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Changes in Agriculture and Manufacturing

Define agriculture and manufacturing below. The definitions can be found below the chart. After you define these words, use the ebook to complete the graphic organizer.

 Agriculture:

 Manufacturing:

Name of
Invention Year Positive Effect Negative Impact

Cotton Gin 1794 King Cotton The cotton became more profitable They needed more slaves

Interchangeable The increase in the number of guns led to deaths

1810 Eli Whitney This made it more efficient and less costly.
parts of Native Americans in the West.

Cloth became easier to produce and less The women and children worked long hours at
Textile Mills 1821 Francis Cabot Lowell
expensive. these factories and often in horrible conditions.

His invention was able to break up the soil

Steel plow 1837 John Deere
of the prairies.
Over-plowing destroyed the root system.

The mechanical reaper allowed farmers to

Mechanical reaper 1837 Cyrus McCormick
harvests crops more efficiently.
Many farmlands lost their jobs.

HISD Secondary Social Studies Curriculum 2021 Social Studies Grade 8

Industrial Revolution: Move from hand made goods to machine made goods. Change from doing things by hand to having machinery that will help complete the work
faster, cheaper and more efficiently.

Key words for the Industrial Revolution---FASTER, CHEAPER, Easier MORE EFFICIENT

HISD Secondary Social Studies Curriculum 2021 Social Studies Grade 8

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