A Normal Ice Cream Shop

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(We are in London, specifically in 1945, the WW2 has ended and two Spanish
friends who decided to visit different countries for a year, trying to learn about culture
of all over the world. At the date of 21 st of June they are visiting monuments and
amazing places in the centre of London, they were very exhausted so came into an ice
cream shop)
Juan - Hi good morning, I just want a bottle of water and two ice creams please,
one for me and the other for my friend
Isabel – Yes, please, we are so exhausted because we’ve been visiting lots of
places, you have such of amazing monuments here in London.
Dependant – I noticed that you weren’t from here by you accent, are you from
Spain, right?
Juan – Yes! We are travelling all over the world to know about different
cultures, all is arranged for two years ago and we’re so excited about it, our first
country was France and we enjoyed a lot! And our next stop is USA, and then Japan,
and after that…
Isabel – Sorry for bothering.
Dependant – Don’t worry about that, listening to the stories of our customers is
one of best parts of my job. Here are your ice screams and your bottle of water. It’s

Isabel - How can this cost £20!!??

Dependant – Haha, it’s a joke, this comes for £4. I hope you enjoy!

Juan – Thanks for your kindness and have a nice Day

Dependant – Ohh, I forget that, here is your receipt, I’m sure you won’t return two
ice creams and a bottle of water but just in case.

Juan – Who knows, maybe the water is expired

(Everyone smiled)

Juan – Ok so…

Dependant – And for how long you’re continue travelling?

Isabel – For two or three months more, we saved enough money to do it, we’ll visit
Washington in United States for the whole July and then Hiroshima on August, and
if there is money left over, maybe we could stay a week on Valencia.

Dependant – Ok, I wish you two to have an amazing holiday!

Juan – Thanks, the best times for you too, bye!

(Juan and Isabel leave the ice scream shop)

(Two months later)

Dependant (alone in the shop, reading a magazine) So American army threw a
nuclear bomb on Hiroshi…

(He completely opens his eyes, frightened about his past customers)

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