Chester Bernard

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Chester Bernard

He is a humanistic as well as behavioral theorist

Behavioral approach studies the behavior of group .The more of its study is
empirical .It study objectivity and rejects value.
Fact Based Approach:-
All Humanistic are behavioral but not all behavioral but not all behavioral are

 Bernard developed his theory of administration based on his own

experience .He developed his theory based on prolonged experience &
critical thinking.
 Known For
 Theory of Organization
 Theory of Motivation
 Ideas on Authority
 Ideas on Formal &Informal
 Ideas on Decision Making

 Theory of Organization
-: According to Bernard Org is a conscious co-ordinate activity of 2 or more
persons or forces.
- Bernard maintains having encounter with total situation man enters into
co-operation thus giving rise to organization.

Org is a complete entity that comprises of interrelated social entities .In

order to survive, organization’s need to perform 3 functions.

(I) Common Purpose

(II) Willingness to Contribute
(III) System of Communication
(A) Common Purpose - > Within Org There are 2 types of Purpose
- Common /Objective Purpose Or Organizational Goal
- Individual Goal /Subjective Goal

(B) Willingness to Contribute :-

- The members of Org should be willing to contribute /take effort towards
organizational Goal .Here Bernard has dealt with human
motivation .One of the first to talk about motivation.

To help to introduce motivation Bernard introduces a paradigm:-

o Contribution /Satisfaction Equilibrium Inverse of It will be
o Bernard has discussed satisfaction through inducements which he
divided in 2 types
- General Inducement=> 4 Units
- Specific Inducement =>4 Units

General Inducement/Institutional
- Attractive personal association, based on associational capability.
- Easy Adaptation of working condition in org of work ethics , methods
and attitude of employers
- A sense of communication which is a sense of belonging to group.

Specific Inducement Administrative

- Material Inducement ->Money
- Desirable Physical Surroundings and Conditions of Work
- Personal Non-Material inducement
Eg- Prestige, Power, Opp for Self Development

- Ideal Benefaction : Satisfaction of Personal Ideas ,Sense of

Adequacy ,Workmanship
- Bernard explains motivation from social psychological perspective
- Bernard is rejecting carrot &stick approach towards motivation .
- He says managers can only be motivate or give motivation to employee
when the keep them satisfied.
A manager has to be:-
- Keen observer /amateur psychologist.
- Supply those goals or required motivation
- Integrate managerial strategy with employees need and skills.

Bernard and Idea on Authority

-Bernard Dismissal positional views of authority and replaced it with acceptance
view of authority.

Acc to Bernard a sub-ordinate might

- Might Obey it
- Might Not Obey It
- Might Inadequately obey it

Authority in order to obeyed must be accepted

In order to be acceptable; authority must be
(i) It shall /should be clearly intelligible /Understandable.
(ii) It should be in line with organizational goal
(iii) It should be in line with Individual Goal
(iv) Within Physical &Mental ability of the individual.

Apart from acceptance view ,Bernard also discusses

 Zone of Acceptance
 Zone of Denial

More of Zone of Denial makes work difficult

More of Zone of Acceptance makes work easy .

So, while referring to history Bernard Maintaining those managers within org
should always try to increase zone of denial .So that subordinate range being
indifferent towards the nature of authority accepts authority .
Zone of Indifference is social, psychological, where they are in different towards
nature of authority and obeys authority.
Satisfaction equilibrium
While power of acceptance of Authority lies with subordinate , the power of veto
lies with subordinate

VETO- failure of authority

-Bernard says “the manager should fully understand the fiction of super authority

There are many popular understanding of authors which might not be true
Classical Theorist that while Humanists says that Manager should adopt towards
ub-ordinate .Its being manipulative

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