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Elg2138 HW#1 Solution

P1) P2.5-2 (a) By KCL, current through the resistor is 3A. From Ohms law v R i s 5 3 15 V . (The resistor voltage does not depend on the voltage source voltage.) v 2 152 45 W . Next P R 5 By KVL using sum of voltage rise = sum of drop, voltage across the current source is 10+15=25 V (with +ve at the end where current is coming out) By passive sign convention, i) power developed at the voltage source is (3)(10)=30W. Therefore power absorbed by the voltage source. ii) power developed at the current source is (-3)(25)=-75W. Therefore power delivered by the current source In summary, we have power delivered by the current source = sum of power absorbed by the resistor and by the voltage source (b) Since v and P do not depend on v s the values of v and P are 15 V and 45 W

both when vs =10V and when vs =5V .

P2) P2.7-5
4 2 (by Ohms Law) a 2 2 V Since A i a = A(-0.5) = 2, we have A 4 0.5 A R

P3) P3.2-9 A

KVL: vR 56 24 0 vR 80 V
At node A: KCL: iR 8 0 iR 8 A

vR 80 10 iR 8 by Ohms Law

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P4) P3.2-13 We can label the circuit as follows:

The subscripts suggest a numbering of the circuit elements. Apply KCL at node b to get i 4 0.25 0.75 0 i 4 1.0 A Next, apply KCL at node d to get i 3 i 4 0.25 1.0 0.25 0.75 A Next, apply KVL to the loop consisting of the voltage source and the 60 resistor to get v 2 15 0 v 2 15 V Apply Ohms law to each of the resistors to get v 2 15 i2 0.25 A , 60 60 v 3 10 i 3 10 0.75 7.5 V and
v 4 20 i 4 20 1 20 V

Next, apply KCL at node c to get i1 i 2 i 3 i1 i 3 i 2 0.75 0.25 1.0 A Next, apply KVL to the loop consisting of the 0.75 A current source and three resistors to get v 6 v 4 v 3 v 2 0 v 6 v 4 v 3 v 2 20 (7.5) 15 12.5 V Finally, apply KVL to the loop consisting of the 0.25 A current source and the 20 resistor to get v 5 v 4 0 v 5 v 4 20 20 V

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Using passive sign convention on the assigned directions and polarities, the power of each component is as follows: i) 15V-voltage source: 15(i1)= 15(-1) = -15W therefore power generated ii) 0.75A-current source : v6(0.75)=(-12.5)(0.75)= -9.375W. therefore power generated iii) 0.25A-current source : v5(-0.25)= (20)(-0.25) = -5W therefore power generated iv) 60 resistor: v2i2 = (15)(0.25) = 3.75W therefore power absorbed v) 20 resistor: v4i4 = (-20)(-1) = 20W; therefore power absorbed vi) 10 resistor: v3i3 = (-7.5)(-0.75) = 5.625W; therefore power absorbed One can check that total power absorbed = 29.375W = total power generated

P5) P3.2-19 We assign current and voltage as shown. Then, using passive sign convention on the power generated at the voltage source we have 3.6 i 0.3 A 12 Similarly, v(-0.5) = -4.8 for the current source 4.8 v 9.6 V 0.5 Using KVL on the left loop in clockwise direction, sum of voltage rise = 12= sum of voltage drop = iR1 + v (Ohms Law on the resistor) 12 9.6 R1 8 0.3 By KCL, current (moving down ward) on R2 =0.3+0.5. Since voltage across R2 = v (KVL) on right loop. 9.6 Then by Ohms Law R 2 12 0.3 0.5

P6) P3.2-20 Apply KCL at node a to determine the current in the horizontal resistor as shown. Apply KVL to the loop consisting of the voltages source and the two resistors to get -4(2-i) + 4(i) - 24 = 0 i = 4 A

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P7) P3.8-5

By KCL, the current through the 2 ohm resister is diagram. Top mesh: we would like to check that First, we have Proceeding, Substituting in the given values of by Ohms Law. +1-2 , we have

in the direction shown in the

Similarly, we want to check if lower left mesh gives

vs 10 2 i a 0.5 i b 10 2 2 14 V by Ohms law

Lower right mesh, check that Checking, we have . Therefore, KVL is satisfied.

Summarizing the analysis and observations from the 3 meshes, we conclude that the analysis is correct. Note: ia and ib are in Amperes in the above solution from the author. The conclusion is the opposite if mA is used as given in the text.

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