:

400-550lbs—Elitefts Average Band OR Three 5/8” Chains Per Side
550-700lbs—Elitefts Strong Band OR Four 5/8” Chains Per Side
700lbs and up—Elitefts Strong Band and Light Band OR Six 5/8” Chains Per Side

Squat “Light” Accommodating Resistance Prescriptions:

400-550lbs—Elitefts Monster Mini Band OR One 5/8” Chains Per Side
550-700lbs—Elitefts Light Band OR Two 5/8” Chains Per Side
700lbs and up—Elitefts Average Band OR Three 5/8” Chains Per Side

Bench “Regular” Accommodating Resistance Prescriptions:

245-355lbs—Elitefts Doubled Mico Band OR One 5/8” Chains Per Side
355-455lbs—Elitefts Doubled Mini Band OR Two 5/8” Chains Per Side
455lbs and up—Elitefts Doubled Monster Mini OR Three 5/8” Chains Per Side

Bench “Heavy” Accommodating Resistance Prescriptions:

245-355lbs—Elitefts Doubled Mini Band OR One 5/8” Chains Per Side
355-455lbs—Elitefts Doubled Monster Mini Band OR Two 5/8” Chains Per Side
455lbs and up—Elitefts Doubled Monster Mini + 1 Chain OR Three 5/8” Chains Per Side

Deadlift “Regular” Accommodating Resistance Prescriptions:

400-550lbs—Elitefts Light Band OR Two 5/8” Chains Per Side
550-700lbs—Elitefts Doubled Mini Band OR Three 5/8” Chains Per Side
700lbs and up—Elitefts Doubled Monster Mini Band OR Four 5/8” Chains Per Side

Deadlift “Heavy” Accommodating Resistance Prescriptions:

400-550lbs—Elitefts Light Band + Mini Band OR Three 5/8” Chains Per Side
550-700lbs—Elitefts Doubled Mini Band + Mini Band OR Four 5/8” Chains Per Side
700lbs and up—Elitefts Doubled Monster Mini Band + Mini Band OR Five 5/8” Chains
Per Side

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Activated Performance

Where to Start:

This program includes 12 weeks of training, followed by a one-week deload for 13 total weeks.
As the program progresses, the weeks count down from 12 to 0, with meet day falling on the
Saturday or Sunday of Week 0. If you are using this program to prepare for a meet, ensure that
you schedule it appropriately so that your meet falls on the Saturday or Sunday of Week 0.

The dynamic effort percentages in this program should be based off of a training max. The
training max is a representation of what you can do without peaking, without optimal arousal,
and without a competition environment. Using a training max will ensure that you are not over
reaching in your program, will keep you healthier, and will ensure greater long-term progress.

For most lifters, they can call their training max 90% of their competition max. This number can
vary lifter to lifter. More advanced lifters may be able to get away with using 80-85% of a
competition max.

On max effort day the load is prescribed by RPE. For those not familiar with RPE, it stands for
“Rating of Perceived Exertion”. RPE by definition is a load prescription based on how much
effort you perceive a set took on a scale of 1-10. Ask yourself how hard that set was on a scale
of 1-10, and that number is your RPE. 10RPE represents the maximum load you could handle on
a given rep range. 7RPE would represent a load that felt like 7/10ths of what you could handle
on that rep range.

If that is confusing, two simple ways to define RPE would be:

A.) Subtract the number of CLEAN reps you have in the tank from 10, and that would be
your RPE. If you have three CLEAN reps in the tank, that would correspond to a RPE
of 7.
B.) Count the number of hypothetical weight jumps you would have left until your top
set, and subtract that number from 10. If you could make three more moderate
jumps in weight before your top set that would be an RPE of 7. If you could make
one more jump in weight, that would be an RPE of 9.

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Activated Performance

W12 Dynamic Effort Upper (Tuesday)

Bench Press Vs Regular Accommodating Resistance
• 8x3 @ 35% on 30-90s Rest
Overhead Variation
• 3-4x15-20
“Heavy” Triceps
• 3-4x15-20
"Light" Triceps
• 3-4x15-20
Horizontal Pull
• 3-4x15-20
Rear Delts
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20

W12 Dynamic Effort Lower (Thursday)

Box Or Pause Squat vs Regular Accommodating Resistance
• 10x2 @ 40%
Deadlift Vs Regular Accommodating Resistance
• 10x1 @ 40%
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20
Low Back
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20

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Activated Performance

W12 Max Effort Upper (Saturday)

Floor Press
• Work up to a top triple @8.5-9.5RPE
Dumbbell Press Variation
• 3-4x15-20
"Light" Triceps
• 3-4x15-20
Front/Side Delt
• 3-4x15-20
Vertical Pull
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20
Rear Delts
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20

W12 Max Effort Lower (Sunday)

4” Block Pull
• Work up to a top triple @8.5-9.5RPE
Hip Hinge
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20
Low Back
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20

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Activated Performance

W11 Dynamic Effort Upper (Tuesday)

Bench Press Vs Regular Accommodating Resistance
• 8x3 @ 40% on 30-90s Rest
Overhead Variation
• 3-4x12-15
“Heavy” Triceps
• 3-4x15-20
"Light" Triceps
• 3-4x15-20
Horizontal Pull
• 3-4x15-20
Rear Delts
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20

W11 Dynamic Effort Lower (Thursday)

Box Or Pause Squat vs Regular Accommodating Resistance
• 10x2 @ 45%
Deadlift Vs Regular Accommodating Resistance
• 10x1 @ 45%
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20
Low Back
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20

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Activated Performance

W11 Max Effort Upper (Saturday)

Bench Press Vs Light Accomodating Resistance
• Work up to a top triple @8.5-9.5RPE
Dumbbell Press Variation
• 3-4x12-15
"Light" Triceps
• 3-4x15-20
Front/Side Delt
• 3-4x15-20
Vertical Pull
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20
Rear Delts
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20

W11 Max Effort Lower (Sunday)

2” High Box Squat w/ Specialty Bar
• Work up to a top triple @8.5-9.5RPE
Hip Hinge
• 3-4x12-15
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20
Low Back
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20

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Activated Performance

W10 Dynamic Effort Upper (Tuesday)

Bench Press Vs Regular Accommodating Resistance
• 8x3 @ 45% on 30-90s Rest
Overhead Variation
• 3-4x8-12
“Heavy” Triceps
• 3-4x15-20
"Light" Triceps
• 3-4x15-20
Horizontal Pull
• 3-4x15-20
Rear Delts
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20

W10 Dynamic Effort Lower (Thursday)

Box Or Pause Squat vs Regular Accommodating Resistance
• 10x2 @ 50%
Deadlift Vs Regular Accommodating Resistance
• 10x1 @ 50%
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20
Low Back
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20

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Activated Performance

W10 Max Effort Upper (Saturday)

CG 3 Board
• 3x5 @ 7RPE
Dumbbell Press Variation
• 3-4x8-12
"Light" Triceps
• 3-4x15-20
Front/Side Delt
• 3-4x15-20
Vertical Pull
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20
Rear Delts
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20

W10 Max Effort Lower (Sunday)

Suspended Goodmorning w/Specialty Bar (Belly Button Height)
• 3x5 @ 7RPE
Hip Hinge
• 3-4x8-12
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20
Low Back
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20

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Activated Performance

W9 Dynamic Effort Upper (Tuesday)

Bench Press Vs Regular Accommodating Resistance
• 8x3 @ 35% on 30-90s Rest
Overhead Variation
• 3-4x15-20
“Heavy” Triceps
• 3-4x15-20
"Light" Triceps
• 3-4x15-20
Horizontal Pull
• 3-4x15-20
Rear Delts
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20

W9 Dynamic Effort Lower (Thursday)

Box Or Pause Squat vs Regular Accommodating Resistance
• 10x2 @ 40%
Deadlift Vs Regular Accommodating Resistance
• 10x1 @ 40%
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20
Low Back
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20

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Activated Performance

W9 Max Effort Upper (Saturday)

CG Incline Press
• Work up to a top triple @8.5-9.5RPE
Dumbbell Press Variation
• 3-4x15-20
"Light" Triceps
• 3-4x15-20
Front/Side Delt
• 3-4x15-20
Vertical Pull
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20
Rear Delts
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20

W9 Max Effort Lower (Sunday)

Deadlift vs Regular Accommodating Resistance
• Work up to a top single @8.5-9.5RPE
Hip Hinge
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20
Low Back
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20

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Activated Performance

W8 Dynamic Effort Upper (Tuesday)

Bench Press Vs Regular Accommodating Resistance
• 8x3 @ 40% on 30-90s Rest
Overhead Variation
• 3-4x12-15
“Heavy” Triceps
• 3-4x15-20
"Light" Triceps
• 3-4x15-20
Horizontal Pull
• 3-4x15-20
Rear Delts
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20

W8 Dynamic Effort Lower (Thursday)

Box Or Pause Squat vs Regular Accommodating Resistance
• 10x2 @ 45%
Deadlift Vs Regular Accommodating Resistance
• 10x1 @ 45%
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20
Low Back
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20

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Activated Performance

W8 Max Effort Upper (Saturday)

Floor Press
• Work up to a top single @8.5-9.5RPE
Dumbbell Press Variation
• 3-4x12-15
"Light" Triceps
• 3-4x15-20
Front/Side Delt
• 3-4x15-20
Vertical Pull
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20
Rear Delts
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20

W8 Max Effort Lower (Sunday)

Box Squat w/Cambered Bar
• Work up to a top single @8.5-9.5RPE
Hip Hinge
• 3-4x12-15
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20
Low Back
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20

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Activated Performance

W7 Dynamic Effort Upper (Tuesday)

Bench Press Vs Regular Accommodating Resistance
• 8x3 @ 45% on 30-90s Rest
Overhead Variation
• 3-4x8-12
“Heavy” Triceps
• 3-4x15-20
"Light" Triceps
• 3-4x15-20
Horizontal Pull
• 3-4x15-20
Rear Delts
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20

W7 Dynamic Effort Lower (Thursday)

Box Or Pause Squat vs Regular Accommodating Resistance
• 10x2 @ 50%
Deadlift Vs Regular Accommodating Resistance
• 10x1 @ 50%
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20
Low Back
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20

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Activated Performance

W7 Max Effort Upper (Saturday)

2 Board Press
• 3x5 @ 7RPE
Dumbbell Press Variation
• 3-4x8-12
"Light" Triceps
• 3-4x15-20
Front/Side Delt
• 3-4x15-20
Vertical Pull
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20
Rear Delts
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20

W7 Max Effort Lower (Sunday)

Suspended Goodmorning w/Specialty Bar (Belly Button Height)
• 3x5 @ 7RPE
Hip Hinge
• 3-4x8-12
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20
Low Back
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20

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Activated Performance

W6 Dynamic Effort Upper (Tuesday)

Bench Press Vs Regular Accommodating Resistance
• 8x3 @ 40% on 30-90s Rest
Overhead Variation
• 3-4x15-20
“Heavy” Triceps
• 3-4x15-20
"Light" Triceps
• 3-4x15-20
Horizontal Pull
• 3-4x15-20
Rear Delts
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20

W6 Dynamic Effort Lower (Thursday)

Box Or Pause Squat vs Regular Accommodating Resistance
• 8x2 @ 45%
Deadlift Vs Regular Accommodating Resistance
• 8x1 @ 45%
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20
Low Back
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20

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Activated Performance

W6 Max Effort Upper (Saturday)

Bench Press vs Regular Accommodating Resistance (preferably chain)
• Work up to a top single @8.5-9.5RPE
Dumbbell Press Variation
• 3-4x15-20
"Light" Triceps
• 3-4x15-20
Front/Side Delt
• 3-4x15-20
Vertical Pull
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20
Rear Delts
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20

W6 Max Effort Lower (Sunday)

1-2” Deficit Deadlift
• Work up to a top single @8.5-9.5RPE
Hip Hinge
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20
Low Back
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20

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Activated Performance

W5 Dynamic Effort Upper (Tuesday)

Bench Press Vs Regular Accommodating Resistance
• 8x3 @ 45% on 30-90s Rest
Overhead Variation
• 3-4x12-15
“Heavy” Triceps
• 3-4x15-20
"Light" Triceps
• 3-4x15-20
Horizontal Pull
• 3-4x15-20
Rear Delts
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20

W5 Dynamic Effort Lower (Thursday)

Box Or Pause Squat vs Regular Accommodating Resistance
• 8x2 @ 50%
Deadlift Vs Regular Accommodating Resistance
• 8x1 @ 50%
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20
Low Back
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20

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Activated Performance

W5 Max Effort Upper (Saturday)

1 Board Press
• Work up to a top single @8.5-9.5RPE
Dumbbell Press Variation
• 3-4x12-15
"Light" Triceps
• 3-4x15-20
Front/Side Delt
• 3-4x15-20
Vertical Pull
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20
Rear Delts
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20

W5 Max Effort Lower (Sunday)

Box or Free Squat w/Regular Accommodating Resistance
• Work up to top Single @8.5-9.5RPE
Hip Hinge
• 3-4x12-15
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20
Low Back
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20

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Activated Performance

W4 Dynamic Effort Upper (Tuesday)

Bench Press Vs Regular Accommodating Resistance
• 8x3 @ 50% on 30-90s Rest
Overhead Variation
• 3-4x8-12
“Heavy” Triceps
• 3-4x15-20
"Light" Triceps
• 3-4x15-20
Horizontal Pull
• 3-4x15-20
Rear Delts
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20

W4 Dynamic Effort Lower (Thursday)

Box Or Pause Squat vs Regular Accommodating Resistance
• 8x2 @ 55%
Deadlift Vs Regular Accommodating Resistance
• 8x1 @ 55%
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20
Low Back
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20

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Activated Performance

W4 Max Effort Upper (Saturday)

Comp Bench Press
• 3x5 @ 7RPE
Dumbbell Press Variation
• 3-4x8-12
"Light" Triceps
• 3-4x15-20
Front/Side Delt
• 3-4x15-20
Vertical Pull
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20
Rear Delts
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20

W4 Max Effort Lower (Sunday)

Suspended Goodmorning w/Specialty Bar (Belly Button Height)
• 3x5 @ 7RPE
Hip Hinge
• 3-4x8-12
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20
Low Back
• 3-4x15-20
• 3-4x15-20

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Activated Performance

W3 Dynamic Effort Upper (Tuesday)

Bench Press Vs Heavy Accommodating Resistance
• 5x3 @ 35% on 30-90s Rest
Overhead Variation
• 2-3x15-20
“Heavy” Triceps
• 2-3x15-20
"Light" Triceps
• 2-3x15-20
Horizontal Pull
• 2-3x15-20
Rear Delts
• 2-3x15-20
• 2-3x15-20

W3 Dynamic Effort Lower (Thursday)

Box Or Pause Squat vs Heavy Accommodating Resistance
• 6x2 @ 35%
Deadlift Vs Heavy Accommodating Resistance
• 6x1 @ 35%
• 2-3x15-20
• 2-3x15-20
Low Back
• 2-3x15-20
• 2-3x15-20

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Activated Performance

W3 Max Effort Upper (Saturday)

Bench Press vs Heavy Accommodating Resistance (Preferably Chain) OR Slingshot Bench
• Work up to a top single @8.5-9.5RPE
Dumbbell Press Variation
• 2-3x15-20
"Light" Triceps
• 2-3x15-20
Front/Side Delt
• 2-3x15-20
Vertical Pull
• 2-3x15-20
• 2-3x15-20
Rear Delts
• 2-3x15-20
• 2-3x15-20

W3 Max Effort Lower (Sunday)

2” Block Pull
• Work up to a top single @8.5-9.5RPE
Hip Hinge
• 2-3x15-20
• 2-3x15-20
• 2-3x15-20
Low Back
• 2-3x15-20
• 2-3x15-20

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Activated Performance

W2 Dynamic Effort Upper (Tuesday)

Bench Press Vs Heavy Accommodating Resistance
• 5x3 @ 40% on 30-90s Rest
Overhead Variation
• 1-2x12-15
“Heavy” Triceps
• 1-2x15-20
"Light" Triceps
• 1-2x15-20
Horizontal Pull
• 1-2x15-20
Rear Delts
• 1-2x15-20
• 1-2x15-20

W2 Dynamic Effort Lower (Thursday)

Box Or Pause Squat vs Heavy Accommodating Resistance
• 6x2 @ 40%
Deadlift Vs Heavy Accommodating Resistance
• 6x1 @ 40%
• 1-2x15-20
• 1-2x15-20
Low Back
• 1-2x15-20
• 1-2x15-20

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Activated Performance

W2 Max Effort Upper (Saturday)

2 Board Press
• Work up to a top single @8.5-9.5RPE
Dumbbell Press Variation
• 1-2x15-20
"Light" Triceps
• 1-2x15-20
Front/Side Delt
• 1-2x15-20
Vertical Pull
• 1-2x15-20
• 1-2x15-20
Rear Delts
• 1-2x15-20
• 1-2x15-20

W2 Max Effort Lower (Sunday)

Box or Free Squat vs Heavy Accommodating Resistance (Preferably Chain)
• Work up to a top single @8.5-9.5RPE
Hip Hinge
• 1-2x12-15
• 1-2x15-20
• 1-2x15-20
Low Back
• 1-2x15-20
• 1-2x15-20

12 Week Conjugate Meet Prep 27

Activated Performance

W1 Dynamic Effort Upper (Tuesday)

Bench Press Vs Heavy Accommodating Resistance
• 3x3 @ 45% on 30-90s Rest
“Heavy” Triceps
• 1-2x15-20
"Light" Triceps
• 1-2x15-20
Horizontal Pull
• 1-2x15-20
Rear Delts
• 1-2x15-20
• 1-2x15-20

W1 Dynamic Effort Lower (Thursday)

Box Or Pause Squat vs Heavy Accommodating Resistance
• 3x2 @ 45%
Deadlift Vs Heavy Accommodating Resistance
• 3x1 @ 45%
• 1-2x15-20
• 1-2x15-20
Low Back
• 1-2x15-20
• 1-2x15-20

12 Week Conjugate Meet Prep 28

Activated Performance

W1 Max Effort Upper (Saturday)

Comp Bench Press
• Work up to your bench opener
"Light" Triceps
• 1-2x15-20
Front/Side Delt
• 1-2x15-20
Vertical Pull
• 1-2x15-20
• 1-2x15-20
Rear Delts
• 1-2x15-20
• 1-2x15-20

W1 Max Effort Lower (Sunday)

Comp Squat
• Work up to your last warm up
• Work up to your last warm up
• 1-2x15-20
• 1-2x15-20
Low Back
• 1-2x15-20
• 1-2x15-20

12 Week Conjugate Meet Prep 29

Activated Performance

W0 Tuesday
3x20 LIGHT Goblet Squat
3x20 LIGHT DB Press
3x20 LIGHT Face Pull

W0 Thursday
3x15 LIGHT Goblet Squat
3x15 LIGHT DB Press
3x15 LIGHT Face Pull

Get the job done.

12 Week Conjugate Meet Prep 30

Activated Performance

12 Week Conjugate Meet Prep 31

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