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What is Computer?

A computer is a programmable electronic device that takes raw data as input and
processes it with a set of instructions (a program) to give the result as output.

The term "computer" is derived from the Latin word "computare" which means to

> The components of a computer such as machinery that includes wires,

transistors, circuits, hard disk are called hardware.

> the programs and data are called software.

> Charles Babbage is also known as the father of the computer. It is believed that the
Analytical Engine was the first computer which was invented by Charles Babbage in

Basic Computer Organization : Mainly computer system consists of 4 parts, that are

➢ Input Devices
➢ central processing unit (CPU),
➢ memory unit/ storage unit
➢ Output Devices
Q. Explain in brief the basic architecture of a computer.
1 . Input Unit
This unit is used to provide data and instructions to computer. It converts
data and instructions into binary form which is understandable by the
computer.Commonly used input devices
The input unit is formed by the input devices attached to the computer.
Examples of input devices and media are:
keyboard, mouse, magnetic ink character reader (MICR), optical mark reader
(OMR) optical character reader (OCR), joystick etc.

2 Central Processing Unit (CPU)

CPU is also called brain of the computer. It is also known as

processor. It is responsible for carrying out all activities in a

computer. It is further divided into three parts:

a. Control Unit (CU): b.Arithmetic c. Registers:

Logic Unit


I. This unit is responsible for flow This unit is They are memory cells
of data and instructions between responsible for inside CPU to store
different units of computer. arithmetic data temporarily.
II. It decides whether data should calculations and They are mainly used
go to ALU, registers, memory comparison. to store frequently
unit, secondary storage or used data.
output unit.
3. Memory Unit
Memory unit is used to store data and instructions. It stores data in
machine language i.e. in the form of 0 and 1. The binary digits 0 and 1
are known as bits.
This unit is also termed as primary memory. It consists of three


• RAM (Random Access Memory)

• ROM (Read Only Memory)
• Cache Memory
a. RAM (Random Access Memory)
➢ It is used to store data and instructions temporarily. .
➢ All the contents of RAM get cleared if power supply is turned off.
➢ It is the volatile nature It retains data in it as long as the power is on
Whenever a software is opened, it automatically gets opened in RAM.
RAM is of two types:

Dynamic RAM: Static RAM:

• It consists of capacitors • It consists of flip-flops. It

and transistors. stores data in binary form.

• It uses electric charge to • They have faster access time

store the data. compared to dynamic RAM.

• Lower cost • High cost

b. ROM (Read Only Memory)

ROM stands for Read Only Memory. Data is permanently stored in

ROM. ROM contains instructions needed to start up the computer and
load operating system into RAM.
ROM is of three types:
(Programmable Programmable (Electrically
Read Only Memory) Read Only Erasable Read Only
Memory): Memory):
It can be It can be erased by It can be erased by
programmed once. keeping ROM chip electrical signal. It
using Ultraviolet can also be
light. It can be reprogrammed.

c. Cache Memory
➢ It is special memory used to compensate the speed difference
between CPU(very fast) and RAM(very slow).
➢ It stores the copies of frequently used data from RAM. Hence it
reduces the time required to access data from primary memory.
Output Unit :-
The output unit is formed by the output devices attached to the computer. The
output coming from the CPU is in the form of electronic binary signals which
needs conversion in some form which can be easily understood by human beings
i.e., characters, graphical or audio visual form.

• Monitor, Printer ,Speaker

1 BIT = 0 OR 1

1 KB (KILO BYTE)= 1024 BYTES (2 10 )
1 MB (MEGABYTE) = 1024 KB (1024 X 1024 BYTES)
1 GB (GIGABYTE) = 1024 MB
1 TB (TERABYTE) = 1024 GB
1 PB (PETABYTE) = 1024 TB
1 EB (EXABYTE) = 1024 PB
1 ZB (ZETTABYTE) = 1024 EB

4. Secondary Storage unit

Secondary storage unit is used to store data permanently. It consists of
different types of storage devices. Most commonly used storage devices are:

a. Hard Disk : It is the most commonly b. Compact Disk (CD): CD is an

used storage device to store data on a optical disk to store data. CD’s have
computer. It consists of multiple a storage capacity of 700 MB. There
magnetic plates and heads to read and
are three types of CDs:
write data. Magnetic plates are further
i. CD-ROM (Compact Disk Read Only
divided into tracks and sectors to store
ii. CD-R (Compact Disk Recordable):
Maximum capacity of hard disk is 15TB. iii. CD-RW (Compact Disk Rewritable):
2. Explain software and its types
S oftware is defined as a collection of programs which are used for

different purposes.

There are three types of software:

• Application Software
• System Software
• Utility Software
I. Application software:
Application software is used to perform specific operation on

computer. They are of two types:

a. General Purpose software

These softwares can be used by more than one type of user. Example:

MS Word is a general purpose software that can be used by students,

teachers as well as clerks.

b. Special Purpose / Customized Software

These softwares can be used by only one type of user. Example:

Banking Data Management software can be used only by bank


II. System software:

System software is used to perform functions related to general

operations of computer system.. They are of two types:

a. Operating System Software

It is an interface between user and computer. It takes instructions

from user and further instructs hardware components to work. The

results produced by hardware components are sent back to the user.

Example: Windows 10 , Unix, Linux, Android etc.

b. Language Translators:

These softwares are used to convert the High Level Language

instructions into Machine Language instructions.. They are of three


i. Compiler: It converts High Level Language program into machine

language in one go.

ii. Interpreter: It converts High Level Language program into

machine language line by line.

iii. Assembler: It converts assembly language into machine language.

III Utility Software

These softwares are used to take backup, remove outdated file,

recover data and other tasks that assist in smooth operation of

computer. Examples : Anti-Virus , Disk Defragmentation, Disk Clean,

Backup, etc.

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