EB6 - Review Test4

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Review Test 4 Name _________________ Date _____ / _____ / _____

Units 7-8
Score _______ / 30
A Look and write the letters.

1. Big Ben

2. the Eiffel Tower

3. the Sydney Opera House

4. the Great Wall of China

5. the Pyramids of Giza

6. the Statue of Liberty

B Listen, circle, and write. 32

1. a 2. a
b b

3. a 4. a
b b

1 English Bus 6 © Bricks Education All rights reserved.

Review Test 4 • Units 7-8 Name _________________ Date _____ / _____ / _____

C Listen and write the numbers. 33

D Listen and check ( ). TG CD


1. 2.


a. b. a. b.

3. 4.

a. b. a. b.

2 English Bus 6 © Bricks Education All rights reserved.

Review Test 4 • Units 7-8 Name _________________ Date _____ / _____ / _____

E Read and match.

1. Where are you going to go? a
I’m going to go to the pharmacy.

2. What’s she going to do?
She’s going to go sightseeing.

3. What are they going to do?
They’re going to buy some souvenirs.

4. Are you going to mail a letter?

Yes, I am.

F Look and write the answers.

Where are you going to go?

What’s she going to see?

What are they going to do?

3 English Bus 6 © Bricks Education All rights reserved.

Review Test 4 • Units 7-8 Name _________________ Date _____ / _____ / _____

G Read and circle the correct sentence.

Around Town
Hi, I’m Ted. On Saturday, I’m going to go to the stadium with my dad.
Baseball is my favorite sport. We’re going to watch a game between the Giants and
the Stars. My team, the Giants, will win the game. I like to have snacks there.
We’re going to eat hot dogs and drink soda.

Ted is going to go to a hair salon. Ted is going to watch a soccer game.

Ted and his dad are going to eat hot dogs.

H Read and circle the correct picture.

My Vacation
Dear Sam,
I’m visiting my aunt.
She lives in London, in the UK.
Yesterday we went to see Big Ben.
It is a very tall clock tower! We also saw
a parade in front of Buckingham Palace.
Today we’re going to go the British Museum.

I Look, read, and circle.

1. 2.
Hello. Is Mario there, please? I want to travel to Italy.
How about you?

I’m sorry. You have the wrong number. Let me help you.
That sounds good. I want to travel to China.

4 English Bus 6 © Bricks Education All rights reserved.

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