6 Classroom Rules

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Classroom rules

Write the classroom rules.

Use must/mustn’t/have to/don’t have to

1. Arrive on time for class.

2. Raise your hand to speak or volunteer.

3. Follow the dress code of the school.

4. Do not cheat or copy other people’s work.

5. Complete all tasks the teacher asks.

6. Listen to the teacher when being spoken to and answer the question.

7. Respect everyone in the class.

8. Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

9. Respect the school property.

10. Keep your language clean and appropriate for the classroom setting.

11. Do not leave your seat without permission.

12. Do not eat or drink in class (except for water).

13. Learn at least one thing you did not know before coming to class.

14. Ask for help if you do not understand something the teacher just said, and be
respectful while asking for it.
15. Be on time for every lesson or test (except for medical or other emergencies).

16. Do your best work each day.

17. Never give up on yourself or your goals.

18. Be open to new ideas and change with an open mind!

19. Treat others how you want to be treated, with kindness and respect.

21. Be a friend to everyone in the classroom and keep your friendships strong.

22. Listen to what the teacher says and follow directions carefully.

23. Apologize if you make a mistake or accidentally hurt someone else.

24. Tell the truth!

25. Raise your hand if you have a question and wait to be called on.

26. No one should ever be made to feel bad about who they are.

27. Respect each other’s ideas and opinions even if you disagree with them.

28. Take pride in your work and hand it in on time.

29. Do not do anything you know is wrong.

30. Always try your best. Never give up!

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