Jurnal RAFA Hasbi (Revisi 2)

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Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika RAFA Available online at

p-ISSN :2460-8718 http://jurnal.radenfatah.ac.id/index.php/jpmrafa

e-ISSN : 2460-8726 Bulan Tahun, Volume(Nomor): halaman

Systematic Literature Review: Learning Sequence and Series

Using Realistic Mathematics Education Approach

M. Hasbi Ramadhan1), Zulkardi2), Ratu Ilma Indra Putri3)

Program Studi Doktor Pendidikan Matematika, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan,
Universitas Sriwijaya, Jl. Raya Palembang-Prabumulih, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia
*email korespondensi: hasbi.ramadhan48@gmail.com1)
Nomor Whatsapp 0821 7803 8197

This research aims to conduct a literature review related to the application of a realistic
mathematics education (RME) approach in learning sequence and series. The method used
is systematic literature review (SLR). The data explored are articles related to the
application of the RME approach for sequence and series in the 2016-2021 period. From
number of articles that were explored, 5 articles were found that relevant and matched
with criteria related to the application of the RME approach for learning sequence and
series. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the application of the RME
approach can create an interactive and fun learning environment, then also allows
students to understand problems and determine problem solutions in their own way. In
addition, with the RME-based learning tools, it can increase student’s motivation and
student’s interest in learning mathematics. It is also found a significant effect in problem
solving skills and student’s self-confidence in learning sequence and series.
Keywords: Sequence and Series, RME, Systematic Literature Review

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan kajian literature review terkait penerapan
pendekatan pendidikan matematika realisitik (PMR) dalam pembelajaran barisan dan deret.
Metode yang digunakan adalah systematic literature review (SLR). Data yang ditelusuri
adalah artikel-artikel terkait penerapan pendekatan PMR pada barisan dan deret dalam
kurun waktu 2016-2021. Dari sejumlah artikel yang ditelusuri, ditemukan 5 artikel yang
relevan dan sesuai kriteria terkait penerapan pendekatan PMR pada pembelajaran barisan
dan deret. Berdasarkan hasil kajian, ditemukan bahwa penerapan pendekatan PMR dapat
menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang interaktif dan menyenangkan, kemudian juga
memungkinkan siswa untuk memahami masalah dan menentukan solusi masalah dengan
caranya sendiri. Selain itu, dengan bantuan perangkat pembelajaran berbasis PMR, dapat
meningkatkan motivasi dan minat siswa dalam belajar matematika. Kemudian juga
ditemukan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap keterampilan pemecahan masalah dan rasa
percaya diri siswa pada pembelajaran barisan dan deret.
Kata Kunci: Barisan dan Deret, PMR, Systematic Literature Review
©Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

Mathematics is one of the most important sciences for life. The role of mathematics
is very influential in learning activities to improve student achievement (Bulukaya et.al.,
2020). Sequence and series is a branch of mathematics that studies about numbers.
Historically, Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855), a German mathematician, physicist, and
astronomer, when he was 10 years old, he was able to calculate the sum of the first 100
natural numbers in just a few seconds. He has the principle that "if you "fold up" a series of
numbers in the middle and add them in pairs, namely 1 + 100, 2 + 99, 3 + 98, and so on,
then all pairs add up to 101". There are 50 such pairs, so the total is 50×101. The general
formula for a list of consecutive numbers from 1 to 𝑛, is 𝑛(𝑛 + 1)/2 (Hayes, 2006).
However, learning that only emphasizes formulas often make students oblivious.
Learning arithmetic sequence should use historical topics, teaching problem solving,
guided discovery, and using props (Sobel & Maletsky, 2008). According to Quinn (2005),
learning sequence and series through exploration of simple patterns allows students to
construct their own and build a better conceptual understanding. An approach that can be
used to study sequence and series is the Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) approach.
RME or in Indonesia better known as Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Indonesia
(PMRI) has been going on since 2001 and has been widely used in an effort to improve
student’s interests, attitudes, and learning outcomes (Zulkardi, 2009). PMRI is a learning
theory that starts from the real world and all learning activities are more emphasized on
activities (Sembiring, et.al., 2008; Zulkardi & Putri, 2010; Sembiring, 2010; Putri, 2013;
Wijaya et.al., 2021). The context and learning media which is chosen must also be easy to
imagine and often encountered by students (Bakker, 2004; Akker, et.al., 2006; Helse &
Hartono, 2011). Zulkardi & Putri (2010) reveal that PMRI has five characteristics, such as:
1. Using contextual problems; 2. Using models or bridges with vertical instruments; 3.
Student contributions; 4. Interactivity; and 5. Integrated with other learning topics.
Therefore, by learning using PMRI approach, it is hoped that students can learn more
optimally and more meaningfully, and can build their own understanding. Based on these
descriptions, this research aims to conduct a literature review related to the application of
PMRI or RME approach to the material of sequence and series.

In this research, the method used is systematic literature review (SLR). SLR is a
method that aims to identify, evaluate, and interpret research sources with relevant topics
for research (Calderon & Ruiz, 2015). According to Zawacki-richter et.al. (2020), the SLR
research procedure is as follows:

Research Selection Search

Question Criteria Strategy

Synthesis the Quality Select

Result of Studies Studies

Figure 1. Systematic literature review procedures

The research question in this research is "What are the results of applying the RME
approach to the material of sequences and series?". In this research, there are two selection
criteria, namely inclusion and exclusion. The Selection Criteria are shown in the following
Table 1. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
Inclusion Exclusion
 RME application articles for  Articles that are not relevant to
sequences and series materials; the research topic;
 Indexed by Scopus or SINTA  Not indexed by Scopus or
(1 and 2); SINTA (1 and 2);
 Published in 2016-2021;  Published before 2016;
 Full text/ English.  Non full text/ Non English.

The search strategy used is searching for articles about application of the RME
approach for the material of sequence and series. In the select studies process, the title,
language, year of publication, abstract, content, and index of the journal are checked. In
this research, the quality of studies was evaluated based on the criteria for evaluating the
quality of articles. It aims to determine whether the article is relevant and satisfy the

criteria (inclusion) on the research topic. In the synthesis result stage, articles are
synthesized to answer research questions.


In this research, the data search was carried out using a web search engine (google
chrome). The data which is searched are articles about RME and material of sequence and
series through Google Scholar, Research Gate, SINTA, and Scopus. Based on the initial
search, we found 26 articles of RME and sequence and series material. The article search
process is described in the following figure:

Number of articles
Full text/ English Published before
(21 articles) 2016 (10 articles)
(26 articles)

Not indexed by
Non full text/ non Published in 2016-
Scopus or SINTA
english (5 articles) 2021 (11 articles)
(1 and 2) (3 articles)

Indexed by Scopus Relevant articles

Irrelevant articles
or SINTA (1 and 2) (5 articles)
(3 articles)
(8 articles) "Synthesis Result"

Figure 2. The article search process

Furthermore, from the 26 articles found, we got 21 full text articles and in English.
Of these 21 articles, there are 11 articles published in 2016-2021 period. Then the journal
reputation was checked on the 11 articles, till 8 articles found indexed by Scopus and
SINTA (1 and 2). After reviewing one by one, we found 5 articles that are relevant to the
application of RME for sequence and series materials. The results of the synthesis result
are described as follows:

Table 2. The Synthesis Result
Researcher (year) Type Result
Gee et.al. (2018) (IOP) J. Phys.: The sequence and series learning trajectory
Conf. Ser. using realistic mathematics education
1088 012096 approach can create an interactive and fun
learning environment. The RME approach is
problem-oriented, allowing students to
understand problems and determine problem
solutions in their own way.

Sutiaharni & Armiati (IOP) J. Phys.: Based on the results of observations and
(2020) Conf. Ser. interviews, students prefer to study productive
1554 012060 subjects rather than mathematics, because the
effect is not significant in our life. With the
RME-based learning tools, it can increase
student’s motivation and student’s interest in
learning mathematics, improve student’s
problem solving abilities, and finally
developing skilled of vocational graduates.

Kosim et.al. (2020) (IOP) J. Phys.: The results of the analysis of the realistic
Conf. Ser. mathematics education approach showed a
1465 012031 significant effect in problem solving skills
and student’s self-confidence in sequence and
series material.

Fauzan & Diana (IOP) J. Phys.: Learning trajectory using RME approach
(2020) Conf. Ser. effectives to improve the student’s reasoning
1470 012019 in learning number patterns. As a learning
trajectory is very helpful in building student's
understanding when learning a mathematics
topic, it is also highly recommended to
develop learning trajectories for other
mathematics topics using the local contexts.

Jannah et.al. (2021) Jurnal Based on the results of the study, it was found
Aksioma that the internalization of Islamic values in
Vol.10, No.3. learning mathematics with sequence and
series material through RME can affects
student’s activities and student’s learning
outcomes, also assist students to understand
the material and giving a new knowledge
about the relationship between mathematics
and Islamic values.

Based on the findings, it can be said that RME has effectiveness in learning
mathematics. This was also conveyed by Afsari et.al. (2001) who revealed that RME tends
to provide explanations related to realistic things, so that students easily understand the
lessons conveyed by the teacher. This is also inseparable from its principle. Based on the
principle, PMRI which is an adaptation of RME has three appropriate principles. Zukardi
& Putri (2010) reveal about three PMRI principles that are in accordance with RME,
1) Guided rediscovery and didactic phenomenology
Since mathematics in learning RME is a human activity, so guided reinvention can be
interpreted that students should be given the opportunity to experience the same process
when mathematics was discovered. This principle can be inspired by using informal
procedures. This effort will be achieved if the teaching is carried out using situations in the
form of phenomena that contain mathematical concepts and student’s real activities.
2) Progressive mathematization
Situations that contain phenomena that are used as materials and applications in teaching
mathematics must be graded from the real situation before reaching the level of formal
mathematics. In this case, two kinds of mathematization must be used as the basis for
departing from the real level of learning mathematics to the level of formal mathematics.
3) Self-developed models
The role of self-developed models is a bridge for students from real situations to concrete
situations or from informal mathematics to formal mathematics. That is, students make
their own models in solving problems. The first is a model of situation that’s close to the
daily life of students. Through generalization and formalization, the model is converted

into a “model-of” of the problem. The “model-of” will shift to a “model-for” in similar
problem (formal mathematical problem). It will eventually become a model in formal

Based on the review results of relevant articles, it was found that the application of
the RME approach can create an interactive and fun learning environment. It’s because the
RME approach is problem-oriented and allows students to understand problems and
determine problem solutions in their own way. Based on the results of observations and
interviews, students prefer to study productive subjects rather than mathematics, because
the effect is not significant in our life. With the RME-based learning tools, it can increase
student’s motivation and student’s interest in learning mathematics, also improve student’s
problem solving abilities in sequence and series material. The results of the analysis of the
realistic mathematics education approach showed a significant effect in problem solving
skills and student’s self-confidence in the material of sequence and series.
In addition, learning trajectory using RME approach effectives to improve the
student’s reasoning in learning number patterns. As a learning trajectory is very helpful in
building student's understanding when learning a mathematics topic, it’s also highly
recommended to develop learning trajectories for other mathematics topics using the local
contexts. Viewed from Islamic values, in learning mathematics with sequence and series
material through RME can affects student’s activities and student’s learning outcomes, also
assist students to understand the material. Moreover, giving a new knowledge about the
relationship between mathematics and Islamic values.

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