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What does Why is it important

a healthy lifestyle to eat a balanced

mean to you? diet?

How can What are some

we limit our ways to reduce
screen time ? stress in our daily

How often do you

Why is it important
eat fast food?
to get enough sleep
each night?
What is your What is the most
favorite place expensive item you
to go shopping? have ever bought?

How do you Have you ever had

decide what to a funny or memorable
buy when you go experience while
shopping? shopping?

What should you do What is your favorite

if you have a fast food restaurant
headache? and why?
What do you think Have you ever learned
makes a TV show something new from
interesting or a TV program?
boring? What was it?

Have you ever been to What’s your

a concert or live favourite band?
What makes it special
of your favorite music
group? If yes, how was or unique to you?
the experience?

Who is your
What should you
favorite member
do to protect
of your favourite
the environment?
band, and why?
Have you ever
travelled to another Have you ever tried
country? Where did a new sport or hobby?
you go and what What was it, and did
did you do there? you enjoy it?

Have you ever

What is the most
participated in a talent
memorable movie
show or performance?
you've ever watched,
What was your role, and
and what made it
how did it go?

Do you prefer
What are some popular
watching movies at
movies among your
friends? Discuss why home or in a
they like these movies. cinema? Why?

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