23-24 Sip T2 As1

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Module name: Safeguarding in Practice

Academic year: 2023-24
Assessment period: Trimester 2

Module code Level Credit value Module leader

UNL2016 5 30 Anita Steinberg

Assessment code and

AS1 Case Study Written Assignment

Assessed learning A – Compare and discuss the concept of vulnerability of specific

outcomes: individuals and across populations to ‘individuals at risk’

B – Analyse different forms of abuse and neglect, explaining how

they may occur and their impact upon individuals at risk, groups
and society

D – Communicate clearly and argue information in a well written

format appropriate for the purpose and topic in the area

Weighting: 50%
2,500 words
Where the submission exceeds the stipulated word limit by more
than 10%, the submission will only be marked up to and including
Word limit: the additional 10%. Anything over this will not be included in the
final grade for the assessment item. Abstracts, bibliographies,
reference lists, appendices and footnotes are excluded from any
word limit requirements.
Submission deadline: Monday 29th April at 2pm

Please read this assessment brief in its entirety before starting work on the assessment task.

The Assessment Task:

Complete the Safeguarding Adults Initial Enquiry Form 42 (on the VLE and shown below),
basing your response on the following scenario. The form should be completed as fully as
possible, using the boxes and free text spaces provided. You should then answer the
remaining two questions at the end of the form. The section 42 form and answers to the
question should be submitted as one complete document on Turnitin.


Ayesha, 66, was born in Pakistan and came to the UK with her husband, Tariq. She was 18,
he was 28. They have four children and seven grandchildren. During their marriage Tariq
was physically and verbally abusive to Ayesha and was controlling of her and their children.
Ayesha stayed with her husband for the sake of the children and her family’s izzat (honour).

Ayesha’s first language is Urdu; she speaks very little English. Tariq did not see a need for
her to learn. Tariq died two years ago following a short illness. Bilal, Ayesha’s eldest son,
moved in with her after Tariq died. Bilal is widowed and has no children. Bilal often tells
Ayesha how lucky she is to have a devout son who has come home to look after his mother.

Bilal uses the whole house, apart from her bedroom, as his own. Bilal often yells at her and
Ayesha feels in his way in the lounge especially if he is watching television with his friends.
She spends most of her time in her bedroom.

Bilal collects Ayesha’s pension and does the food shopping on a weekly basis. He says she
deserves to rest, not carry heavy bags on the bus. Ayesha used to enjoy cooking but now
she gets stressed in case a meal doesn’t please him. Sometimes he wants a full meal cooked
quickly for his friends.

Ayesha is often tearful and is very tired all the time. She has lost weight and is not sleeping.
She finds it hard even to pray. This upsets Ayesha as her faith is important to her.

Normally the family visit monthly at the weekend. Recently her daughter Amnam, came to
visit unexpectedly. She is worried that Ayesha is having problems with taking care of herself.
She says Ayesha needs help to keep clean, wash her clothes and she thinks Ayesha is
avoiding drinking too much because getting to the bathroom is difficult for her. Amnam
wants Ayesha to have a social care assessment, so that she can have help with personal care
from a woman if she needs it. Amnam convinced Bilal, who agreed, providing he could
interpret for her.

A newly qualified social worker, Marhaid, comes to the house with Ali, a social work student
who speaks some Urdu. Bilal is present during the meeting, and interprets for his mother.
Marhaid is told that Bilal is a good son who looks after Ayesha well. After the meeting Ali
says that he does not think that Bilal has been interpreting everything accurately that
Ayesha said during the meeting.

End of Scenario.

Task 1:

Main task
You are a Social Care Manager. Marhaid, a newly qualified Social Worker in your team, has
discussed their recent visit to Ayesha and their concerns about the risk of abuse. Complete a
Safeguarding Adults Initial Enquiry Form 42 (on the VLE and shown below), based on the
concerns about Ayesha and the information provided within the scenario.

Ensure you have fully completed the form using the boxes and the free text. Use only the
information provided in the case study to complete the form – do not fabricate information
to complete any sections of the form.

Make sure you have clearly addressed the criteria for section 42 of the Care Act 2014 within
the form.

Identify the type of abuse which has occurred or is at risk of occurring and who is probably

Identify who needs to be involved and any immediate action and subsequent actions that
are needed.

Identify if the person at risk has mental capacity and if so, have they given informed
consent. If they may have difficulty taking part in the process, identify what actions need to
be taken.

Identify what the person at risk would like to happen.

(Approximately 1200 words)

Task 2:

Main task
Provide your rationale for your assessment of Ayesha’s mental capacity. What are the
implications of your decision for how you would work with the person at risk?

Use the mental capacity test, the guiding principles, and the code of practice to the Mental
Capacity Act 2005 (resources are available on the VLE), to explain why you think this person
either has or does not have mental capacity.

Given your answer, explain how it would impact on how you worked with this person.

Students are expected to provide references and follow the Harvard referencing style.

(Approximately 650 words)

Task 3:

Main task
What category of abuse is placing Ayesha at most risk? Draw on the evidence and legislation
in your discussion, to identify the best way to intervene with this form of abuse in this

You may have identified several types of abuse that could be occurring or that is at risk of
occurring. Identify which one that you think is the greatest risk in this situation and justify
your reasons why. Ensure you draw on the literature and the details of the case study to
support your answer.

Suggest which intervention(s) are most likely to work when this type of abuse occurs.

Ensure you explore the difficulties and benefits of using these interventions in this case.

Students are expected to provide references and follow the Harvard referencing style.

(Approximately 650 words)

Section 42 form for academic year 2023-24

The section 42 form and answers to the tasks should be submitted as one complete document on Turnitin.

Task 1: Safeguarding Adults Initial Enquiry Form

This form is to be used to notify Adult Social Care of suspected or actual instances of abuse or neglect and is the start of a
Safeguarding Adults (Section 42) Enquiry under the Care Act.

This form should be completed as fully as possible in order that robust decisions can be made about the progression, or otherwise, of
the Safeguarding Adults Enquiry.
Person completing the
Role of Person:
Date of referral to Adult
Social Care:
Phone number: Type of service:
Details of incident/suspected/actual abuse or neglect
Who reported the
Date of alleged incident:
Time of alleged incident: Date of report:
Where did the incident occur?
Details of the adult at risk
Name: Date of Birth:

Telephone: Ethnicity:

What is the adult’s primary reason for needing care and support? (please tick)
Support with memory
Physical support: Sensory support:
and cognition:
Learning disability support: Asperger’s syndrome support: Autism support:
Social support (includes support
Mental health support: No support reason:
for carers/substance misusers):
Other health condition:
Any other details about the
adult at risk:
Details of the Alleged Person causing harm (where relevant)
Name: Relationship to adult at risk:

Date of birth: Ethnicity:

(1) Please give a detailed description of the incident (including times), all people involved, witnesses and any other comments you feel
are relevant. If the concern relates to physical abuse please provide a body map. (250 words max.)

Types of abuse (tick all that apply):

Physical Sexual Psychological/emotional
Financial/material Neglect/omission Discriminatory
Organisational/institutional Self-neglect Domestic abuse/violence
Modern slavery Radicalisation/extremism Other
If other, please specify:

Is the victim at risk of further abuse/neglect? (please tick) Yes No Unknown

(2) What has been done to ensure the immediate safety of the Adult at risk and others? Completing and submitting this form does not
constitute management of immediate risks. (250 words max.)

Were the Police called? Yes No

Please provide the outcome of the Police action and Police log number (if available):

If the incident relates to domestic abuse/violence, has the MARAC

Yes No
Checklist (CAADA-DASH) been completed?
If yes, has a referral to MARAC been considered?
Please provide details, including discussions with your agency’s Single Yes No
Point of Contact (SPOC) for MARAC:

Please provide details of other agencies involved that will be able to help with the safeguarding adults enquiry:

Are you aware that there have been any previous safeguarding referrals made in
Yes No
relation to this adult at risk or alleged person causing harm?
If yes, please provide details (e.g. dates, type of abuse, action taken):

Are there any risks to others (other adults, children)? Yes No Unknown
Please provide details (also include who this information has been shared with – e.g. Police, Children’s Social Care, MAPPA). If there are
risks to children you must notify Children’s Social Care.

Involvement of the adult(s) at risk

The following section is crucial to determining the next steps in the safeguarding adults enquiry and every attempt should be made to
complete it as fully as possible.
Has the adult(s) at risk given consent for this referral? Yes No
If no, please confirm why you have not sought consent or are overriding consent (please tick):
Public interest (risks to others) Risk of serious harm Suspected serious crime
Adult at risk lacks mental capacity Ability to consent is affected by Seeking consent would
to provide consent (best interest threatening or coercive increase risks to the adult or
decision made) behaviour others
Other, please provide details below:

(3) Do you think the adult at risk has mental capacity in relation to making decisions
Yes No
about their safety?
If no, has a mental capacity assessment been undertaken? Yes No
Do you think the adult at risk would have substantial difficulty in participating in the
Yes No
safeguarding adults process?
If yes, is there a suitable person who could represent them? (e.g.
Yes No Unknown
family member, friend, advocate)

Please provide the name and contact details of this suitable person:

Has the adult at risk’s family been informed of the concerns (where the adult has
Yes No
consented to this)?
If you think the adult at risk may need support to participate in the safeguarding adults process, please provide details of what support
may be required: (200 words max.)

(4) What does the adult at risk (or their representative) say that they want to happen as a result of this meeting and as a result of a
safeguarding enquiry (what are the client’s desired outcomes)? (200 words max.)

Signed: Date:
Printed: Time:

Task 2:
Provide your rationale for your assessment of Ayesha’s mental capacity. What are the implications of your decision for how you would work
with the person at risk? (Approximately 650 words)

Task 3:
What category of abuse is placing Ayesha at most risk? Draw on the evidence and legislation in your discussion, to identify the best way to
intervene with this form of abuse in this situation. (Approximately 650 words)

Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to:
A. Compare and discuss the concepts of vulnerability of specific individuals and across populations
to ‘individuals at risk’

B. Analyse different forms of abuse and neglect, explaining how they may occur, and their impact
upon individuals at risk, groups, and society

D. Communicate clearly and argue information in a well written format appropriate for the
purpose and topic in the area

Academic Integrity and Misconduct

Unless this is a group assessment, the work you produce must be your own, with work taken from any other
source properly referenced and attributed. For the avoidance of doubt this means that it is an infringement
of academic integrity and, therefore, academic misconduct to ask someone else to carry out all or some of
the work for you, whether paid or unpaid, or to use the work of another student whether current or
previously submitted.

For further guidance on what constitutes plagiarism, contract cheating or collusion, or any other infringement
of academic integrity, please read the University’s Academic Integrity and Misconduct Policy. You will also
find useful resources on the VLE: Referencing and Academic Integrity page.

N.B. The penalties for academic misconduct are severe and can include failing the assessment, failing the
module and expulsion from the university.

Assessment Submission
To submit your work, please go to the Assessments tile on the module page –
and submit to Turnitin. Please note that essays and text-based reports should be submitted as Word
documents and not PDFs or Mac files.

Written work will be subject to anti-plagiarism detection software. Turnitin checks student work for
possible textual matches against internet available resources and its own proprietary database.

N.B Work emailed directly to your tutor will not be marked.

Late submission of work

For first sits, if an item of assessment is submitted late and an extension has not been granted, the
following will apply:

• Submission within one week of the original deadline – work will be marked and returned with full
feedback, and awarded a maximum bare pass grade (D-).
• Submission more than one week from original deadline – fail grade (LG, L indicating late).

For resits there are no allowances for late submissions.

The University of Northampton’s general policy with regard to extensions is to be supportive of students
who have genuine difficulties, but not against pressures of work that could have reasonably been

For full details please refer to the Extensions Policy. Extensions are only available for first sits – they are not
available for resits.

Mitigating Circumstances
For guidance on mitigating circumstances please go to Mitigating Circumstances VLE area where you will
find detailed guidance on the policy as well as guidance and the form for making an application.

Please note, however, that an application to defer an assessment on the grounds of mitigating
circumstances should normally be made in advance of the submission deadline or examination date.

Marking Rubric
This is what you will be marked against. You need to check it regularly against your work to ensure you are on the right track.
Learning Outcome (LO) Distinction Merit Commended Pass Fail
(A) (B) (C) (D) (F)
UONL Learning Work that is distinguished is of Work of commendable quality Work that is of sound quality, Work of a broadly satisfactory Work falls short of the threshold
Outcomes – very high quality, with a broad demonstrating a strong demonstrating a good quality demonstrates evidence of standards. Work addresses the
Level 5 knowledge base and conceptual grasp of assessment understanding of learning achieving the requirements of the assessment task to some extent
demonstrates a sustained ability tasks in relation to learning outcomes which is sufficient and learning outcomes. but overall is limited in its
to analyse key aspects of the outcomes. appropriate to the task or activity. approach and is outweighed by
assessment tasks. major deficiencies in the work.

LO: A. Compare and discuss The correct ideas of safeguarding The correct ideas of safeguarding The correct ideas of safeguarding The correct ideas of safeguarding The correct ideas of safeguarding
the concepts of have been used. Knowledge have been used and a strong have been used with a satisfactory have been used but discussions of have been used but are limited.
vulnerability of specific demonstrated in relation to understanding provided in understanding demonstrated in vulnerability and mental capacity Work does not use examples from
individuals and across vulnerability and mental capacity relation to the task outlined in the relation to the concepts of are descriptive. Some aspects of relevant task as outlined in the
populations to ‘individuals is distinguished and is of high assessment brief. Consistent use vulnerability and mental capacity. the learning outcomes have been assessment brief/uses examples
at risk’ quality. Wider supporting material of relevant subject based A sound overview using relevant met but discussions of that are irrelevant. There are key
used is also applied with rigor supporting material to illustrate examples to illustrate key points. vulnerability and mental capacity details missing in relation to
appropriate to the subject in points in relation to concepts of Examples that are used are linked are descriptive and basic. Some concepts of vulnerability and
relation to the task as outlined in vulnerability and mental capacity. to the task as outlined in the aspects of the work may also mental capacity and is limited in
the assessment brief. assessment brief. include irrelevant/inaccurate its approach/illogical content
Exceptionally clear and coherent information. provided. Overall falls short in
account provided overall. relation to quality of examples
that only partially illustrate points.
LO: B. Analyse different An extremely competent A well-developed explanation of A satisfactory explanation has A basic/descriptive explanation of A limited/illogical explanation of
forms of abuse and neglect, explanation of the greatest risk the greatest risk among several been provided in relation to the the greatest risk among several the greatest risk among several
explaining how they may among several types of abuse in types of abuse in the case study greatest risk among several types types of abuse in the case study types of abuse in the case study
occur, and their impact the case study. The work is based have been provided. The work is of abuse in the case study. The has been provided in relation to has been provided. The work is
upon individuals at risk, on the task as outlined in the based on the task as outlined in work is relevant to the task in the the task as outlined in the based on the task as outlined in
groups, and society assessment brief. Content is the assessment brief. A strong assessment brief. Relevant assessment brief. However, the assessment brief provided
exceptional and consistent conceptual grasp is also evident examples have been used to elements of the content are however, limited understanding of
throughout the work in relation to from commendable levels of illustrate points and a good irrelevant and a descriptive/basic the risks has been demonstrated.
the interventions followed and understanding in relation to understanding of the account has been provided in Work falls short of threshold
exceptionally clear and coherent interventions followed and their interventions followed and their relation to the interventions standards with limited reference
account of the corresponding corresponding difficulties and corresponding difficulties and followed and their corresponding made to the interventions
difficulties and benefits of these benefits when addressing this benefits when addressing this difficulties and benefits when followed and their corresponding
interventions when addressing particular form of abuse. particular form of abuse. addressing this particular form of difficulties and benefits when
this particular form of abuse. abuse. addressing this particular form of

LO: D. Communicate clearly Distinguished evidence of Substantial evidence of academic Satisfactory evidence of academic Basic evidence of academic and Little evidence of academic and
and argue information in a academic and intellectual skills. and intellectual skills. Clear and intellectual skills. Satisfactory intellectual skills. Basic contents intellectual skills. Limited contents
well written format Clear and concise contents contents presented. Clear writing contents presented. Narrative presented. Some errors in presented. Major problems with
appropriate for the purpose presented. Distinguished writing style, with coherent narrative structure and content are primary coherence of sentences or structure/accuracy in expression,
and topic in the area style, with coherent narrative structure and contents. coherent, with occasional errors. structure. and disorganised academic
structure and contents. structure presented.


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